Xbox Acquisition |OT6| If this is about competition, let us have competition

Games need to hit, now more then ever. Cannot have a year like 2020 or 2022 happen ever again.

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Yeah it’s either now or never imo. People may not like to hear it, but brand has taken a hit early this gen due to barren 2022 and not having steady release of games or third party deals. They really need starfield to hit and have these other announced games hit


It’s basically not possible to have a year like that again with their current line up of studios.

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It’s time for MS to pack up publishers in Japan with :dollar::dollar::dollar:. Most Japanese publishers nowadays barely have major branch based in UK, EU or North America, which could be an easy get by bypassing those annoying bureaucracy.


As for JFTC, Xbox’s weak position in that market is always a perfect reason.


That’s a good one. Maybe AC Mirage too? Money is no issue for MS, we all know this, but will they give that kind of money to the Xbox division I wonder? It cannot be exactly cheap to get the next Dragon Age on Game Pass day one. I really hope we’re gonna start seeing this.

I bet it will cost MS a lot more if they want a big third party game day one on their service, and no way near as much if it would just be a (timed) exclusive for their platform, Xbox. But I’m afraid we’re not gonna see that Xbox return, it is all about GP.

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Now will someone on this forum who speaks with Phil, tell him to get the check book out and quit playing nice and return to 360 days. The rules have clearly been laid out, you have to do it Sonys way.




Relay this to Phil. Any games coming out of eidos and crystal from embracer should be timed exclusived. Bring out the the check book for witcher timed exclusivity. It doesn’t matter if it’s years from now, it has to be targeted to hurt Sony.

Also dragons dogma 2 would be a good one. Finally atlus has another ip besides persona 6 in the works.

I saw on the other forum people are saying an appeal could take up to 3 years. If that is the case then screw it just buy another publisher like WB games, Capcom or Sega now while we wait for an appeal.

Sony will have that marketing deal with CoD, Fifa, NB2K for a while so even in 3 years sony will still be the leader in high powered gaming consoles.

recently brad smith was on Microsoft Japan i think he is doing it

3 years? that’s a very the maximum possiblity

IMO If the goal is strictly to gain market share by any means necessary and even playing dirty. Then getting all the sports games on Game Pass in November(when console sales are the highest) instead of in March/April would be the best bang for the buck. Sign a 10 yr deal for all the sports games to come to Game Pass long before they can come to PS Plus.

Lets be fucking real Sony does Game Pass blocking deals and Regulators are allowing this. Give Sony a taste of their own medicine.

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No chance. The longest it would go on for with the CMA Is another six months to a year. It would go to the tribunal and then kicked back to the CMA


Yes it is. I havent seen any stats on how long these appeals typically take. 3 yrs seems like an incredibly long time. Hopefully this gets resolved in a year or less.

Stop the Activision deal

Hire Reggie Fils-aime and Shawn Layden to assist at Microsoft Gaming

Acquire Cdprojectred Acquire Remedy Entertainment Acquire Larian Studios


nah they aint doing none of that they will fight till the end if they back off that mean none of other publisher cant be acquired

I am definitely of the opinion now that MS should go full “M$” on Sony. Do the same kind of shitty deals that they’ve been doing. Sure it will cost more for them than it would for Sony since they aren’t the market leader and it will draw the Ire of the gaming media like it did with ROTTR. But fuck it, who cares. Be the big bad corpo they all claim MS is anyway.

If they could get Sega, yank the Persona series off of Playstation ASAP. If the fanbase wants to play future titles, Xbox or PC is their only option then. If by some miracle Capcom decides they want to sell, same thing.

Scorched earth.


They should go back to acquiring studios. I don’t think they will because ABK isn’t valided, but now that the deal unfortunately seems to be in jeopardy, it would probably be a good thing for them to get ahead of the game by securing a few big studios. At this point I don’t think it will change anything. This decision of the CMA is a disgrace and an obvious position in favor of Sony. It’s really troubling and it clearly calls into question a lot of our hopes about publisher acquisitions. There are enough talented independent studios out there that would allow Xbox to grow effectively. All is not lost, but the plans are clearly not the same. It was a sad day. We thought we’d put all this behind us with a favorable decision and the hope of seeing Xbox compete in the industry, but we hadn’t taken into account the corruption of Western authorities ready to do anything to defend the monopoly of Asian leaders. Sad scenario for the industry.


This would probably make regulators even more weary of a tech giant getting even larger via acquisitions.

Give the MS lawyers a chance to make their case. If they succeed then this weird cloud gaming argument dissolves, paving the way for more acquisitions. If they fail then the CMA can simply make the same argument anytime MS tries to acquire a large studio or publisher.