Xbox Acquisition |OT6| If this is about competition, let us have competition

Don’t forget all the supposed “insiders” posting annoying gifs and saying “I happen to know a little something ;)” surrounding that too. As well as just pretending there isn’t just as much Square Switch exclusives if not more.

99% of the time nobody knows anything about acquisitions


It will be 2035 with Saudi owning Capcom, Tencent owning Ubisoft, Micrsoft owning Sega & T2 and people will still expect Sony to acquire Square Enix any time at that moment :joy:

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Exactly this. It’s not even a rumour. As if Jaffe of all people would know something like that lol

Oh ye of little faith. 2025 is when Project SEGAGAGA starts. And all current and former SEGA Fanbyos will be drafted to beat the crap out of Sony. After that gaming will return to proper Arcade goodness. With blue skies, pick up and play game play and great music.

We also know how it will end, thanks to prophets:

So it was coded, and so it will be!


Nothing much, but it’s honest acquisition :sweat_smile:


I’d argue this is pretty big based on World of Tanks alone.

This was a pickup I could’ve seen a lot of companies go for.

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Yep, WoT is a f2p live service / MMO model with long legs, fits well with the Riot brand. Riot are now becoming Blizzard but with the f2p model.

But did they buy World of Tanks though? It seems like they have bought just a studio from WoT developers.

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Ah yes, I misread. Looks like Wargaming is still keeping the IP.

Still, this is a large team (supposedly one of, if not the biggest in Australia) so I’d still say its a decently major piece of news in the acquisition landscape.

This does make me wonder what’s going on with Wargaming in general though.


There should be a third option…“depends on the publisher” which would apply to me.

If it’s Capcom, EA or WB, I go with them. If not, then I’ll take the 5-8 individual studios.


Which 8?

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In alphabetical order -

  1. Asobo Studio
  2. CD Projekt Red
  3. GSC Gameworld
  4. IO Interactive
  5. Neon Giant
  6. People Can Fly
  7. Techland
  8. The Astronauts

The ABC’s of MS acquiring the EU.

Nice! Would be awesome.


Replace CD project red with Certain Affinity


Capcom & Sega. Make it happen!

I want the direct damage to Playstation as there is still that ingrained notion that “Capcom, Square Enix, Konami” etc. are naturally can only be exclusive to Playstation. I really want Microsoft to go after Sony’s associated IPs. And Sega is just to make things right.


I don’t think rooting for direct damage for PlayStation is quite the way I’d go about things. Especially if we’re just taking fanboy opinions into account (referring to those that feel those companies are tied only to PS).:sweat_smile:


Hahahaha. Didn’t even realize that. lol

Thanks and I agree!!

Hell no!!! lol


Playstation is openly hostile to Xbox so Xbox has to respond in kind. Granted it seems like Xbox started to engage into old school console warring these days. And do wonder what Microsoft will do after ABK deal where Sony showed its true colors (granted I guess Microsoft predicted a lot of it as they did a lot of steps in advance)

Essentially the last remaining strongholds of Playstation are JRPGs and “third person over the shoulder games”. The latter will be resolved within 2 years, the former…Well if Persona 6 is not PS exclusive then the big one is FF that is probably never coming to Xbox.

Essentially ABK deal will block Playstation from a lot of moves in their old playbook. But that’s not enough. Especially in Japan.

But if all plays well, we will achieve the perfect balance between Xbox and Playstation in the internet discourse. As it is should be (and Nintendo is smoking mushrooms just like usual).

Meltdowns are important for the internet discourse :sweat_smile: They allows you to release the tension.

Sega & Capcom is the most natural fit for Xbox, but Square Enix would be a checkmate for Sony.

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I think JRPGs are a “not on Xbox” stronghold more than a “Playstation stronghold”. I know, they have FF on lock, but that’s about it. All the other Square stuff they grabbed got like 5/10s, and Forspoken seems to be joining that too. And outside of Square, I don’t see any additional Sony investment into the genre.