Xbox Acquisition |OT4| It's Acquisition Season for Xbox with $69 Billion deal, NICE!


This and might be gamepass day one as well

Sarah leading the partnership speaks for itself.


Yep, it is truly really interesting.


Now to announce Persona to Game Pass to celebrate :sweat_smile:

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Seeing Sarah Bond and others kinda makes this seem like more than just Azure.


This is my dream. Sega disc console BC. Imagine putting a Saturn game in your Xbox and playing it! I’m a Saturn nut, in fact I was playing the Cotton 2 fan translation on my Saturn earlier today to get some practice in for when the Xbox collection gets released. So many amazing and beautiful 2D pixel games on that platform :heart_eyes:. It’s probably impossible on a technical level though. I know the Xbox can recognize Saturn discs as a music CD, but not sure if it can actually read game data and grant you a theoretical BC version.


Very interesting with Sarah leading this.

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Let’s funnel the discussion into here, folks:


Ain’t nobody still got Saturn disc’s and their big ass cases though lol

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It’s very interesting that the Sega COO in the article above says twice that they are “considering” a deal with Microsoft, but everyone on this side of the pond acts like its a done deal. Wonder what that’s about.


Sega have a lot of western studios who can make great games for Xbox. Creative and Relic etc



They wont acquire, exclusive games though are possible

So now let’s put Sega Acquisition on ice for now…

First let’s see the fruits of this partnership and then judge any acquisition possibility in the future


Perfect time to figure out who those small studios are that Xbox is talking to


I really hope that one of them is toylogic(the guys behind the nier replicant remake)

They already have a relationship with xbox and with the news from bloomberg about xbox looking several studios in japan(big and small) I hope that they have talk with them

Just imagine a phantom dust remake, would be amazing

Might lead to something down the road but for now this is mainly an expansion on Azure. Sega already used Azure for PSO, they probably didn’t mind using it and were just looking to increase their use of it.

Might mean Sega will be making more online centric games. They do mention a super game, probably a big online game.

Something the PR release shares is MS interest in MS tech. I am guessing the MS game stack is probably how they’ll build games going forward. They’re environment is covers all bases IDEs, cloud, physics with Havok. Pretty feature complete.

This here. Can’t downplay this on the optics alone. Does it mean exclusives?? Probably not. Yet.

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The coo said they are considering, so some parts must be agreed upon or why make a big announcement.