Xbox Acquisition |OT| - So We’re Back to Making Lists, Huh?

Well, since they are a public company it is less why would the board want to sell and more how many shareholders would be privy to selling. Not that any of that matters because unless you are interested in GoG, the company is not worth anywhere near the going rate for them.

I always forget they are a Public company. And I’m not saying anyone should or shouldn’t be interested in acquiring them, I just don’t know why people think it’s a foregone conclusion they will sell. I mean, I guess everyone has a price. :smile:

The Bethesda acquisition surprised everyone so much that these threads have just turned into wish lists lol.


Nah, I made this well before the Bethesda acquisition; we’ve been making wish lists before it was cool :wink:



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I smell CAPCOM buyout here…

Can we stop reading into nothing




They ain’t buying Capcom, but I can’t wait for that Monster Hunter update!

We don’t know, anything is possible!

1 Like all the companies with cash on hand amazon only has 49 billion on hand that makes me less worried for now

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My top 3 publisher wish list -

  1. Ubisoft
  2. WB Interactive
  3. Electronic Arts

Top 3 development studio wish list -

  1. Techland
  2. Asobo Studio
  3. The Astronauts

Haha, i mean the scope of the acquisitions wish lists has gotten a bit out of hand

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Not all sales are cash only. Most are a combination of cash and stock. Amazon stock the last 5 years has been hot.

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You forgot google they have $117 billion cash on hand

Also who ever buys take two wins the console wars. You get exclusive GTA its all over

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I love every game from them and I’ve been saying Ms should get them since layers of fear. I do hope that in the very least the gamepass deals continue. They have ramped up tech wise immensely and I think that having the financial backing from gamepass has a huge part in that.

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That’s why MS should go really hard on Take-Two cause almost everybody buys GTA. GTA is a phenomenon. A system seller everybody knoxs Rockstar and their pedigree. GTA V keeps selling like crazy and still in the charts. GTA Online printing money like hotcakes. Return on investment is really high with them.

Do you remember when Peter Moore showed his GTA IV tatoo? It was an insane reveal, look at how the people were crazy about.


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It’s strange but Sega’s acquisition rumors are everywhere

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I rather think it is a partnership/agreement to bring all SEGA games plus the new ones Day One in Game Pass.