Why do some people still consider Sony to be the "Market leader"?

I’ve never seen a Playstation shirt in real life. Only Nintendo.

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You are asking this question in bad faith. I’m saying ALL of Nintendo tshirts. As in every Zelda, Mario, nes, snes, Pokémon, and on and on. I’ve been pretty clear Nintendo nostalgia and IP are a million times more common on t shirts than PlayStation. Again I’m surprised you find this controversial or up for debate.

It’s probably more of an American thing. Most young Europeans maintain some form of standard when it comes to fashion. :doge:

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No way its gonna last into 2025. We already have series x’s taking days to sell out at some retailers. By the end of this year, shortage should be over for good.

Okay, fine. All Playstation shirts and Nintendo shirts.

I used the typical black playstation one because that’s the one I see the most. But there are plenty of other ones I see often as well

And to be fair the Nintendo ones I’ve seen most often are typically red with white text. I sued the controler one simply because that’s the one you used

Im not sure where you came to this conclusion but I have very bad news for you. There is a 0% chance of the shortage being over this year. That’s just delusional.

So basically full circle to Swanlee’s original point. People will move goal posts to make PlayStation market leader in t shirt’s now even😉

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Sony is the clear market leader in the console space. I know Nintendo has sold more units than anybody, but they lag behind others in software space since most only buy their first party and don’t really spend much on third party games. Also you have to remember not many are buying microtransactions on the switch compared to xbox and Playstation. So, I can see why many consider Sony the market leader

Walmart and Sam’s Club still has stock of Series X consoles. I’m surprised they haven’t sold out. Other stores have them available through AllAccess orders. So its looking far better than all of the past 17 months, at least with Xbox.

Okay what the fuck? I feel like I’m in another deimension now

Maybe that’s it. Not sure saintsflow is from. But I see so many playstation shirts in the states. The amount I see just on Youtube is massive. And I don;t even mean for gaming content. It could be people giving music, TV, movie reviews or reactions; talking about things in the news or social media goings on; whatever

If it’s someone between 20 and 50 trying to make it there second, or even first and only job, the thing I see these people wearing more than anything even regular popular brand clothing, like a Carhart, Nike whatever, is something Playstation related

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For real? I think I’ve only ever seen a Playstation shirt in real life once! And that was in a game store.

There will be dips where stock is available for short windows but the second a AAA game releases the consoles will sell. I imagine a gamer seeing an ad for MLB the Show 2022, going to the store or internet and buying an Xbox to play it because it’s the console available.

Short windows yes, but this is already over an entire week. Anything beyond a few hours is unheard of.

I can assure you I’m no big playstation fan

I’ve owned them all, along with every Xbox until this generation, as PS was always 2nd tier for me and now because most of their exclusives are of a couple different genres, neither of which I’m big on. So I can’t justify the purchase anymore

And I do very much notice the media bias and incredible ridiculousness of fanboyism for that brand. So maybe it’s why I notice the apparell as much as I do, but also because it’s friggin everywhere

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Well if that’s the standard for the console shortage being over then sure. I mean I’ve had the PS5 and Series X since launch so from my perspective there was never a shortage.

Canada. And, at least where I am anyway, Xbox seems to be the preferred platform (in terms of PS vs Xbox. Because I think Switch might be the overall preferred). It might be because nobody wants to buy $89.99 + tax (puts them over $100) Playstation exclusives lmao.

I have good news for you. My son is in elementary school and Xbox T-shirts (Minecraft) are everywhere. My son has probably a dozen Minecraft clothing items. Minecraft is cool. Roblox is cool. Mario is cool. PlayStation is not cool at all to these kids.

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Microsoft just needs to release a Minecraft X Fortnite Series S bundle for some easy cash. And in a few years when those kids grow up hook them in with Game Pass.


Okay…my fellow Americans. I need your help…to know if I’m crazy

Is what I’m saying about the amount of PS shirts you see around online and IRL accurate? Apparently it’s not for Europe and Canada according to a few guys so far. Though I’m not closing the book on that yet, but is it really just a US thing? Or worse is it not even a thing here

WHich means I’m fucking hallucinating all of this

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Maybe the stock is a lot more than usual…