What are your predictions for Xbox 2021?

Im really good at this,

“Xbox has released 10 games this year but do we actually need that many?”

“Xbox has released too many games this year and here’s why it’s actually a bad thing”

“Xbox has released 6 games this year, but here’s why none have hit the mark”

“Xbox has released 4 games this year, but is anyone actually playing them?”


*“Concerning reports Sony can’t keep up with Xbox output. Why we need to boycott the behemoth.”

-Concerned Gaming Media


“Why Xbox releasing too many games is causing more harm than good in the Industry”

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“5 reasons why you shouldn’t care about the 5 exclusive games Xbox has released this year”

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  • Halo infinite will be 343’s best Halo game
  • Halo BR, I know they said they aren’t working on one, but I have a feeling they are and will be announced at E3
  • Xbox marketing deal for new Battlefield
  • Starfield will be announced as a Q2 2022 game
  • Wolfenstein will launch and be on both Xbox and PS5
  • Honour bethesda deals for Deathloop :frowning:
  • Global Publishing are going to announce AAA games in the works
  • No new studio announcement until E3 or X021
  • Forza Horizon 5 will launch this year, and will be crossgen
  • gameplay details of Everwild
  • Hellblade will be announced for 2022
  • Get a first glimpse at game awards for the project InExile is working on
  • I think we will get more gameplay footage of currently announced games
  • Also think there will be an announced partnership with ubisoft for gamepass ultimate
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“Xbox Games scoring to high on Metacritic. Why we take a stand and lower them for the sake of the gaming industry.”

-Concerned Gaming Media

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I disagree with Wolfenstein 3 on PS5 but yeah, I too have been thinking about the eventual launch of Uplay+ on consoles and whether Microsoft will try to make a partnership with Ubisoft to have the service on Game Pass in some form.

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I am up in the air with wolfenstein, but have a feeling they will let that one slide to finish the series.

I think Microsoft and ubisoft have a good relationship, so i see Uplay+ being a part of gamepass ultimate.


Ooh. Lemme try!

“Cross-Gen Debacle: Why Halo will be held back by Base Xbox One”


“Halo abandons Base Xbox One. Jim Ryan: We Believe in Maximizing Consumer Value. Horizon Forbidden West runs surprisingly well on Base PS4”

(Not that I think it won’t, just that the media bitches about Halo being crossgen but often conveniently forgets about HFW)

“Game Pass has too many games, showcasing Microsoft’s 10 year plan to kick everyone out of the market”

“Game Pass is peak consumerism and is ruining the way games are made.”

“Xbox is making too many big games, suffocating the Indie and AA markets”

“Xbox is making too many small games as Game Pass Fodder”

“Microsoft Flight Simulator is impressive but has a shallow narrative”

“Greedy Xbox denies PlayStation players Bethesda games.”

“Foolish Xbox concedes exclusives war by putting Bethesda games on PlayStation”

“Xbox is overreliant on existing IP which is a bad thing.”

“Xbox has too many New IP. Where is Banjo/Crimson Skies/Brute Force/etc.?”

“Take away the AAA games launching day one, the indie darlings, the perks, EA Play and the Xbox back catalog and Game Pass is just basic cable”

And, of course:

“Xbox Series X is a good system, but when you can build a similarly specced PC for $1500 and your right kidney, why bother?”

Oh, and all of these are in jest. But seriously the media can be a little ridiculous on the clickbait.


At least HALF of these will be real headlines/hot takes by the end of 2021. It’s like looking into a future of dumbassery.

I can already feel my bloodpressure rise just thinking these articles.


I’ll try and make this even better!

We are laughing now but as Under already said I bet some of those will end up as “seriously concerned” articles in a few years. :laughing:

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Haha yeah, it’s definitely a real possibility.

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I’m SO certain that at least one of those headlines will appear by the end of 2021, that I’m willing to make a bet where the winner gets a month of GPU.


I will NOT bet against, haha.

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Starfield was revealed with a logo at E3 2018 so why would anyone think that it was 2020 or even 2021? First, it’s Bethesda Game Studios that always needs extra time due to the bugs, glitches, etc. and second, due to Covid, I would say that adding an extra 6 months of development time would be fair but the problem is that no one knows when the game was originally set for which makes me wonder why people thought it was this year or next year.

Sony released TLOUP2 and Tsushima one month apart because TLOUP2 was delayed from February, then delayed indefinitely, then leaked, then released about two months later because of the leaks. Also, Sony was releasing PS5 this year and wanted them out of the way because it was all about PS5 once September hit.

Microsoft released Halo 5 which under-performed compared to previous entries in October 2015 and ROTTR bombed going up against Fallout 4 on the same day and then died on PS4 a year later. Brilliant moves. The ROTTR release is still one that baffles me five years later. SMH.

I don’t see Wolfenstein III and Halo Infinite being an issue because Wolfenstein III will be the summer, if not, it’s 2022. I don’t see it releasing in October in the same month as Battlefield 6 and COD because well, why would they do that?

Who was expecting Starfield this year? It had a logo at E3 2018 and people think that it was coming this year when Bethesda said themselves that it was years away? SMH. I was always expecting 2022 at the earliest.

If Forza Horizon 5 releases in September 2021 and Halo Infinite is November 2021, where would Starfield be? October with COD/BF and Halo right around the corner?

Also, what happens if the first half of 2022 is slow or packed with only AA/Indies? Then what? I just don’t understand why everyone wants Halo Infinite and Starfield to be bunched together. I just don’t understand the logic behind it especially when you can only play one game at a time.

I see first half of 2020 being what I mentioned earlier with Wolfenstein III in July, Flight Simulator in August, Forza Horizon 5 in September and Halo Infinite in November.

We’ll see what happens though.

NOTE: I just remembered. I also believe Starfield is 2022 because 2021 is where cross-gen ends for Xbox with Halo Infinite or Forza Horizon 5 being the last cross-gen title.

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That was a statement made before Bethesda was a thing.

I know. I believe Starfield is Xbox Series X/S and PC only.

Bethesda have been working on starfield since the dlc for fallout 4 was complete, don’t forget that fallout 76 was made by an entirely separate studio.

Also the comments made about games being cross gen for the first year or so were made well before the Bethesda acquisition, it may very well apply to the 15 studios, minus the Bethesda ones, but wouldn’t apply to starfield, as a Bethesda game.

I don’t see Starfield as a cross-gen game.

Fallout 4 was November 10th 2015. Their last expansion was August 30th, 2016 with Nuka-world and then showed a logo at E3 2018 yet majority of you believe it was possibly set for 2020? Like really? Come on guys. Huge difference between hoping for Starfield in 2021 and truly believing that it launches in 2021.

I stayed with November 2021 for Halo Infinite while a lot of others thought first half 2021. I will once again stay with my March 2022 release date prediction for Starfield but we’ll see how it all plays out.

Todd has said that they only announced that they were working on starfield and the elder scrolls 6 to reassure fans of the company that they wouldn’t be making only things like fallout 76.

Plus Bethesda games studios is substantially bigger now, since fallout 4 was released they have added three satellite studios, Fallout 4 was developed with 100 ish devs, bethesda right now has 400, and thats not counting outsourcing. IMO zenimax saw that they needed a more regular cadence of games from bethesda, I think in the future the gap between games from them will drop from 5 years as it is now to 3.