What are you currently playing?

Yeah, a shame they stopped using it. I have Rayman Legends in the backlog too and was thinking of picking up Valiant Hearts. Wish Ubisoft could take more risks nowadays.


Child of Light is one of the best things Ubisoft has ever done. The soundtrack still gives me goosebumps, such a great game.


Finished Cyberpunk 2077 last night clocking in at a cool 102 hours. It’s a top 15 all-timer for me and when I do an earnest evaluation of my top 20 again it may be close to top 10. Only the racing and brawling were left undone. I’m going to miss the world and characters a whole lot. 9.3/10 game for me.

Tried to start Guardians of the Galaxy, after CP I could tell that I wasn’t feeling it right now, wasn’t feeling Hard West either. Started Tunic, I understood the hype after 15 minutes. I don’t think that I’ve played a game similar to this in 30 plus years. I like it a lot, but the way you have to discover everything will probably make me tap out.

Are there any other games on Xbox similar to Tunic, but it tells you everything about the game upfront?


In honor of the release of The Quarry, I am finally playing Until Dawn. This is the first time I have played a SuperMassive game. It is quite well done and I am really enjoying it.

I also played the first couple of missions of Sniper Elite 5 the other day. Very good game - though not easy (for me). I am apparently not sneaky enough to get through the missions cleanly. Ha.


Yeah its not even on the same planet as W3. Cyberpunk needed better direction and a more compelling mainline story. Everything about the game during night time was great …made thr style and gsme pop. Day time was a chore

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I loved Cyberpunk too, it was great. Hope we get some sort of expansion soonish.

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Expansion should be some time in 2023.

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Lord help me, but I’m still trying to beat Rogue Legacy 2 on Xbox.


Playing TMNT: Shredders Revenge, planning on leveling up all the characters, and than doing a run on a harder difficulty than chill(easy). Although I don’t know if we can change the difficulty after we start a game in story mode. Leo is already fully leveled to 10, will be using April next followed, by Splinter, Raph, Mikey, Donnie and Casey if I unlock him in easy.

Also playing through Dragon’s Dogma, it’s slow going so far as the game feels kind of awkward too me, fun but awkward. So far one of the funnest moment I have had, was running into a group of goblins and my pawn Ingrid was getting taken down while the other two kept getting close to it. After the second time Ingrid went down and I picked her up, I decided to grab the big goblin boss and toos him around a few times. That kept him from tanking everything, and allowed the team to take down the lower level goblins while punching the boss(more like tank really) while it was down.

Also playing ESO as always, going through old quest as I wait for the High Isle, running dungeons and re equipped my tank to be an Ultimate builder for dungeons while providing good protection, debuffs, buffs, and doing a good bit of damage. I think today the High Isle update should drop, and with it some changes that will nerf my characters because of the Champion points changes,so I need to see what I can do to keep damage as it was before.

I play multiple gamers and the 4 I playing right now is ESO, WoW. No Mans Sky and AC Origins. AC Origins Looks very good since the 60fps update. I swear look better then the next two game in the seriese

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Dropped Alan Wake Remastered. Made in about halfway through the game and my goodness, one of the slowest and most boring games that I have ever played. Bye bye.

Hopefully Alan Wake 2 is NOT this slow and boring.

So what was it that made it feel slow? Combat or story related stuff? I’m planning on playing the original in the future, and if combat is too slow I may decide not too.

Combat and gameplay. Just so slow and boring. Story was fine halfway through.

I wonder what the expansion would be. For people who haven’t beaten it I’ll blur the rest. So no matter what ending you get in Cyberpunk your character either goes to space and dies from SoulKiller , stays in Night City and dies within the next few months from brain degeneration, or you go with Panam to lands unknown and presumably also die. So I would assume the DLC has to take place before the point of no return when you talk to Hanaka for the last time

I wouldn’t be against some sort of Night City Stories, where we play as different protagonists tbh. The possibilites are quite frankly endless. It’s too bad they had to focus so much on fixing the game rather than create new content, I feel we won’t get as much as we could have in the end.

Actually yeah that sounds like a great idea. Kind of like GTA4 with Liberty city stories

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Hmm. Don’t like the sound of that, I will at least give it a try though.

Hope you enjoy it more than I did.

I played it through for the story… Combat was very repetitive and meh, the walking around in circles didn’t help either.

Story was fine halfway through. Just wasn’t grabbing me and combat/gameplay is my #1 priority so if this aspect isn’t grabbing me, then it’s most likely being dropped.