What are you currently playing?

Was pleasantly surprised by Despot’s Game last night. It really clicked when I realized it’s closer to TFT or Dota Underlords than an rpg roguelike. It seems closer to Monster Train than Slay the Spire in terms of depth though (“let’s try again to use a different obvious strat” instead of “let’s try to turn what I get into a strat”).

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Been playing some Deathloop on and off since it launched, but am now taking a break to play Inside.

I quite enjoyed Limbo, so Inside had been on the list for a while, but this week’s Microsoft Rewards quest made me fire it up intending to only spend a few minutes to unlock the points.

Well, a few minutes was all it took to get me hooked. Fantastic game so far. I hear it’s quite short, so I’ll probably be back playing Deathloop before long, but until then I’m sure I’ll enjoy every minute of Inside.

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Same for me with the Witcher 3. I’ve been holding off playing the DLCs until the next gen patch.

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I was getting stuck into Immortals Fenyx Rising a fair bit. Really enjoying it but then I decided to start up Death Stranding, 20 hours later, i love it. Wouldn’t have even thought about buying it but thats the beauty of Game Pass.

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Chivalry 2, started it because of gamepass now I’m hooked. I need to see a Lotr games from these guys.

Prodeus and Tinykin, loving both.


Both games are great fun!

I am still playing The Wonderful 101 & Bayonetta 2 on my Switch and Prodeus on Xbox, halfway through Infinite Climax on Bayo 2 and about to start 101% Hard on TW101. Prodeus is also a big pleasant surprise, freakin’ awesome FPS with a ton of content, great stuff.

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I beat Uncharted 4 The Lost Legacy. It was very enjoyable, and gave me more Uncharted 4 which is what I wanted. The cast of characters weren’t nearly as good as that in the main game though.

I also beat (and enjoyed immensely) Detroit Become Human. Now, I would argue that I got the best ending because the robot uprising was ruthlessly stamped out, but clearly the writers would disagree lol. Robots aren’t alive no matter what they say.

I unfortunately missed a third of the game though. Kara and Alice died in the Stormy Night mission because I was testing whether the game would account for me doing absolutely nothing to stop the father from harming Alice. Welp, your punishment for that is a ton of missed content and pissing off the robot lady in the main menu.

I also beat Final Fantasy 7 Remake after putting it down for months when I got to the very end. I don’t understand most of the story, but the art direction in the game is fantastic. I put the difficulty on story mode about half-way through because the gameplay wasn’t very good imo. This was my first and will be my last Final Fantasy, but I don’t regret the time I put into it.

Over the past few weeks, I tried a number of PS4 games that I didn’t get very far into for various reasons. So here are some brief thoughts on them. For context, I got a PS4 and a digital library of games for free after my brother upgraded to a PS5.

God of War 3 remaster was a QTE simulator, and it took the “dude-bro attitude” that people mock Gears for to new levels. I didn’t like the art or gameplay at all. I will just skip ahead to God of War 2018 which I still need to play.

Concrete Genie is interesting, but it just wasn’t for me personally. Nothing really negative to say about it. Same goes for Heavy Rain although I can say that the controls are terrible in that game.

Infamous Second Son had a very generic open world, and the gameplay was uninteresting. I kinda dug the story though.

I dabbled with the Rachet and Clank remake for a dose of nostalgia. R and C were my favorite PS2 games.

Way too much Chivalry 2… It’s awesome!

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Playing through Cyberpunk 2077, and it’s 100% because of the anime. What can I say, I’m a sheep apparently. There’s a lot of rough edges still, it’s hard not to see how rushed out the door this was even now. There’s a lot of little things - cars frequently have really awkward movement when you’re riding in them and stuff like that and random t-posing, the worst offender is still the car chase sequences once you realise you literally have no impact and can just shoot into the air and watch as cars blow up. It gets really silly. Still, I’m having fun and it’s crashing a lot less than at launch so I might actually finish it this time.


Chivalry is hilarious, the voice lines are outstanding. I heard one of them shout “the entire village ran a caravan on your wife” :joy:

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Haha yeah it’s great. There is a great balance of dumb fun and skill in this game.

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While waiting for Persona5 to hit next week, torn between Shipbreaker and Build a Zoo.

Got No More Heroes 3 (its on sale for 45 bucks on the digital store)

Pretty cool game so far. Love the style and characters. Combat is also pretty good despite taking some time to get use to. Don’t like the Open world and yo can clearly tell this is a Switch port but I’m enjoying this game a lot.

MY god Persona 5 will consume my life for the next 2 months. Nothing else will matter.

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I’m hesitant, I really enjoyed it the first time. But it’s a looooong freakin game. Idk if I want to devote that much time

Highly recommend shipbreaker. Playing Phoenix point, grounded and prodeus at the moment.

Bioshock remaster (had some space before Scorn and it was on sale).

I’ve never replayed it since it came out but it reminded me of how the in game gfx were such a leap that I sat there for 5 mins not doing anything once the opening cut scene ended as I assumed it was still going on.

Buggy as anything though have had numerous hard crashes in my short time with the remaster.


Same. I played a bit at launch on PC, but I’m playing through on Series X now and surprisingly I’m encountering more bugs this time than I did at launch. Nothing major or game breaking.

Did a little Shipbreaker and liking it so far. Spent a lot of time reading through and enjoying the contract at the start haha.

Also played a bit of Medieval Dynasty. I like survival games, and its pretty interesting. I want to see what the village management stuff is like, but man are the controls shit. Took me over 15 minutes just to figure out how to equip a 2nd tool.

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