Watch Dogs: Legion |OT| Pigs In a Resistance

Are you guys playing with permadeath on or off?

Off, definitely. I prefer Watch Dogs to be a chill game than a nerve-inducing hardcore game for me.

I might try permadeath on an occasional replay down the road, though.

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Some highlights about the story. Beware of spoilers:

1. The segment when we find out about the human organs traffic was really good. Using the garbage disposal to reach the underground and falling alongside some bodies, followed by the cutscene of Kaitling on the verge of being cut off was very nice. The whole place filled with bodies and discovering that Sabineā€™s friend was dead was also intense;

2. Holy shit the Skye story! She transformed her ill mother in an AI and digitally lobotomized her so that it could obey her. And oh my God that poor dog! Going through that house and unveiling the secrets one at a time was thrilling. Loving it!

On an unrelated note: is someone else having trouble with the radio songs? It doesnā€™t look like a ā€œrealā€ radio. It seems that the songs are always the same unless we finish listening it. Is there really no way of skipping songs?

Btw, I canā€™t wait to revisit this place with Ray Tracing:

Series X ā€“ GTX 3080 Ryzen 9 3900X side by side

i played the first hour, and game is a lot of fun, but iā€™ve decided to wait for series x to continue the game

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Iā€™m playing on Ubisoft connect+ at the moment and looking forward to transferring progress to XSX on release, cross progression is so good!

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Please let us know if the achievements unlock after transferring your save! :slight_smile:

Anyone playing this on Xbox Series X? If so, howā€™s the Ray Tracing looking in the game?

Hello all.

So I see a lot of talk about AC V but not much of Watch Dogs.

Without spoilers, is the game worthy of purchase or wait for reduction? Also, is there more grime stuff in the game like Stormzy? Thanks!

Wait for reduction. Heavy heavy reduction in my view. Itā€™s fine, itā€™s not terrible, but ACV is a far better and more engaging game. In my view.

It is already 33% off in the Microsoft Store. I played it on the One X before the release of the Series X and I had my fair share of fun with it. It will be probably 50% off by the end of the year though if you are willing to wait.

Iā€™m not enjoying this as much as I had hoped. Not as good as the amazing WD2.

Title Update 2.20 releases tomorrow, 11/26. Details listed in the link.

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  • Fixed an issue that could cause longer load times when exiting to the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause save games to get corrupted.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause lost progress during Borough Uprising missions when loading back into the game.

It is unbelievable that a game can be shipped with issues like those.

Also, the Multiplayer Update was delayed to 2021.

Itā€™s fun! I got it for $30 at BB sale. The RT is really good to see in action. My characters glasses reflect with RT. I was amazed to see a store window across the street reflect the corner ahead and I saw people walking around. I can imagine devs in the future use this tech for game design like using reflections to spot enemies while sneaking around

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I bought this game along with ACV but the latter takes up all my time. And judging by the comments Iā€™ve read on forums about Game breaking bugs like save files of hours long corrupted or not being able to save at allā€¦Iā€™m glad I waited with playing.

Planning to tackle WDL if I dont end up buying Cyberpunk.

I havenā€™t properly started playing, just basically tested the game to check the reflections.

TBH I was a bit disappointed by them, they are super noisy in the city (in close environments they are much better) which makes the IQ very poor.

But, past the bad iq, the game does look nice.

I might be off base here, but does the game look really flat to some, especially during the day. Iā€™ve been experiencing issues with pop-in of reflections, muddy textures and resolution drops within raytraced reflections. It looks mid-early gen 8 in many cases. Itā€™s weird because the game can look quite beautiful at times. Like, if it didnā€™t say Optimized for Series X Iā€™d think I was playing the One version. Idk.