Wasteland 3 |OT| In Reagan's name!

Can the Med Hypo be used from your Field Medic to another player character? Can’t seem to figure that out, if it’s the case.

When you press down on the pad if you play on console you can switch target type

I am not playing right now but I think when you target the barrel you will see a bit of the radius (a good one) if I remember well (correct me if I’m wrong) or you will see those who will be impacted having a red color.

“A player-created character is required in each party”

Damn, is this really necessary?

I guess I’ll wait until I have 5 characters, and then create a character that’ll compliment all other 5, because out of scratch, I have no fucking idea, to be quite honest, lol.

Just had my first crash. Thankfully had saved very recently.

I am having a blast so far with this game. The writing and humor are both top notch and the voice acting is solid as well. I did do one restart after making my second character a melee build and found it very underwhelming. My one complaint so far is I am not crazy about the camera controls, they just too slow and cumbersome. The one gripe aside I am absolutely loving Wasteland 3 so far and I am eager to play some co-op tomorrow…

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Played another session…Yeah the voice acting is really top tier 10/10 for me, the actors really bring the characters to life, writing is reaaally good, very interesting characters (the prisoner oh man, the young condemned, the judge, sherif daisy, the 100 family girl and so many).

I agree with you on the negatives nonetheless. Camera etc would have love to zoom a bit more too.

The quests are very good too with great worldbuilding. I can’t wait to see their next project. I’m really confident in their writing quality just by where I am in the game. For me in terms of dialogs, tone, possibilities, it is a far better fallout than the last fallouts from Bethesda.

If they bring this kind of rpg quality and depth of interactivity with full voice acting and a real time physics based combat in a big AAA Rpg next gen we are in for a real treat. They are becoming a juggernault. MS must take great care of them.

The game deserves the scores it got frankly…

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Got some time in this game before I had to go to work and been having a blast. Got to the spot where you can create more party members and twice i proceeded to back out and not confirm forcing me to remake them lol.

So far is been extremely fun and looking forward to getting more time with it to continue to shape my teammates as I advance.

Who’s playing it on Ranger or Supreme Jerk?

I’m just playing it on normal, even then some of the fights can be brutal and you can still get boned if you don’t manage your characters and resources properly

Also Kiss Ass and Hard Ass are overpowered sometimes and will even help you save money.

Ranger here!

How can I turn off button guide on screen? I already known which button does what. There are too many things on the screen, cannot find it in option.

Things like press Y to Attack Mode, B to end turn, LS RS etc…

Oh and even though InXile’s probably going to have their hands full with their big AAA project, I hope they (and Obsidian) keep making these isometric style RPG’s. As a big fan of Fire Emblem, these type of games are very and near to me and I know when I get older and my reflexes degrade and I succumb to carpal tunnel, I’m going to rely heavily on these turned based strategy style games.

The prisoner and the young condemned were so good and so well acted!

Spoiler about Prisoner Choice

Man, I released the prisoner, hope he doesn’t do anything bad in my base. I was feeling such pity for him, wtf. Dude was insane from spending so much time on jail, eating fucking mushrooms and drinking water from a drip on the wall, wtf.


So I played Wasteland 2 years ago but didn’t really play beyond the first 3 hours or so, but man, this game has me hooked and won’t let go. By far one of my favourite games this year and looking forward to seeing what else inxile has in store for us.

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This game is so freaking good. In terms of pure RPG, may end up being my favorite of the gen. It’s a sandbox where everything you do matters. From the skills you pick to the squad you assemble to the choices you make. It’s Xcom meets Fallout New Vegas…or maybe it’s just the first true sequel to Fallout 2. Incredible amount of game design depth. Interesting characters. Good writing. It really does everything for me. InXile is my pick to put out the best RPG next gen.


“Private Parts” :joy:

Love this game’s humor, lol!

Same here, waiting for my XSX before I jump in, but I’m very much looking forward to it.

Be sure to check the brothel for a sexy time, guys :smirk:

I tried to shoot a trap in the first base you setup and it blew up, setting my entire party on fire and I think it killed the cat, too. Had to go into the next fight with everyone almost dead.

Loving the writing so far. Just saved the kid from being executed, hope you can come back and kill the preacher at some point. I remember turning an entire town hostile on me in Wasteland 2 by desecrating some graves.

Did the same but I learned something later about someone even more strange…

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