Tons of new Redfall information in interview with GamesRadar: "(Redfall) is the studio's spin on Far Cry"

They are saying all the right things but from what they have showed it looks like a cheesy vampire borderlands. Arkanes my favourite studio right now and as long it’s actually single playable I think it’ll be good.

Still apprehensive because what they have shown just seems very meh

Everybody that I’ve talked to about this game got the wrong impression about it due to what they shown at E3. I think that Microsoft show is going to do wonders for them if they’re able to showcase this because I’ve always thought this game was like L4D, so it wasn’t on my radar. Anyways, I am loving what I’ve read about the game today and it may have moved up my list of games I must play


It’s always amazing how marketing can give you a very different impression of things and completely fail to show you what it’s really like.

Like that Strange World movie. The trailers made it seem like an entirely different movie.

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Certainly feels like we’ll be getting some news soon, can’t wait to try Redfall, it sounds quite intriguing.


Far cry 2 was a bad experience for me. But im hopeful for this game

I think the comparison came about because it was the first Far Cry game that became the way it is today. Open world, exploration, etc.


I made a thread with a bit more detail.

Speculation on my part but Redfall is a coastal city by the sea on this Artwork we see that the eclipse has a power of attraction on the water and a kind of wall of water is formed I have the impression that this phenomenon could be in play and modify the map.



Good thread !

I’m a bit more confident on the game with these informations. I didn’t have doubts on Arkane, but it wasn’t obvious what they were going for in terms of gameplay loop and systems.

Now I can say that I’m eager to play it as I’ll probably mostly play it solo.

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Glad they’re doing interviews to clarify this - it’s Arkane’s version of an open world game, like how Elden Ring is From Software’s take on the format.


This piece has brought folks on the Redfall train. I think that if they had focused on this info from the jump instead of the Co-Op angle then the skepticism wouldn’t have been so strong from most people.


Glad they got help on the shooting. I don’t know what it is, it feels off in deathloop.

This is where they need a deep dive into the game, a State of play style deep dive to truly show everyone what the game is all about.

Everything they said in the article was always obvious to me. If you ever called this game a “L4D clone” you, for one, never played L4D and two, weren’t paying attention.


I’m thinking that with the power of Game Pass they can also work on DLC with new mini-campaigns or weapons or characters (I think it has been mentioned somewhere that they were already thinking about adding new playable characters). It gives them the freedom to work on the game for as long as they want, because the product has already been payed for day one, so everything extra is pure benefit.

Even though the game is open world and an Ubisoft style of game I expect there to far fewer fetch quests and filler type content, so it will probably be less than 50 hours, which will be great for this type of game even as someone who usually likes my AAA titles to be 70 plus hours long.

I think people are taking their ‘open world’ comments out of context:


I’m getting a little bit of Dying Light 2 vibes tbh.

Eh i thought the story was awful. Open world worked with 3 because of the villain and characters. After 3 i lost interest.

Any word if this is going to be a GAAS ? I’d love something to replace destiny for me but nothing ever does

How so?