Oh yes, auto HDR can make a big difference. BK Nuts and Bolts looks so good now too.
That’s great. But man, I hope Ubi goes back to Origins and Oddysey and patches them to be 60fps.
Oh yes, auto HDR can make a big difference. BK Nuts and Bolts looks so good now too.
That’s great. But man, I hope Ubi goes back to Origins and Oddysey and patches them to be 60fps.
The trouble is they cant get Valhalla at a fully locked 60fps. I’d rather have a totally locked 30fps than a nearly locked 60fps. Valhalla even after the latest patch irritated me. Where as Origins or Valhalla at 30fps never breaks my immersion. Of course it takes time to adjust to 30, but if its locked, yeah that’s my preference with the AC games thus far.
Origins btw looks pristine at native 4k btw. But yeah 60fps would be great, but unfortunately that’s not where we are with the AC reinvented trilogy yet imo.
So Doom Eternal is 4K on Series X since the last update ? Pretty nice.
Yeah ID has upped the upper bound of the DR to 4K.
I’ve been playing all three Dishonored titles in various stages and have noticed an incredible improvement on several levels:
Overall, I need to play more titles to provide further comparisons, but I’ve been diving pretty heavy into the series after stepping away for a bit. Performance is also perfect, but I can’t recall if they ever had any issues on the One X. What I’ve seen thus far with the hardware-level BC upgrades is pretty damn impressive, and when the BC team reconvenes over the next year on, I can only imagine what they’ll be able to achieve when leveraging the capabilities of the new hardware, such as the ML hardware. Hopefully they’ll add additional titles as well
Sometimes random Xbox 360 games recieve updates. It’s most likely an emulator update.
I’ve already finished it but I was curious to test and WOW. Definitely add Darksiders 3 to the list.
On SX the loading times are insanely reduced, the game stays at 4k or at least super close to it, and all the stutters and loadings to load stuff when you cross the environments are gone. All its missing is an unlocked framerate mode now for that 60fps sweetness.
I wished I didn’t played it yet.
Likely games with dynamic res that now stays locked at the highest.
But Overwatch wasn’t even enhanced for One X (which is what I played it on before), so I don’t think my resolution changed.
It was, they added dynamic 4k support (it was dynamic 1080p on S)
It’s not on their list.
It’s an error then because I can vouch for the fact Overwatch was X enhanced.
It was enhanced. And according to DF dynamic resolution could reach around half of 4k. So that would explain why it’s noticeably sharper on SX too
In the week of XSX launch when I had just picked mine up I actually went and finished the game because it was leaving GP soon. I did notice that it doesn’t seem to have auto HDR but it sure was crisp as hell.
Same can be said about BFV. It’s clearly more crisp than on One X. So I assume BFV has a dynamic resolution?
BFV also has DR. I need to go back to the title, as the game is a looker.
Yep. It’s interesting is that in some of those games X stayed fairly close to 4k but still quite noticeable the resolution increase.
I’ve no idea if Code Vein was always 60fps or unlocked with dips, but it’s silky smooth 60fps so far on XSX. Auto HDR also is awesome.
I first started the game without auto HDR and then with and what a difference!
It was closer to 40 on average. It rarely hit 60 and now is fully locked.
Pillars of Eternity is also very good on SX. The auto hdr works very well and the SSD makes the loading times a breeze.
Something really odd happened to me today. I was playing The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan, which is capped at 4K 30, but after grabbing an object the game uncapped at it’s now running at 60 fps. It’s not fully locked but it is probably 60 fps 95% of the time. I don’t know wtf is going on lol.
I watched a DF video about Lichdom Battlemage where they declared it the worst technical console game of all time. Came out in 2016 and runs around 15 FPS on the PS4 and Xbox One.
It runs perfectly on the Series X and turns out to be a fun game. Basically any Xbox One game that had sever FPS issues will work great on the Series X