The toxic attacks towards Digital Foundry are too much

Digital Foundry have zero bias. Anyone who thinks they do is a crazy console fanboy who needs to get out more.

Individuals who work for DF may have personal views but DF in their work has always been 100% objective and never clouded anything with the nonsense you see elsewhere.

Honestly I’m about done with the rubbish you see on social media. John Linneman who has in the past said he’s not a big Xbox fan - is accused of being biased and a fanboy…come on now. Digital Foundry are entirely objective in their work. They compare one piece of plastic to another. If you think that isn’t the case, re-evaluate your life choices PLEASE!

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I find it amusing how fanboys against Xbox One LOVED the channel when it was 900p v 1080p and as slowly as it shifted that Xbox One X was the one winning these “battles” people slowly started to turn on DF. DF was a heaven for fanboys for a good couple of years but now things have changed and apparently DF is now being paid off by Xbox…

I think it’s some crazy ass fanboys that can’t stand their favourite box isn’t the best or perceived as the best. FFS we had people for MONTHS running with the rumour the PS5 was going to be 13.3TF and how it was going to demolish the Xbox Series X… turns out the Series X was actually the one closest to that number but soon as that came about it was no longer important, the SSD/I/O was the most important thing now.

It’s hilarious to me that Xbox are going down the list of shit people say about Xbox (sometimes rightfully so) and crossing them out. The last check point for Xbox to tick off is games now which they are for sure on the road to doing now they have bloody 23 studios. I wonder what the next narrative would be then.

All I can do is just laugh at these people, I’m actually keen to find out what the next thing is because they’re already starting to make shit up.Watch out your Series X might give you 3rd degree burns if you as much as look at it.


The gaming media are to blame for whipping people up A certain ps site kept posting articles about PS5 being superior to XSX in ‘many ways,’ so ps fans taking that in will naturally get worked up when sites like DF say something different.



Yes they should not comply with any of the requests the fanboys have to avoid hurting them. It will be a sign of weakness and defeat and they will ask for more. Whatever you will do for them will never be enough unless you become like them.

Just keep your honor keep doing what you’re doing and stronger. If there are constructive criticisms done in a respectful manner, no pb. But if you see toxic reactions just delete it and block, don’t waste your energy with them. The net can be a cesspool sometimes. You have to show the things as they really are. Just let the fanboys drown in their rage. They’re like dogs barking.


Their mentality is very weird.

It’s not that Sony made a underpowered console despite being bigger and costing the same. Or that’s 100% Sony’s fault that they are not straightforward with their messaging and content from said console.

They see it as everything Sony does as the absolute best anyone could do without any compromises and limitations and whoever don’t buy into that nonsense is part of a huge worldwide conspiracy to bad mouth Sony and the Ps5. Despite Sony getting a huge pass from the pass for how they are handling it, that would get Ms world of mouth destroyed again if the situation were reversed.


Smaller fanbase = less idiots. The biggest problem is that the last 10 or so years a lot of clueless people became “core gamers” (or better they have that illusion) that don’t appreciate or even care for the medium, that’s why you see constantly cynic people shitting on everything on the biggest “core” forums…almost always everyone bitches about even the most insignificant things, sadly being positive or enjoying something has become the rare thing nowadays. And age has nothing to do with this, there are definitely 16 year old kids that are more mature than 40 year old manchildren.

This is absolutely true, and not to different to what we’re seeing in media/zealot spheres outside of gaming.

The problem here is DF kind of exists due to fanboy console wars. The content they produce is mostly consumed by those needing ammo for their fights which DF benefits from. Now I do commend them for keeping away from the low hanging fruit of click bait stuff and being focused on the technical aspects, but no matter how legit they are they are still the ones handing out the guns.

That said all of the personal attacks towards them is beyond appalling.

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There seems to be a lot invested in the narrative that PS5 SSD is the ‘end all and be all’ and anything that goes against that narrative will be attacked.

Are you surprised? It is the one thing the PS5 has an advantage over the Xbox in terms of specs, so of course Sony themselves will highlight it as much as possible and the fan boys will lap it up.

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I have no doubt that loading times will be better on PS5, but is that the only consideration? If Sony can demonstrate how Ray Tracing is even better because of their SSD that will be a big win for them.

But Digital Foundry as of late on twitter loves feeding ammo to trolls.

Now Linneman says he is disappointed that the xbox ui is 1080p instead of 4k. Its a UI who cares.


Yet the PS5 UI runs in 4K HDR which is a big win for them over Xbox.

I will go out on a limb and say with 3rd party games the only benefit to the PS5 will be faster loading, but 1st party who knows but the onus is on them to showcase the benefits of a faster SSD.

An SSD doesn’t really benefit ray tracing because the information needs to be in RAM.

Its a UI who cares. 4k hdr on a user interface seems like a gigantic waste of resources and on xbox you cant freely screenshot it.

If its 1080p or 4k who cares.

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I’ve heard that Oodle Texture allows the PS5 SSD to go up to 20+ Gbps and basically extends RAM.

And that’s nowhere near fast enough for ray tracing which is very bandwidth sensitive. The information needs to be in RAM full stop for the GPU to work on it otherwise you will get literally single digit frames per second lol.


I care tbh. The difference between 1080 and 4k on overlays is huge, and with UI it would be a big difference too. I spend 10-30% of my time in the UI. HDR would be even more important though. I don’t like the look of the PS5 UI, but they have done something right here.

Please stop with this nonsense. The SSD does not magically perform GPU compute…it’s bad enough reading absolute brain numbing stuff like this on Twitter let alone here…


The original narrative didn’t involve SSDs, back in January there was a fake leak that suggested PS5 would have higher teraflops than Xbox and the narrative was that PS5 was better. After that when the specs were revealed, the narrative quickly changed to teraflops count being pointless and the storage being the difference.