The toxic attacks towards Digital Foundry are too much

It’s hilarious that those complaining about the dashboard resolution don’t even know what the current dashboard res is. Idiotic.


HUH? A graphic feature like Ray tracing has ZERO dependency on IO speed. Series X having more CU’s, and better memory bandwidth will on the other hand have much better Ray Tracing performance.

Traditionally IO speed has been the least impactful performance spec of a console when it comes to actual Graphic quality, yet this gen it is now the end all be all because that is the ONLY are PS5 has any advantage.

And of course those people parroting IO speed of the PS5 act like the Series X has a 5400 rpm lap top rive it when that is clearly not the case.

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I agree that personal attacks and conspiracy theories are uncalled for, but DF is neutral in the same way an arms dealer is neutral. They are where they are today because fanboys on both sides go to them for validation. It’s brought them a lot of views.

Digital Foundry isn’t (*usually) toxic but they feed toxicity in a notoriously toxic community. Fanboy harassment is an unfortunate byproduct of their work. It’s bound to come to their doorstep sooner or later.

*I say usually because I just saw Johns tweet about how a 1080p SX UI is “unacceptable”. Uh, why?

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This will probably be an unpopular take, but John kind of feeds the toxicity. Richard and Alex seem like they are not having issues (I’m assuming since we haven’t heard from them), yet John is constantly arguing back and forth, or making claims about the systems (especially Xbox) that relate to whatever FUD at the time.

Like 2 days ago, he claimed the Series X will not have games that do RTx at launch, yet when asked about Watchdogs — he basically just said “oops.” This thing with the 1080p Dashboard, he was the first person to say something negative about it. No one else seemed to have a problem until it was noted by him.

Now I am not excusing the unacceptable behavior of some simple-minded individuals, but if this is really a mental issue for him, then he should not engage with the communities.


I’d hold your fire on watch dogs having RT on Xbox at launch if I were you…I think it’s a big question mark. Why is DMC:SE not launching with RT?

Developer issues for DMC? I have no idea, but Ubisoft said Watchdogs would have RTx. Also, in the series S gameplay reveal, there might have been some RTx going on there.

Until they say it isn’t coming then why doubt it’s not? Also, the report in the screenshot is from Eurogamer, which John works for.

Watch Dogs Legion will launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and PC on Oct 29, and on the next generation of Xbox systems on Nov 10. Buy Xbox One or PlayStation 4 editions and upgrade to the next generation of systems at no additional cost.

— Watch Dogs Legion (@WatchDogs_UK) September 9, 2020


The Observer revamp also has raytracing ( @ 0:34)and is a launch title.

let’s not reduce ourselves to their level. discussions on them give them more power. ignore them and de-power them


It’s just his opinion. His job has him scrutinizing every pixel on a daily basis. Of course he will be sensitive to it. It’s ok to prefer native 4k UI, lol. It’s not bias.


So what? He forgot a detail about something. Given the amount of platforms, games, hardware, graphics features, settings, rendering techniques, analysis tools, etc. that he has to juggle day in and day out, it is easy to understand why he might simply forget one solitary details in an off the cuff discussion.

Rich isn’t on twitter and Alex basically never says much there either. John is trying his level best to engage with passionate gamers who often spew bullshit and misinformation. He tries to correct misinformation. He never sets out to feed any toxicity. He voices his own opinions and is polite and respectful about it.

Put the pitchfork away.


I believe he should stop talking about consoles completely.

He is disappointed that series x UI is in 1080p.


Where was his disappointment when PS5 games were confirmed for PS4 as well. He didn’t say a word against it at all.

Fans boy are an aggressive bunch - but the are reactionary creatures. They only bite, when they are triggered. If you can’t handle them, stay away from them. Or you may power through them and stop giving attention to them and be an alpha.


I don’t have a pitchfork. I’m just saying if he wants to complain about the toxicity, he should stop feeding it. He should research before presenting an opinion as fact, and take time away from the computer.

It took 2 seconds to find which games will have ray tracing on launch. It’s really not hard, not to comment on something you’re not sure about. If he knows the idiots use his words as ammunition then he should consider researching or just simply not comment.

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He isn’t feeding it. Expressing honest opinions and sharing facts is not feeding anything. The problem is with the fanboys who go nuts and twist or exaggerate what he says and nitpick, desperate to find an excuse to either use his comments as ammo or to harass him.


Unfortunately, what he posted was not a fact and is now being used against him.

Honestly, if he knows how the idiots twist his words, why does he continue to interact with them ?

He should get off of twitter because it won’t stop.

YOU are using it against him. Toxicity on twitter is not his responsibility. he is a human being who is allowed to make a mistake. And he owned up to it. That is the kinda behaviors we should be praising! Ya know, honesty, humility…


You are right, on PS5 topic he was in favour of PS5 to believe that it may have vrs and mesh shader feature instead to doubting it.


When it comes to Xbox, he has doubts all of a sudden.


Yea… I am not seeing where he owned up to it. He just said “oops” deep into the comment section. Also, I am just bring up how his “opinions” get him in the place he currently is in. I don’t care for Twitter as the community is toxic, everyone knows Twitter is toxic.

Basically, all I am saying is, if it is taking such a toll on his mental health, he should either leave or not comment on things that’s are obviously meant to spread FUD.

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Exactly this. I don’t care if he prefers Playstation, it is obvious to me he is not objective like Alex or Richard (they’re not really that objective either tbh). I like Digital Foundry’s analysis, so I will continue to watch their videos despite John’s obvious favoritism towards Sony.

I am still waiting on John to criticize Sony’s “we believe in generations” and their vagueness on the missing RDNA2 features like VRS and Mesh Shaders.

I just want him to keep the same engery for Sony as he does Microsoft.


These. Reacting toxically to toxicity doesn’t solve anything. The vitriol is gross but escalating isn’t making anything better. Let’s pivot and try to be better than this mess.


I’m pretty sure he expressed his disappointment with Horizons cross gen development in a tweet after the latest Playstation showcase.


All I am saying is that he should get off of social media.