The Game Awards 2023 |

As much as I like KFC, this is Powertsone slander

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Well it was all part of Capcom or rather Inafune’s ill fated push to “appeal to the west”. In fact NT originally had designs closer to the original but Capcom told them to change it more. But mechanically it was more of a successor to Heavenly Sword than it was any DMC game. Right off the bat the color coded enemies that needed certain weapons used to kill them, was basically a reworked version of Heavenly Sword’s “stance change” mechanic. Taunting ( a long time DMC ) was nowhere to be found etc.

Itsuno helped a lot to get the combat as tight as it was in the vanilla version, Capcom was solely responsible for the improvements in the special edition. There were some good ideas like the morphing stages ( though they didn’t do much with it) and Capcom ended up taking a few design inspirations in DMCV, but I felt like DmC should have been it’s own thing . I hope in the future Ninja Theory attempts that kind a game again with a new IP.

As for Hellblade 2, I think people shouldn’t compare it to GOW. It’s a different beast and I’d hate to see disappointment over it not being something it wasn’t trying to be in the first place.

I’m pretty sure Phil said no ABK content this year.

I do believe NT knows how to do combat, but I think they want to fuse with combat and cinematic with HB2. The first game ended right on time before one will complain. Granted, you still can, but it’s not much of a factor to say the game is bad or whatever they saw Ryse. Also, the first one was on the budget, so they went with cinematic approach. I don’t expect GoW style which wouldn’t fit HB style and atmosphere. I expect something like AW2 but in sword and mental focus sensation.


About what I am expecting as well…

For me this is the problem. Xbox fans building things up to crazy unrealistic levels. I liked Hellblade. Its level of polish was surprising. But it was received as a smaller game that did something different. It was received well as that because most things it did exceeded the expectations for a smaller title by a smaller team.

Now yes they are with Microsoft and yes they have more resources. But they are still a small team making a specific sort of game. If you really want that to be compared to one of the biggest AAA titles around developed by a huge team comparatively then I think that’s only asking for massive disappointment.

Hellblade 2 is a smaller game by a smaller team and trying to build it up into better than ‘God of War’ to me is entirely counterproductive. All that does is hand a license to those clickbait console war outlets to say ‘yeah it’s a good game but it’s way off god of war’ which is nonsensical and everyone would say so yet before its release we have Xbox fans trying to make out it’s the same.

We see that with Xbox titles constantly build them up by rather silly comparison then be upset when it fails to hit an unattainable benchmark. We saw it with Starfield. It’s a Bethesda RPG. One of their best yet imho. But it was built up deliberately by the media and indeed by Xbox fans (not deliberately) so it could be knocked down again. The hype was completely manufactured - Bethesda never promised anything beyond one of their RPGs in space and one a scale never seen before. They delivered that. The rest was invention and manufactured hype that for me contributed to the game’s mixed reception. If you have Xbox owners building up a game made by a team of 80 people designed to be a specific experience to God of War all that does is simply define the narrative when inevitable Hellblade 2 isn’t going to be close to God of War in terms of appeal, sales or design!


And that what so nice and good about a forum even if we all like the same platform. We all have different views and tastes.

I thought Ninja’s DMC was so much better than the same and very safe DMC 5. The only really bad point to DMC was the limit to 30 FPS on the 360.

Also have to say Ninja’s Enslaved was so much better than DMC and one of the best action games ever produced.

I have such high regard for Tameem Antoniades so glad he is part of the Xbox team.

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I’m not going unrealistic levels. I’ve been a fan of Ninja Theory from the start think they are such a talented and clever group of people even to the point of making and design their own scanning device.

The team have shown what they can do when funding is not an issue and the team were not drawn into a silly exclusive row like Bethesda.

This is a special team like Team ICO was to SONY

I don’t , never have. Bleeding Edge was the first Ninja Theory game I ever liked. Enslaved combat wise is as shallow as a kiddy pool. DMC (3, 4 and 5 ) in particular , as well as games like the first Bayonetta have enough depth in combat that it allows for experimentation and player expression. ( Something that is usually found in the best fighting games) there is a reason why things like “True Style Tournaments” exist.

One of the many reasons Donte Must Cry never worked for me is they removed most options for a rigid combat system that was almost nothing like DMC. Enslaved was nice looking for it’s time but aside from the aforementioned Shallow combat , it also had the Naughty Dog “Uncharted style” platforming where you really can’t fail.

NT has shown they’re willing to improve on these things but they are still more comparable to Naughty Dog or Santa Monica when it comes to gameplay. They aren’t touching the best of Capcom. They’re masters at this craft…

TLDR : Agree to disagree…

Fair enough I don’t agree myself and that’s not meant in a nasty or insulting way either. I was one of the few who didn’t like Bayonetta and no action combat game has ever come close to that of Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360.

I’ve always liked Ninja work and so looking forward to Hellblade 2

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You’d think they could get the email subject right…

Did he say this on a podcast?

He did.

Well looks like all the signs are pointing to multiple announcements from Xbox, I guess those that wanted them to have multiple things at this show will have a lot to look forward to.

Geoff gotta keep up the ruse that GTA is linked to the The Game Awards


Yeah, but he could have spelled Theft correctly…

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Really hoping the major announcement is a Xbox Series Pro or whatever

lol I just noticed.

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Maybe it’s a spin off series. :smirk: