Abandoned, a cinematic survival sim developed by the unknown Dutch studio Blue Box, was announced to be releasing for PS5 later this year on a PS Blog post. The post was written by the Game Director, Hasan Kahraman.
2. The studio denies Hideo Kojima’s involvement (April 8)
Not long after the announcement the rumours surrounding Kojima’s involvement started. The studio was seemingly forced to put out and statement denying said rumours: “We received several emails regarding the Hideo Kojima rumour. We have no association with Hideo Kojima nor do we claim to have any association nor was it our intention to claim such a statement. We are a small group of developers working on a passionate title we wanted to work on for a long time.”
3. The studio announces a new “dedicated app showcasing upcoming trailers” (June 11)
Things start to get weird as soon as E3 starts. The studio announced on Twitter that the game would have its own PS5 app “showcasing upcoming title related trailers and gameplay reveal demos”. Yes, a dedicated app with the single purpose of straming the game’s trailers.
Hasan Kahraman has published some apps on the App Store. One of them is called Go Fit XL, which in the description it specifies “Personal Training (PT) Programs”. Yes, PT.
Kojima Productions set up a small satellite studio based in Amsterdam alongside Guerrilla Games, the same city Blue Box is based on.
According to Grubb on the DPS Podcast moments ago, Abandoned has nothing to do with Kojima who’s in advanced talks with Microsoft and is expecting a deal to get done and have Kojima start working on the game that he wants to do.
Blue Box is going to have this blow up in their face and will probably kill their game.
So, it seems Grubb is pretty sure about that if he said that moments ago. Imran seems also to think this is not Kojima, and Shinobi warned the studio about their teasing.
I do not think it’s him one bit. There’s obviously some sort of ARG going on with the game. That does not automatically mean it’s Kojima. Tons of indie devs do ARGs all the time.