The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Most of the top game IPs with the largest gaming communities in the industry are everywhere.

If Xbox wants to see if the community around the Gears IP can grow in size significantly, then putting a remaster/collection of previous entries everywhere possible seems like a reasonable step towards that goal.

There’s nothing else like Gears out there and it really is an excellently crafted series of games. I’d love to see the Gears IP and The Coalition get more fanfare and more investment.


Sydle, i understand your point and all. But you need to understand, is one thing do want others to invest in a series by bring it to anohter audience, but its another if said series/franchise has a decade long identity with the brand itself.

There’s big ramifications that i do not think Microsoft is prepared to deal with whatsover, hell it could directly lead to another 2013 event with their mixed messaging yet again.

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Oh you don’t have to tell me, haha. I understand all too well. I’m not in favor of all these changes at all. It remains to be see if any of this about Gears is true though. I hope it’s all bullshit.

I am more hoping that they indeed will keep some games exclusive, such as TES VI. Talk about a pull factor, that game will be it. If not to get people to to buy Xbox the console, then to get the subbed to GP.


I believe big picture is that the future of gaming is all digital and device agnostic. I have no doubts that gaming will eventually join movies and music in terms of delivery and distribution via the cloud as the primary and preferred consumption model, though I believe it’s still a long road to that end.

And for Microsoft, after they gobbled up two huge publishers, the only way to grow is to stay in front as many people as possible and get more of their IP in front of those people.

I do not see a scenario where Microsoft prefers to limit the reach and potential of their content/IP investments.

That’s a great future, but right now it’s nowhere near close to happening. Also, i never everthing need to be exclusives, i do think some games can be delivered to other platforms so long as its either of the following three things:

. Its a game as a service, it generates revenue by having people buy perks within the game and that means the bigger the audience, the bigger the cashflow.

. Community driven games that can drive people to invest in building stufff and making creatives things, it can lead to a plethora of different things for it.

. MMORPG, this one i do not need an example since Wow would do massive on consoles.

Those would be the only ones i think have better changes of generating enough revenue for Xbox to maintain exclusives games for their hardware/pc ecosystem.

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Never heard of this guy so i don’t really believe it until confirmed by others. No offense.

He’s well known in the Gears community.

Playing Gears with a PS controller…* shivers*


That’s an excellent way to kill the Xbox brand, especially if you consider the history behind Gears.

Let’s be ignorant and let folks of another thread deal with this info.

For now let’s focus on something more positive., do not want to deal with this here for god sake.

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Bringing Gears over to PS would not be what I consider babysteps.

But Microsoft will do whatever tf they want. So who really knows.

Tjere is no way they will announce it for PS at their show though. If this stuff is even true, of course.


Being a Gears content creator doesn’t mean you know anything


At this point I am in the same boat, the community showed the Xbox leadership/MS that they don’t like this so we can’t do much anymore so there’s nothing left to do but waiting and seeing how this unfolds. :man_shrugging:


Yep, it’s a big, biiiiiiiig if, this one. I’m not willing to say I don’t believe it at all, but this wouldn’t be wise, true that. Yeah, let’s keep it in the dedicated thread.


Yes. The moment regulators require allowing third party stores on consoles is when every console manufacturer should go mutiplatform. At that point it makes no sense not having your own store everywhere.

I think it already exist, since they want to have their own store on mobile rather than give Google and Apple a cut of the money.

You don’t see Sony or Nintendo doing this. It would be a really bad move for Xbox but I think they are gonna do it anyway

I’m pretty confident Xbox is going to go full multi platform now. I just ask that they please release a PlayStation compatable Xbox controller with the shapes but buttons etc. I hate the stick layout on dual sense

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Yep. Porting gears, halo or forza is where i draw the line. I kinda accepted the inevitable already and i m ready to leave xbox behind and go full pc. I ll maybe sub to gp for a month here and there but thats it.

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I’m sticking with Xbox as main, also for the next gen. That is my plan. Got too big of a backlog of games, DLC to just do away with it all. Nor is it necessary. I don’t give a fuck about Microsoft, it’s a company, it’s business. They don’t give a fuck about me either, just about my money. Brand loyalty is bullshit, but I do happen to prefer Xbox as console…by far.

If they make a great next Xbox, Game Pass remains great, third parties don’t start to abandon Xbox, I’m gonna be good for many years to come. It just all remains to be seen what’s gonna happen in these upcoming years until next gen starts for Xbox.

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Nothing about the results of their 4 game experiment scream go full multiplatform to me.