Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

I dont think they put those quake remasters out for nothing. My bet is quake as well

It was hinted at on the MG Dev Direct too, they had Quake written on the white board. It also had a codename in the NVIDIA leak. I think it’s definitely coming, it’s just unlikely to be Id’s project.


The first thing I notice was the rock and thought what’s with the boot?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Big ol’ Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded)

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Big ol’ Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded)

Staffy, let’s be real. They would be hella stupid if there were to do this immediantly.

Cause the ramifications for such a thing would just kill the hardware in its entire state but off Xbox the division itself.

This is no Sea of Thieves or Hi Fi Rush. This is a flagship, so what happens if a flagship experience leaves core gamers? Devastation, anger, resetment, and badwill from every player on consoles.

If they think COD on gamepass saves them, they are truly blind. That’ s all i will say and we drop this matter.


Please keep the PS Porting discussion in its thread.

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Everwild :eyes:

I imagine real Everwild being an animal life simulator where each species lives according to its own rules, the creatures hunt, eat, sleep, drink, reproduce they have their behavior the lizards come out to warm themselves on a stone in the sun, there are creatures that clean other creatures like these birds we see on the Rhinos, some creatures hunt and bring the carcass into a cave to feed their young, after a period of rain some predator and prey creatures gather in the same place to drink from savannah, I can see this kind of thing happening in Everwild the climate influences the nature and behavior of creatures.

they vaguely talk about it here


Come on, let’s not be like this.


The game looks really special. I wish it was released in a more quiet time. With all the drama and news around, I’m sure that HB2 critical reception will be affected.


Which is complete BS and wouldn’t happen to Sony or Nintendo. Only Xbox gets this treatment.


Looks incredible! I don’t even mind it’s not gonna be much longer than the first of the experience is gonna be epic.

I do hope in the future they can bring us a DMC/Enslaved kind of game with these visuals. That is assuming things don’t go completely to shit for Xbox overall.

In theory Hellblade 2 should rather be supported by the press and the players so that the Studio does not close but there is a lot of hypocrisy on the internet I saw people saying “play Hi-Fi Rush and Prey” now that the Studios closed. We had to support these games before. Microsoft have decided to make very special games and to give freedom and creativity to the teams but the games must still fulfill certain objectives; you cannot develop original games at a loss one after the other.

Sea of thieves #3 in the US and #1 in the EU on PS5

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Seeing the verifiably false narratives being pushed by some of these outlets today, especially on their podcasts, I don’t think there’s any good-faith proof to counter this argument anymore.

There’s a difference in accountability to push for change and dogpiling with disinformation and historical revisionism. I literally saw a podcast title saying “Xbox needs to stop talking and start delivering” after 18 months of their first party pumping out content compared to a fraction from Sony’s side (I’m talking actual first party studios and not moneyhats before the usual goalpost mover starts).


Xbox decides if they care about their studios, not you or any other publisher.

They cared so much they didn’t close them down despite years of loses. They gave them far more chances than they would’ve had as an indie

Yeah not closing studios down and giving them that means of pursuing creative ventures is way better than firing people

Hell putting them on moneymakers is

Way better than firing people. Always. There is no justification to firing someone (aside of course there’s crime involved.)

But I’ll end it there. MS has earned its stigma amongst critics and enthusiasts and crying fpul that other studios aren’t scrutinized similarly is just another example of people too fucking invested in a brand that seeks to make money caring too much.