Xbox Game Studios |OT11| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

And so it begins with Xbox crossover its own franchises.


Que? What’s BS, my opinion?

I don’t give a sh*t about the PS release schedule.

My personal preference is to get a regular release cadence on Xbox rather than waiting 3-6 months at a time for multiple releases back to back where I won’t have time to play them all.

I also feel it would help with the general hype with Xbox/GamePass rather than having these big peaks and lulls.

That’s my personal opinion/preference and if you want to call me dumb or any other insult to make yourself feel better about it then that’s on you…




Slick way to foot note the updates in one graphic.


Just a thought, but in this situation there’s nothing stopping you from artificially creating that regular release cadence for yourself by simply playing some of those games later during the lull. You could even make it a whole thing, by not consuming any adjacent media (like reviews and trailers) until closer to your own personal launch date.

Could be kinda fun. :man_shrugging:


This is what I advocate for whenever someone suggests games get delayed just to meet a release Cadence lol.


True, I could also go back and play Forza Horizon 3 but my friends/family won’t be playing/discussing it and there will be no hype about it :wink:.

Being on a Xbox forum almost daily and watching various weekly Xbox podcasts means there is literally no way for me to avoid spoilers, reviews and footage.

I want to be able to join in with the hype and discussion both online and with friends/family.

Wouldn’t it also be better for Xbox as a platform to have regular continuous hype about their releases rather than peaks and lulls?


Yeah, just not better to the point of delaying games lol. Either they never announce dates (or even windows) and hold game releases for a cadence or they release them when they are ready.

Nobody wants to know that thr game they have been waiting for (Avowed for instance) is delayed for 6 months because of something silly like the fact that COD is dropping in the same quarter.

Not everyone is interested in every game, even if they do have Game Pass.


I must have my individual corporate marketing cycles to wow me…

Rather than getting to play the games.



Sure. I get that. And my proposal won’t fix that, so if that’s important to you I can understand your stance.

Maybe? Probably. But truth be told, I couldn’t care less. It doesn’t matter to me whether Xbox is first or last in marketshare.

If I had any concerns about the future of the Xbox brand and the Game Pass platform, I’d probably care about that, but I don’t. I think both are fine, better than fine really, and will be around for decades to come. So… :man_shrugging:

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They called me a mad man for wanting a 40/60 fps mode for Starfield.

Knew the game was capable of doing it, always held out hope for it.


Capable for XSX, not XSS. Pure speculation but maybe they allow it after BG3.

That was my initial thought too. Just speculation of course.

Series X and S games parity isn’t about framerates, it’s about actual gameplay modes. Plenty of games already have 60fps modes on the X but not the S


Totally forgot about it lol. Thanks for the correction.

Holy cow, that’s a lot of different options to choose from. But it’s very welcome! It’s a big surprise. Did anyone genuinely expect it?

The devs spent five plus years making the game targeting 30fps, it’s not something you can change without dramatic time, money and effort. That’s what devs mean when they say it and artistic choice, the game was built around the target framerate at the devs discretion not that its impossible to make it run faster.


So I just noticed a Microsoft Rewards redemption for Diablo IV, where we can skip 2 tiers, buy the accelerated battle pass or the premium battle pass.

edit: Also a limited time offer for Riot Points.

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I wish they had an offer to buy something for halo infinite in rewards. Discounted points or a unique suit color or something I’d go for.

I think it’s either the same or more expensive than just redeeming the points for the gift card and buying the battle pass. Either way, it would be a nice quick redemption for all their multiplayer games. COD, Halo etc.

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