The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

As far as multiplat and exclusivity I still lean towards the ideology of is there a market for it? Also, how easily the teams can work with that particular engine. As in is it just C# with no extra tooling. Makes sense that a lot of the unity and UE stuff goes to PlayStation. They’d have to make sure unique would sell well etc.

Call me naive. Haha

That’s my rule of thumb so far.

In the podcast, Jez went as far as betting on PlayStation logos appearing at the end of trailers.

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What games was he referring to?

I think he refers to the new COD

That makes sense i guess right? Why limit it to the smallest demographic. COD has always been synonymous with PS

I think he was talking in general, about any game in really. If it is going to be on Playstation at launch or shortly after that, why not plastering the logo?

But I don’t think we are there yet at all. They really should not rush this. Baby steps.


I see it as a good thing mostly. All these little companies making games can stay alive. At the end of the day that’s more important than anything else.

Should be a free market for anyone to publish on. Steam has basically had that standard and is at the top as a result.

They never show PS logos on games during an Xbox show, even for 3rd party multiplat stuff.


Exactly, unless for some games its some type of legal manoeuvring on MS’s part. Just reeks of thinly veiled tantrums being thrown out.


I probably would too if we saw Sony and maybe even Nintendo doing the same, but it’s once again Xbox being the only one. With the plan to basically erase exclusives eventually. Some people are convinced Sony will do the same, but it won’t be anytime soon.

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Yeah I get ya, tbf both Sony and especially Nintendo aren’t in the position where that is desirable or something they really overly want. They can essentially just hold out.

What with the ABK move it was mostly a subtractive move to disrupt the market. Along with game pass etc. It is debatable whether it has worked or not. I think ideally you don’t really want to be in the exclusive market whoever you are.

To me the future of consoles is handheld and that is quickly becoming a saturated market. Publishing seems to be the move without annoying to many existing publishers.

It is probably me being way off but there was something about the previous generations including mine (I’m 34) where loyalty was a big deal. Loyalty amongst younger people seems to be a less of a factor regarding jobs, brands, Os etc .Unfortunately the last gen of consoles was so important…

Well that’s my ted talk lol. To me if we can hold onto the budgets games get now somehow I would be very impressed and happy. I don’t want this industry to go away. If that means gears 6 comes out on another platform so be it.

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Yeah. Its a pretty bad idea if that so much as show up. Cause i can say many core users will leave the platform with that stunt.

Also will not help their brand image and identity alongside playstation trolls ruining things and kicking people while there are down like they always do.

Then he is speculating wrongly. Cause even Jez should know that baby steps are required and folks will not accept rapid changes, he should know this.

If Xbox higher ups care enough about console users then they should just say exclusives. Cause seeing a playstation logo is not going to sit well with console only users.

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No company ever show third party platforms during their show. Heck, even with stuff like Minecraft they never showed Playstation or Nintendo. I highly doubt they would start doing that now.


Incorrect and revisionistic history here.


Exactly they won’t. they are having fanfest and I doubt they want to incite any problems. No telling what people will do in the real world if twitter is anything to go by. I mean you have probably the number 1 Xbox fanboy Timdog lose it not hoping to see something like that at fanfest.

They also own Nickelodeon, TMNT, Scream and in part Indiana Jones.

I may be wrong but somehow it feels like Xbox wants to remodel, transform and maybe even reboot the gaming market which I think would be cool if they can do it may be like how Nintendo brought saved gaming back in the past. I would really love the idea of every platform becoming a digital store like Steam that is available on every console box which could be made by any of the electronic giants like samsung, LG and others.

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I wanted to jump in and say the same thing. Even for a good portion of the Xbox One/PS4 gen, sales of COD were pretty indentical or at least the sales ratio favoured Xbox. But of course later that changed, but initially it was more seen as an Xbox game than a PlayStation game. I mean, Xbox 360 era was COD domination.


lol that guy had to make a PSA yesterday that he’s now a Playstation fan haha.

Anyway, I think Microsoft will use their words carefully and will most likely say something along the lines of “launching exclusively on xbox”

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