The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Ha really? That’s my patreon question for tonight.

I haven’t watched XB2 yet, I normally listen to it over the weekend in bits and pieces.

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Is this dude reliable?

I never heard of him before.

Also, so much as put a flagship series over to another console like gears?

Sayonara hardware, it was a great run, sorry it was screwed over by the decision of higher ups looking for short term gains instead of an actual bigger picture.


Jez just said that only 4 games were in development and they’d determine plan forward based on the collected data. That’s also what Microsoft said. So depends if you believe them or this random dude.

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On a more serious note every Xbox “rumor” from now on will have an “it MAY also come to PS5” asterisk so expect that from every new “insider” from now on. Also Nick talked about a Gears Collection about a year ago so yeah…this dude is a little late to the party. :stuck_out_tongue:


True, but its not really the best idea to mention playstation and gears in the same sentence on Twitter.

Not only for the show thats bound to happen but also the absolute despair actual core audience would have.

I mean, i know for a fact Microsoft would not be stupid enough to port a flagsahip, that has a bunch of history and identity with Xbox consoles to other platforms. Phil and Satya need to be off their rocker if they think this move would not jeopaerdize hardware or its brand this and next generation if they care so much for it and wish for its survival.

That ain’t it chief.


Not the best idea for who? This person doesn’t care lol.

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Most likely because he doesn’t see the bigger picture. Or he just plays on PC and does not care for hardware general.

But there is ramifications and consequences when saying stuff, especially if there is a community as big as Gears. I just hope he leave twitter for a while is all, cause i don’t like seeing people get flamed online but they do not make things easy with clickbait and supposed rumours.

Yeah, I think he’s more excited about the existence of a Gear Collection than anything else.

Honestly, there is probably a case to be made for releasing a collection of old games from a series on other platforms to increase exposure to the IP and market for the new game (which presumably wouldn’t be on other platforms). It’s not something that would bother me much (I don’t really care to go back and play these games) but I do expect parts of the community would have a heart attack seeing anything with Halo, Gears, etc on other platforms.


Maybe you have a point, however i need to stress this one a bit.

Xbox has said that they want flagship experience on their hardware. So tell me this: How in God’s name are they gonna have that experience and bring players to their hardware if they so much as think bringing something as big and as important as Gears, which has a big history and identity with the brand, to other consoles?

This has signs of harming both the hardware but also the goodwill of consumers of the brand itself, which leads to the death of both its identity but also its brand entirely.

People will see Microsoft as a greedy rat who only focus on maintaing short term gains instead of the longer game. Why do people think that when Microsoft looks into data to find trends is when i start rolling my eyes at them. Cause its in the future, its not today and they should focus on making costumers happy on their hardware and make it so by not betraying their trust now.

If microsoft want’s to keep producing and maintain its audience, they must not catter to another console audience just for some quick cash. That, in my opinion is disrespectfull for those that came along during a hard period of time.


They would indeed be very stupid to do this. Even if the plan is to get rid of exclusives, they can’t possibly be in this big a hurry. There are several other titles that aren’t considered flagship that they can ship to other platforms first, before looking at Gears, Halo, Forza. On the other hand, Phil Spencer did say they hope people will start to love Xbox after having played some of these games. It was something along those lines.

So, what if they were to release the collection of older games, but no word about other platforms when they announce Gears of War 6? Hoping people might consider subbing to GP and/or getting an Xbox? It’s not impossible. That being said, it’s not what I’d consider taking it easy and baby steps. But at some point more games will move over.

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I think it could happen in the future, I don’t buy it happening in the near term. everything could go in the future, but we’ll see how things look.

Than Phil is blind as an actual bat if he thinks this would not have ramifications for hardware or its identity.

Look at Masterchief collection as an example, once it lauched on pc, it gathered quite the audience. I think it would be wise to put the collection over to pc instead of a rival console thats eager to screw its competitor so that they can jack up their prices more and have a monopoly.

Now, here is an example am going to give that’s not about xbox or playstation: Netflix and Max.

When people watch Netflix they look for stuff that is exclusive to the subscription service like the witcher, Baki and whatnot. While on Max, you get stuff like the Last of Us, Game of Thrones and stuff like Harry Potter, which you will not get anywhere else but on this services.

So yes flagship experiences are and must be maintain by delivery exclusive content that is solely on its own brand. When you start to see a flagship going over to other places then it loses costumers trust in a way, since they paid money for those services to gain access to these series.

Do you understand what am saying at least?

It could but if they are truly willing to destroy their brand then i would not pay more money if my investment is being treated to support another piece of hardware instead of the one i invested real money on.

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Most of the top game IPs with the largest gaming communities in the industry are everywhere.

If Xbox wants to see if the community around the Gears IP can grow in size significantly, then putting a remaster/collection of previous entries everywhere possible seems like a reasonable step towards that goal.

There’s nothing else like Gears out there and it really is an excellently crafted series of games. I’d love to see the Gears IP and The Coalition get more fanfare and more investment.


Sydle, i understand your point and all. But you need to understand, is one thing do want others to invest in a series by bring it to anohter audience, but its another if said series/franchise has a decade long identity with the brand itself.

There’s big ramifications that i do not think Microsoft is prepared to deal with whatsover, hell it could directly lead to another 2013 event with their mixed messaging yet again.

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Oh you don’t have to tell me, haha. I understand all too well. I’m not in favor of all these changes at all. It remains to be see if any of this about Gears is true though. I hope it’s all bullshit.

I am more hoping that they indeed will keep some games exclusive, such as TES VI. Talk about a pull factor, that game will be it. If not to get people to to buy Xbox the console, then to get the subbed to GP.


I believe big picture is that the future of gaming is all digital and device agnostic. I have no doubts that gaming will eventually join movies and music in terms of delivery and distribution via the cloud as the primary and preferred consumption model, though I believe it’s still a long road to that end.

And for Microsoft, after they gobbled up two huge publishers, the only way to grow is to stay in front as many people as possible and get more of their IP in front of those people.

I do not see a scenario where Microsoft prefers to limit the reach and potential of their content/IP investments.

That’s a great future, but right now it’s nowhere near close to happening. Also, i never everthing need to be exclusives, i do think some games can be delivered to other platforms so long as its either of the following three things:

. Its a game as a service, it generates revenue by having people buy perks within the game and that means the bigger the audience, the bigger the cashflow.

. Community driven games that can drive people to invest in building stufff and making creatives things, it can lead to a plethora of different things for it.

. MMORPG, this one i do not need an example since Wow would do massive on consoles.

Those would be the only ones i think have better changes of generating enough revenue for Xbox to maintain exclusives games for their hardware/pc ecosystem.

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Never heard of this guy so i don’t really believe it until confirmed by others. No offense.