The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Not true. They aren’t killing anything but adapting to changes. Would you rather they be closed? There will still be exclusives. I think right now everyone is just trying to find growth wherever they can.

As long as they put good effort in new Xbox hardware, like they sure did with One X and Series, I’m good. I do wonder how many people will abandon Xbox as a whole because of this direction they are going into. Hopefully not so much that some publishers start to question if it’s still worth it for them. But that remains to be seen.

Personally I’ll stick with Xbox the console if they make it worth it for us.

Saw a tweet just now someone saying everyone will be hyped for the Xbox show, except Xbox players. I will never understand this way of thinking. As if my hype for a game dies down because PS players can play them too, lol.

Yeah, I expect Gears 6 to be announced as exclusive, or at least not with any PS logos or whatsoever. Doesn’t mean it can’t come later, same as Indiana Jones. I don’t expect that to be MP all of a sudden.

I think what could help Microsoft a lot is the price increase that is coming to PC components. If they’re able to get their next console priced right, then they might be fine if the rumor about PC box

“this whole thing seems like a mess with no clarification” because it’s a bunch of insiders sharing contradictory info for months with tons of misses for every hit.


At the very least we silo it into one thread you can put on ignore!


I’m on the fence with this issue. Both arguments are right.

Most fans wanted more games for Xbox and we’re getting that, but we never thought these games would also come to Sony’s platform, let’s be honest… No one would have thought about that 2 years ago. But now, it seems to be a new reality that we need to accept, so of course that’s a hard pill to swallow.

We wanted something for us first, but it’s like everyone is getting it…

It’s like 2 different mindsets trying to make a point, but we don’t know how everything will pan out yet, so it is still a draw no matter what are the arguments.


If that were true, we would be seeing this uniformly across the industry. Is Wolverine coming to Xbox? Because thats the only equivilent. The best we will get is coming to PC day 1.


Explain this. How is it a console platform with 60 million consoles, 300 million steam users, 5-10 million cloud users and Call of Duty and King money can’t keep their games exclusive, but one with 100 million boxes halfway in the grave can?

A bunch of developers keeping their jobs making multiplatform games is less valuable to me as an Xbox consumer than they would be making exclusives. Its part of what sold me the console.

Not guarenteed at all. IDs next game was supposed to be exclusive. Theres no sugarcoating it. In 2021, Phil Spencer lied, lied, lied. People bought Xboxs based on his lies.

As a huge Xbox fan, i can no longer believe him when he says anything is exclusive, because if they turn on a dime, their promises are meaningless.


“Just 4 games and not a fundamental change to our exclusive strategy” is going to age as well as every other Spencer quote.


Insiders seems to be mostly correct about this, and Microsoft didn’t really do much to dispel the rumors imo. So, it makes sense why there are a lot of smoke to these rumors, and it makes sense when you see xbox reduced the number of consoles they shipped in 2024

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If the OEM thing or the Xbox / PC combined rumours are true, it could sell absolutely gangbusters due to GTA6.

It’s not on PC at launch, probably not for at least a year or two.

If Steam make a new Steam Box with Xbox on it too, or Xbox have Steam on them, launching either late 2025 or some point in 2026, it’ll be the best way for PC gamers to play GTA6 while still keeping their libraries.

There’s so many possibilities, that all this reaction over one game which hasn’t ever been exclusive before seems nuts…


IMO, all Xbox games will eventually be multiplatform. Everyone at Xbox leadership is aware of that.

Phil will probably drip feed the announcements, so that Xbox hardware doesn’t tank in sales. It started with “just 4 games”, it will transition to “Just that 4 games + Doom” and in a couple of years it will end with every game being multiplatform.


5 games in 4 months being announced is not really a dripfeed lol.


gonna be a lot more than 5 in a few weeks

Was always expecting Doom to be multi platform to be fair. They said when they acquired Bethesda that games that had released elsewhere could still release on those platforms again if it made sense.

My feelings on this may change though if the rumoured gears collection goes multiplat, or forza horizon

I am quite curious what will turn out to be true about this. Definitely not against the idea.

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Kind of wack if true. Drake hardly has a perfect trackrecord when it comes to leaks, and it’s suspicious that only he is saying something about it and not Insider Gaming who leaked the title.

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I’m not convinced Spencer is going to show up for that interview. Even if he did: Why should anyone believe anything he says?

Personally I’ve made my peace with the fact that I’m going to be Nintendo and Steam next gen. Next step would be to switch to Proton.

Just like with Sony getting closer and closer to releasing all of their first party games on PC day one, Microsoft is getting closer and closer to releasing all of their first party games on PlayStation day one. For the next Doom game, im expecting it to be fully multi-platform with a March 2025 release date but we’ll see what happens. Should definitely know either way once Microsoft has their Xbox Games Showcase.


Not true every business adapts in their own way. You also don’t know if Wolverine is coming or not and did you watch the latest Sony corporate strategy event. There was no mention of PlayStation it was just PSN and they did hint at something similar. I’d say their vision is to build on PSN rather than PlayStation.

Xbox now has a ton of games compared to Playstation. That’s a lot more money invested billions compared to millions so the return and the business has to be different. Let’s not forget ABK and Zenimax which they bought all depended on multiplatform approach to survive before they were bought. One would expect there to be a substitute to that approach if they went exclusive and Game Pass is not at a place to handle that. Also have you checked the buying power of all these users. COD and candy King money didn’t make games exclusive why would it now?

IDs next game was never supposed to be exclusive, and it was never said it would. The Quake remasters that came out a while ago were not exclusive and no one said anything. Phil Spencer is a business man and can adjust the business as needs to be. We know RedFall was supposed to be multiplatform and he stopped that which to me indicates he really was about that. Tough choices are made in running businesses all the time that don’t flow with many. You have every right to your opinion. Businesses can turn on a dime as opportunity waits for no one. You at least get to play this games.

It’s not that MS wants to kill Xbox, it’s that they failed to understand how could they make it attractive during the last years, and even if they understand now, they realize it’s too late and not worth it to spend so much money since they are too behind now and it’d take too long to make it a mainstream console.

Things have escalated way too quickly this generation for Xbox, from being close to PS5 during it’s first 2 years sales wise (thanks to stock too), to start getting outsold 2-3 to 1 last year, to even being outsold 5 to 1 last quarter, and things should only get worse with PS5 Pro release and price cuts, and now the Xbox first party games releasing on Sony’s console too.

Well with Doom, CoD, Flight Simulator? and who knows what else, this showcase suddenly got way more interesting for Playstation users, and yes the comparisons between XSX, PS5 and PS5 Pro will be interesting, curious about the sales of games like Flight Simulator or Gears of War on Playstation consoles too.