The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

I dont even blame Satya for stepping in tbh.

Gave Spencer several years to deliver.


So everything in that discord post basically came true. I guess we will wait and see if Xbox even makes a new console or if they are right about 3rd party manufacturers making consoles that can play the Xbox library

I would expect both, Xbox makes their own but opens things up for OEM partners same as Meta is doing with the Quest


There will 100% be a Microsoft branded device.


Xbox revenue is almost the same as Sonys, albeit way more profitable and they have how many gaming PCs and laptops? How many MAUs. Its comparable. For sure,

And to that i’d say being on Playstation is no silver bullet. Sea of Thieves did ok without Playstation. Avengers, Anthem and Suicide Squad were disasters.

The videogame market is full of Nuance as Satya does not understand. Simply being on more devices will not automatically give you 15 minecrafts.

Sadly Phil is all about Sony and Nintendo owners playing Xbox games, rolling out red carpets to make sure they dont need an Xbox and not at all about the inverse.

They pretty much used the hopes of Xbox fans to fuel and fund their rise to thirdpartyism.


Forza won’t go multiplatform neither will Fable and Halo. I think these games run on engines that haven’t been ever multiplatform in nature which might entail a ton of work and money in porting. I think the industry is headed toward a universal system like we had with Video and DVD players and now Blu-ray. I bet Xbox is consolidating their IPs to work from a storefront and probably hope to be the first to develop a universal format for all games.

They will. If they don’t respect doom, or Call of Duty or SoT then what else is there? Big games. Small games. Single player. Multiplayer. No difference in they eyes of Satya.

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It’s always like this, feels like we’re in a eternal loop of a “bad” news happening and people arguing the same old tired arguments


Deliver what exactly? almost every single studio they acquired in the beginning haven’t even started delivering in full. If after Avowed, Fable, Indy, Gears 6, Doom, State of decay 3 you still don’t see any positive momentum then sure by all means do multiplatform.

But you can’t sit here and say that after releasing Redfall, Starfield and FMafter a drought would change things significantly. Just reeks of short sightdness. Ever Since MS returned to being the biggest company it feels like all relatively lower margins business have had major cuts that includes the whole surface team.

Just worried about being green in the next quarter with their 20% growth rate.


I don’t really get all this traditional console stuff. When Xbox came with the digital and TV stuff it was all doom and gloom and no one gave it a chance. When Apple first went with their phone model no one thought it would work. Consoles right now are headed for a crash. No one is buying games save for the few key titles. I think the industry needs a revamp and I think that is what Xbox is doing. Bringing the PC approach to consoles by opening it up. My guess is the next Xbox console will be based on this and even Sony at their corporate meeting was all about PSN leveraging it with crunchy roll and making it the focus and not the console. Everything is moving digital now as AI comes into play.

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Yeah it’s always better when someone who doesn’t understand gaming steps in. Never once did that ever go wrong in any way.


No, they won’t at least not now or anytime soon. I would more or less expect that with their new console when it makes sense.

With their new console and they would make the games mp? I’m probably misunderstanding you because to me that doesn’t make sense. With a new console you’d think they would want to have at least a few games not available anywhere else to pull people towards it.

I usually overreact a little bit, but this time I surprised myself by being kinda numb to it.

I don’t feel very hyped for the showcase either tbh, I think something has been lost for me. I’m just a little bit sad, I will miss the hype years we had in the community from 2018 til last year or so. It was fun!

I look forward to seeing some cool games of course, like I do with a Ubisoft show or a PS show. Game Pass (however long that lasts before the muh-data-guys gets their hand on it) does make the Xbox showcase much more interesting than the others though.

I have a huge backlog, and enjoy Game Pass so I’ll stick around.


When did i say that it won’t go wrong…?

I said that i dont blame him… two different things.

I really think there is a lot of misunderstanding here for example every time this companies invest in a game they have to look at that investment and the rate of return and compare it to other investment options that were available at the time. Just looking at Nvidia that has now become a multi trillion-dollar corporation. An investment there would have yielded more than 10 times an investment in gaming. Jacob Navok has an interesting thread that expands a lot on this and the industry at present.

As a reminder I reported to two CEOs of Square Enix for the better part of a decade and ran a subsidiary. I also correctly predicted last year that Square Enix was going to break exclusivity. I'll note I have no confidential information that I'm basing my arguments on.

To start,…

— Jacob Navok (@JNavok) May 23, 2024

Of course they can get better returns investing in other areas, they are doing so already. They are going to be spending like 100B + in the next few years just on AI hardware and datacentre alone. But they also need diversified revenues and products that actual people care about and just not be a complete B2B company. Windows, Surface and Xbox are their only consumer oriented products and they should fight equally as hard to keep them strong.

Seems like counterproductive thing to do when they want more people to sub to Gamepass.

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For the love of crap, how many thousands of times and ways can the same points be made by the same people in here?


Close the thread then if you cant stand people expressing their opinion.