The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

You ignore the point. It’s the same arguments for over 3 months now, the same points with the same ignoring of reality by the same people over and over. “expressing an opinion” is not the same thing.


This doesn’t refute my suggestion to close the thread. :laughing:

If it’s supposedly three months of ad nauseam repetition.

We have Towerborne, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Fable, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, maybe even more being shown that is exclusive and we just got Hellblade 2… but make Doom multiplatform and now it’s all over!


Where do we have any assurance that these games are exclusive ?


Can you play them on Xbox as a part of Game Pass if you so choose? The answer is yes, so what does exclusivity mean for you as a customer?

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Thats not the question i was asking.

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What value is there to the question you asked? I found none, thus I ignored it.


I wasn’t even responding to you. :rofl:


When the head of Xbox promised exclusives and turns tale 3 years later, yeah. Dont expect any of those games to not release on Playstation. At best, some might be timed exclusive.

End of the day you can’t promise Zenimax games will be exclusive to game pass platforms, then change your mind and expect anyone to believe anything you say afterwards.

Im dubious if there will actually be another Xbox or if its just carrot sticking to get us to 2028 and say “well we had such a positive experience on PS5 and Switch 2, making a new console was a waste of resources”

I can only hope Xcloud is about to become so very dominant, that it renders the console market irrelevant and so, these moves are largely profit driven while its still alive.


Ah I see now, and yeah. There’s no reason to assume anything stays exclusive forever. I simply don’t see the issue as a fan as long as the platform itself still exists, which they will always want to be the case.

Remember the 2021 showcase where every trailer had a “Xbox Exclusive” intro… wonder how many of them will actually be consistent with that advertising.

On the subject of the same arguments being repeated… That can be said about most things that isn’t breaking news. There would be a lot of closed/empty threads and deleted comments all over the forums if that was a problem.

Discussions will often touch the same arguments when fuel is added to the fire (like Doom) and it’s very easy to opt out if one does not wish to participate.

That is my two cents on that.


Why would Microsoft, a software corporation at its heart, retain hardware if sales continue to spiral.

Especially with mass porting.

Maybe as a niche… but realistically how long will that last.

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People are really surprised that some are taking issue with the prospect of xbox having zero exclusives? You expect people who invested in the ecosystem to be happy about that? Really?

Sony fans can’t even handle the thought of their games being on PC day and date eventually. Can’t imagine the meltdown if God of War or Naughty Dog’s next games had a chance in hell of ending up on the Xbox.


Because it makes them more money than being 3rd party alone ever could.

Yes, customers have been conditioned to want things that don’t actually benefit them for the past 10+ years where hardware is so similar. It’s silly everywhere. The valid concern is “will the platform be around” and I have zero worries that it will be.

A trillion-dollar company doesn’t know how to sell its consoles, so it resorts to launching its software on the competition’s consoles where they surprisingly sell better than theirs because of themselves.


Sure, abandon hardware and give Sony & Nintendo all the control for the software you develop…

There are millions of Xbox console owners. They are not about to just drop their libraries.

Will you say the same thing about Sony if they keep on losing money on consoles and everyone is just playing F2P games. Realistically how long will it last? lol

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Because getting out of hardware is a dumb move and means they have 0 control of their own destiny. Surface has a 2% market share in Computers or like 10% in overall laptops. Xbox selling millions of consoles to a niche audience is still valuable to them even if its not their primary business anymore.


How long have they kept going with Surface, even just announcing 2 more product releases this week even though they don’t sell all that much. Because Surface is the hero hardware, the baseline, what all the other manufacturers are based on.

If MS wasn’t making more hardware they’d get rid of their hardware division, but they haven’t. If they didn’t want Gamepass to work out and wanted to go 3rd party, they wouldn’t include COD in it. They wouldn’t have an Xbox Series X refresh at possibly a lower price coming out this year as well.

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