The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

The people who I know who only game on PC don’t look or consider a console a rival They don’t even look to sub to Gamepass mind as they’re part of the PC generation who used to make fun of the fact I had to play a subscription to LIVE to play Online and always looked to take the piss out of consoles even PlayStation band

For them consoles are for kids and toys. I sometimes wonder why I even drink with one of them down the local LOL

Shot through the heart, and Phil’s to blame! He gives Xbox a bad name!


I’ve only used Surface in work during lockdown. I was really impressed with the tech myself and the unit overall . Its just out of my price range for me to buy one for home use.


A fine 4060 PC should be in the 650-700 pound range, you can raise it a bit if you want a very strong CPU, but 1700 pounds? Lmao that has to be a very dumb pc setup

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You know all you gloom mongers really need to be more consistent. No good looking to PS5 Pro to save you.

If you’re going worst case scenario and Phil announces MS are out of the console HW game tomorrow then what incentive to Sony have to release a PS5 Pro at all? They make money from each PS5 sold. If there is no competition then there is no reason to release a PS5 Pro at all let alone one that loses them money on each box sold. So it either doesn’t come or comes at a price that makes Sony money and costs you.

Same for PS6. No competition in the top end console market means a low spec box that makes Sony money so they can flog you a “Pro” version after a few years when it’s tapped out against PC games.

Then they enact their episodic delivery plan for Spiderman 3 (as everyone tells us if a company has a ppt slide for something it will definitely happen) and you pay $150 for the full game and multi player over 2 years or wait for 3 to get it all for $70.

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I have no misconceptions that Sony will nickel and dime their customers - but they’ll still do higher-end consoles to differentiate themselves from Nintendo.

If the Switch 2 is say 60/70% of the power of a PS5 (particularly if it uses Nvidia DLSS technology) then Sony will want the PS6 to be powerful enough to show a clear reason to buy them over a Switch 2 (or even 3 during the PS6 generation).

A PS5 Pro is now so heavily rumoured by Sony insiders that it’s almost certainly built and in production, with a likely release date of this holiday season - so no, they won’t be cancelling it anytime soon.

As for a PS6 Pro, they’ll still do that as they can get their superfans to double-dip and get a slightly better PS6 for even more money (and it’s rare for money to be lost on the mid-gen refreshes).

I may hate their business practices, but I can’t deny they know how to do the fan service part in “here’s new shiny things to buy!” (though their actual customer service is a bit lacking)


This is not happening lol

I wonder what Microsoft will do there.

Will they take full advantage of PS5 Pro and make the series X version not even the best console version of the game? Or just ship a standard PS5 version? Presumably Sony could insist that you support PS5 Pro, much as Xbox insist developers make a Series S And Series X version.

A bit of a mess.

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How do people think certain developers at Xbox will feel if ‘select’ devs get to port their games to other consoles? I’d imagine there’s various financial incentives in place for developers, so if XGS games like Pentiment and Sea of Thieves get ported over and devs are getting better financial compensation, I can’t imagine I’d be happy if I worked for a XGS studio who didn’t get that opportunity.


Yeah I know the rumoured specs are more like 50% of a Steam Deck or PS5/XSX - same number of cores but running slower, half the RAM and an unusual GPU arrangement.

But given Nvidia’s tech in there, if they can use DLSS when docked it could at least look 60/70% as good, as long as there’s some discrete GPU memory too.

But at the moment we don’t know the definite specs - I was just highlighting that while the Switch is always behind, if Sony got sloppy they’d eventually get near and the Sony fans would not like that…

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Yeah it’s a concern - it goes away a bit if Xbox do a “Series XX” that we can at least buy and have the “best” version on, but according to all the Xbox insiders they’re not planning on one.

That strikes me as weird, as Xbox have generally matched every mainline Sony release - so I’m hoping for maybe a surprise reveal of one soon?

If not, this whole “porting to the PS5” thing yep gets very tricky as yes Sony could require Pro support to release on the PS5, or their customers might not buy un-optimised games - but then us Xbox players have a poorer version… It would be a big mess you’re right

We already heard some ABK or Bethesda developers aren’t happy as they used to get bonuses based on sales performance (which Game Pass and less platforms obviously impacts) - so if teams that did go multi-platform still got those bonuses and those who don’t didn’t, it could cause some major employment disputes / jealousy between teams…

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A PS5 version is supporting PS5 Pro. It’s not comparable to XSS/XSX at all. Sony can’t force anyone to utilize PS5 Pro capabilities. That said, if Xbox launches in 2026 you’ve got a 2 year duration of worrying about it not being the best console to play.

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So this thread turned into one that saw loads of people unloading there grievances against Xbox or Microsoft, or to compare negatively with PlayStation/Sony. This is the reason i dumped Neogaf and Era, absolutely abysmal thread filled with a desperate need to see Xbox fail, so weird.

The thing i find so confusing in all of this is for literally decades gamers have wanted console exclusives to become available to all, why cant we have mario on PlayStation, zelda on xbox, forza on PlayStation, wipeout on N64, Sonic on PS1 etc.

Now that we might actually see the beginnings of this reality its a terrible thing that will almost certainly lead to the death of one specific console maker, absolute morons selling (or pretending to sell, which is worse) hardware based on rumour. Console wars and warriors are insane, their entire personality is wrapped up in the ownership and worship of a plastic box sold by multi billion corporations that see them as a cost value and dont give 2 shits about them.

The whole thing is just so fucked up.


I saw this and I can kinda see where this person is coming from, but on the other hand I feel people are too negative. You don’t only get clarity from Phil now, but more important people.

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I agree there’s been a lot of nonsense but not all people who are against this are doing so because of ‘loyalty’ to a plastic box. When you consider the money spent in an eco system, you don’t want that eco system to be weakened so much it eventually goes away.


Turns out I was wrong, they don’t need to force anyone to support the Pro - while developers might choose to do it, they also had a “Boost Mode” in the PS4 Pro from firmware version 4.5 that automatically clocked the GPU and CPU higher to improve performance…

I didnt say everyone.

Honestly there isn’t anything they can say besides no multiplat games that can reassure me that staying with Xbox is the right choice for next gen.

They can have new hardware, another big publisher acquisition and game pass, it all means nothing to the box if I get it elsewhere.

Why go to KFC if you can buy both KFC and McDonalds from McDonalds.


How long did that gobshites self imposed twiiter exile last, 15, 20 minutes?


Still two things that make a big difference in my opinion, especially one.

Game Pass : Day and date for the first party games. Even if we get to a point where these games release day and date for the competition, they will be top dollar for that and “free” in your sub.

Xbox ecosystem. Personally I really want to stay with that. And their controller.