The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Fighting game would make sense to be multiplatform, but… A new one lol. 2013 ain’t doing anything, even with the updates lol

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I think Indiana Jones (if great) can easily sell 5 million on PS5 and Starfield would do it on Bethesda’s brand power alone.

They really thought Xcloud would take off in the hundreds of millions before 2030 didn’t they…? Because that was the only way this number was ever going to be a possibility, it’s actually amazing how such a huge global corporation can’t compete in something that should be extremely simple to them, I just don’t get it, why are they so clueless? This is why I still stand by my view that they just didn’t hire the right people to manage Xbox, they should’ve focused on getting a good market share in console before ever thinking they would somehow be first to and actually dominate the Streaming market…


They do likely have another one on the way though, they weren’t going to have IG work on KI again without a sequel on the way so I guess it makes sense to create the brand awareness, feel like it makes more sense than Pentiment or even HFR

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Its not just day and date gamepass. Superior ecosystem for me. Assuming they enhance it more than now

Ps ecosystem could grt me into debt with their shitty policies

Nintendo dont even have a ecosystem. Their online is garbage and the ports would run like shit. So no need to play any xbox on a nintendo system unless it was some portable friendly indie

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Apart from the $100 loss on each console (do we know this, and what is it for Series S?) wouldn’t this be true for every company with every product ever?

How would one expect to reach 3 billion gamers if you are not going global?



I’ve studied this. It works out to 55m Console, 20m PC and 35m Xcloud. 110m actually, not 100m.

Astute observers will see they are expecting growth to blossom in 2024

Also…you should probably realise its a lot easier to hit those numbers on a 5B install base over a 7 year period.

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Yeah seems so. They dream big but never seem to know how to achieve it. Phil was the right person to stabilize the business but doesn’t seem like the one that can grow it.

Also agree with your takes on Indy and starfield. I think it’s a bit naive for people to think that this decision won’t lead to more games going to other platforms in the future. They have some big titles coming that would sell big on other platforms.


I think it can most especially because of the fighting game community settling on PlayStation. There’s an audience there that might want to check it out if they haven’t on PC.

I also think that with the update the game doesn’t feel as dated as you’d figure.

Another 2013 title that I think PS fans would be open to is Sunset Overdrive. If there’s any time to get Insomniac to do a 4K 60 FPS update, it’s now. Having an agreement where they update the game and it’s available as an XGS title on PlayStation would be pretty awesome. Sony may pursue publishing a sequel.

These games might seem old to us but with 4K+60 I think PS gamers would be open to them.

I’m not buying the $100 figure, just the concept.

Yes, but Sony and Nintendo had their user bases. They acquired them decades ago. PlayStation made the right moves and the right time and scored 100 million users on their first system. A number Nintendo didn’t reach till the Wii (for home consoles).

Nintendo had a huge handheld base and merged their small console user base into their handheld product.

The sales figures for Nintendo’s previous consoles were not great:

  • N64 ~30 million
  • GameCube ~ 21 Million
  • Wii ~101 Million
  • Wii U ~12 Million

It just so happens that the switch is sitting right about where the DS + their typical console number would be.

Sony is right in line with every console they have ever released. If anything, this should tell you that market isn’t growing. The same rough number of users in the console market seem to simply ebb and flow slightly. But even Sony’s biggest failure, the PS3, still landed near 90 million units.

So back to your question, how does anyone expect to reach three billions gamers in a stagnant non-growing market. 50 million more xbox consoles doesn’t get you there.

What can a company making similar hardware, with similar software (95% the same software) offer to make someone forgoe 30 years of history with a brand that is still providing them what they want. There is no amount of xbox exclusives that is going to make them dump that ecosystem outside of sony making some sort of catrostrophic blunder.


Man, that Wii U was a natural disaster.

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lol Hi Fi Rush ain’t selling a million on Playstation. They’ll be lucky with a hundred thousand units if that.


No offence but you have studied horribly wrong numbers based off your posts today on XCloud.

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[quote=“Joe_Sinister, post:6303, topic:17793, username:Joe_Sinister1”]

lol Hi Fi Rush ain’t selling a million on Playstation. They’ll be lucky with a hundred thousand units if that.

It sells a million and more if it launched on xbox/switch/pc/gamepass day 1

Now its not going to do shit. Might sell a few hundred thousand on each at best. Which isnt worth the prestige of having such a great gsme exclusive to your ecosystem

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I think HFR could do pretty well on Switch, especially if it’s shown off at the Direct. Doubt a huge chunk of the Switch fanbase even knows it’s over a year old.

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The Bayonetta series did not sell gangbusters on the Switch, HiFi Rush which is similar but less accessible and without Nintendo behind it will likely sell less.

HFR is a pretty quirky anime game and Bayonetta is boobs lol

With the PS5 Pro supposedly coming this year, there couldn’t be a funnier time for Xbox to start putting games on Playstation tbh.

Digital Foundry bout to get monster views on videos about some of these ports.


None of the currently mentioned games (in Tom Warren’s article) are gonna do much for revenue I’d say. This is just the start of a bandaid removal imo. I want to see them do day 1 all multi asap because it’s annoying enough watching Sony act all coy on day 1 pc as it is lol.

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Sony isn’t going to change their strategy anytime soon.

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No chance in fucking hell xbox optimises ANY of their games for ps5 pro until they put out new hardware.

Even if they launch starfield on ps5 they will not optimise the pro version.

Rockstar block optimisation for different reasons. Ms can and will do the same