The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

When nothing happens and things start going majorly negative it gets longer. Something kinda happened, Tom’s article, so I lowered it. If the thread devolves again it will go longer until Thursday’s show.

I would agree if they weren’t making more money than ever, while Sony struggles to make any profit.

Brad Sams

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Yeah, you dont wait almost 2 full weeks after rumours dragging your brand blow up online to make a podcast if its news your current consumer base wants to hear.

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But it’s not enough so wouldn’t have been smart to have a 2 pronged attack think we’ve got to get content but also to market the service and games to actually increase subs.

They’ve done 1 and not the other which is why they are having to do this.

PlayStation may no be making enough at present but they’ve practically made the brand too big to fail

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But it’s obviously not enough since they’re looking for additional revenue streams. There’s also no instance where shoe-horning yourself into a select few markets is a good thing. Xbox consistently failing to make attempt to globalize the brand, especially in Europe, and their poor marketing are 100% worthy of criticism, regardless of how well they’re doing.


I heard Phil has asked the teams to erase all proof that ports were in the works and that due to our complains everything is back to being exclusive.


I also fail to see how Xbox would make less money if they had 20-30 million more console customers in Europe/Asia/Restoftheworld.

How about Game Pass? They are not trying with that either.

Localization? A $3 trillion company can’t find translators?


Out of interest how ‘slow’ can it go? 24 hours? Maybe 67 hours? :wink: - I think you may need to put us out of our own misery :rofl:.

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It may look that way especially when you see their console sales but eventually that’s not gonna be enough for shareholders, there’s a reason they were trying to pump out a billion GaaS games and it wasn’t because ol Jimmy boy hates single player games

Their profit margins are absolutely awful and selling 100 or even 200m consoles isn’t going to change that because in order to get those sales they are having to pump insane amounts into their single player games and marketing and those costs are only going up while their sales software sales aren’t

Sony are going to have to make changes eventually otherwise it doesn’t matter how big they are, they will fall

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Is this a new rumor? Or just your wish? :slight_smile:

Absolutely! Consoles may not be the be-all and end-all for Xbox, but more console sales, and subsequently more gamepass users, is most definitely something they want. I don’t get how localization and marketing has consistently been an issue and there aren’t strides being made to improve that. It’s legit worse now than it was early in the Xbox One generation.


Heard it from my uncle who is Phil’s assistant so it’s pretty much confirmed. They could always restore the garbage bin though, really hope the devs use shift+delete when obeying Phil’s order.


When we all speak English, we all win.


please don’t threaten Jesse with a good time

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Gaming as a whole is slowing down, that’s the main driver on everyone trying new things. They’re making more money than ever, but number must go up.


It’s quite easy, If in order to sell those consoles you have to lose 100$ per console, and spend millions in marketing, then it’s not really worth it.

I got to say, I’m a bit surprised to see many folks associate with Xbox as in employee repost and essentially hype it up. I mean I can’t say we have the same wavelength, but I do believe there’s more than simply “your games is on other platform.” 3 more days.

And that is why they are running a highly profitable three trillion-dollar company and we aren’t. Not to mention making as much/more money than the two companies with twice the console base.

There is a concept called “customer acquisition”. As the poster above hinted at, turning a potential customer into actual customer incurs a cost.

Acting like they haven’t run any and every scenario possible, using their army of world class minds in business/finance, is implausible fantasy.

If it were as simple as “just do this” they would have done it already. You don’t have to like the decisions they make, but the decisions they make are anything but arbitrary.

Colteastwood says the 4th game on Tom Warrens list is 2013s Killer Instinct.

So…im more inclined to think Microsoft is throwing old rope at other platforms to disarm regulators for future acquisitions then make money.

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You don’t understand! People will sell their Xboxes because Pentiment and KI are coming to PS5. It’s all over! That’s the whole point, it’s a diversion for us puny Xbox fanboys. The moment you turn your back Phil will snap his fingers and all Xbox games will release on PS5 and Switch at once AND in physical format, including Hellblade 2. They’ll even have physical copies of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie remastered with the Stop N’ Swop feature for Nintendo Switch just to shit on the Xbox fanbase even more!