you know for all this discourse i haven’t seen an article about it yet or maybe i missed it but this seems more about how harcore xbox people having an issue and the persecution complex that still lingers from the XONE when everything was against xbox
In this case I would expect to start with something like Banjo ports to Switch. Or just port all of Rare Replay. There is probably more overlap in the Nintendo fanbase than Hifi Rush
“Xbox” sales, or “Xbox hardware” sales? Because “Xbox” sales are the best they’ve been.
All this has any one even asked Phil, Sarah or Greeny on X?
Yes, 25000 times. They are not going to answer there.
It’s true though? No point burying heads in the sand
OK. Fair enough. Was just hoping someone would put an end to all this civil war within the community.
Jet Force Gemini just came to NSO late last year. They give them little tastes here and there.
I know the prevailing rumor is Hi Fi Rush, but I still think Pentiment is the most likely just because it was a small passion project and it can actually run on current Switch hardware. As someone mentioned above, Rare Replay is also a possibility. Remember Nate himself is not the person who suggested HFR.
Also if this rumor comes true, I think a new Banjo is way more likely to happen, and it will go on the next Switch.
That’s not what I’m doing, but ok.
Really depends on what the purpose of the port is. If it’s specific to HFR (like them thinking it has the potential to be a strong transmedia IP) then your suggestion wouldn’t help. Unfortunately we are not privvy to the rationale.
I think the people that have the biggest issue with this have settled on them just doing it for more money, which leads to the slippery slope of everything going multiplatform. I think those people should think more strategically and put some thought into what other ways this would benefit Xbox and why they’d accept the negatives for it. There are pros and cons to every decision.
I would like people to read this fantastic post from Idas from other era:
This is in some way how I envision MS gaming going forward:
Does that mean that MS doesn’t care about exclusivity? I don’t think so, but it’s a different concept of exclusivity because only Game Pass will include ALL the games from MS gaming as a whole. Yes, some games will have ports available on PlayStation or Switch. Some of them will even be available on other subscriptions services during some time. But if you really want all the games published by MS there will only be one place to find them: Game Pass
In time it will be irrelevant for MS how do you get access to Game Pass.
This is what I refer when I say Sony will follow MS steps sooner or later:
One of the more interesting pieces of info from the Insomniac leak were the slides where Sony (without filter) is kind of agreeing with this next paradigm envisioned by MS: PC, mobile and subscriptions. Yes, they don’t completely agree with the approach. But they admit to be behind the competition and that their main pillar (premium sales model) is “dated”. It seems to me that Sony is facing a classic case of the The Innovator’s Dilemma and is going to be very interesting how they solve it during the next years.
All things considered, this generation is being really exciting to me consider all the changes happening and that are going to happen and my prediction for the next big move in gaming is that EA is going to be acquired by someone…really exiting times.
And of course, you would say that
This is the issue with XBox and the PR. Either come out and say what game is coming out and on what system or say it’s not happening at all.
The silence over this is worse than Hi-Fi coming to Switch which is most prob the case
“the silence over this”. Xbox has been back from holiday break for what, a day or two at most? It’s a rumor on a random podcast and the weekend. What are you talking about? Also, don’t appreciate the “of course you would say that”. I’m not disagreeing with people who are confused by it if it happens. I’m upset at the immediate, constant hyperbole that mf’ers in this community jump to at the drop of a hat.
I’m a casual? TIL
you i feel pity for the people who are going to be thinking like that while i actually be playing my games and continue playing xbox games for the foreseeable future instead of the hypotheticals you or anybody else have dreamt up
Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force, and Goldeneye are all on the switch. Don’t be surprised if/when Killer Instinct Gold ends up on there too. Banjo is in Smash. The world didn’t end. MS and Nintendo are homies, and I’m okay with that.
This thread is sad. Go play some games folks.
yeah like NOA is right next to or near MS headquarters