The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Id be really happy if they pulled out the spreadsheets really allude to PlayStations cost soaring drag the conversation into gaming industry conversation & Xbox are leading the way.

I hope they’ve got some serious political PR spin on this.


Sorry I forgot you had a hotline to Phil… Forgive me :rofl::person_facepalming:

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I really hope they give Indiana Jones a chance first, see how it does sales wise and in Game Pass. Didn’t Starfield sell surprisingly well, despite also being in Game Pass since its official release?

Clearly they won’t name Indiana Jones Thursday since it’s not out yet, but if they were to confirm Starfield (even though that rumored release window is quite far away still) I’d say all bets are off and any game can come. Hopefully they prove the rumors wrong.

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Porting over The MCC or Infinite I get for different reasons. Porting Forza Horizon 5 due to its mass appeal I get. Even porting Starfield in a shakeup of Xbox’s strategy entirely I get.

…but porting over Hi-Fi and Pentiment? These are niche titles. Sea of Thieves is one of Xbox’s smaller GaaS experiences. What kind of return is Microsoft leadership expecting here? The pros, in my mind, does not outweigh the cons.

Xbox has suffered brand damage before this business update has even been publicly made. Folks will abandon the platform as a result of this, proportional in response or not. Uncertainty of exclusivity will dictate the conversation of every single one of your games going forward.

For what? Another million sales on Hi-Fi, another several hundred thousand on Pentiment? Maybe prolonging Sea of Thieves a few more years? None of this makes sense on paper to me.


IMO that means they start giving day 1 and bigger games a try faster than they were already going to.

This isn’t gonna just stop. :joy:


We talked about this 10 posts up. I know the thread is going crazy but…

My bad, take it as my dear diary entry for the thread.

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Preparing it’s users for future ports.

I bet an hypothetical port announcement of Starfield or FH in 7-8 months would make way less noise than this 3-4 smaller game ports from this week


If them putting those games on PS/Switch isn’t good for anything, then what good is keeping them on Xbox? Clearly, they aren’t important enough to move the needle. So, what difference does it make? If their impact is that negligible then no one was going to buy an Xbox for them anyway.

It would be like getting upset if Nintendo decided to release Part-Time UFO on another platform. Who cares.

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This is why I’m leaning towards it being a Nintendo partnership rather than Playstation.

They can release their smaller games on the Switch which has a much larger playerbase than both PS5 and X/S combined for more sales.

Directly compete with Nintendo with their big AAA exclusives and compete with Playstation using all their exclusives (AA and AAA).


Actually nevermind you sparked a discussion, i will eat crow.

They still treat them like shit


Some of you guys sound like you were dating Xbox lol


Side note: Everyone should play Part-Time UFO.


Are you saying my marriage was a lie?? :rofl:


Problem is the majority are casual gamers buy a few AAA games a year etc

The difference is PlayStation positioned themselves as the place to game especially in Europe

Xbox didn’t.

Really frustrates me that they’ve done virtually nothing to market themselves properly


welp 5 min cooldown, that’s mean the discourse is worse than i expected

There was an hour earlier.


That’s what annoys me about it. The predicament Xbox finds themselves in is their own making. The Xbox One was a failure due to listening to analytics and data and porting more games as a multilpat seems like it’s coming from the money people, who would be relying on…data and analytics.

Phil and the Xbox leadership did a great job resurrecting Xbox to some degree, but the reason they’re selling what they’re selling isn’t solely because of the Xbox One launch. Their globalization is a joke and it would be pretty hard for their marketing to be worse. Their presence outside of the anglo-sphere keeps dwindling and they have only themselves to blame for that. It’s hard to move big numbers when you basically ignore entire continents.