The Big ol' Xbox 3rd Party Releases Discussion Thread (HiFi, SoT, Pentiment, Grounded) (Part 1)

Cloud streaming though could grow, depending how you look at it. For example, if Geforce Now grows in subscriber base, their users might be interested in getting Gamepass as it can be linked and played in Geforce Now. MS still makes its 10$ a month and the bulk of the cost for the infrastructure goes to NVidia. On the PC side due to the agreements they have made, the as cloud grows (not only xCloud) so can Gamepass due to all the deals that were made during the ABK shit show of last year.

So right now we have xCloud, Geforce Now, Boosteroid, and I think there were a bunch of smaller ones as well. Luna will hopefully happen someday as well, and these are deals that MS probably made knowing that cloud growth wasn’t going to happen on their platform. It might be taking longer than anticipated for it to happen, but as it gets there, they’ll have their fingers everywhere and are a quick way to get a lot of games for cheap no matter the cloud provider.

Porting Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment wont make a lot of money but starts to develop that mindset of hey, Xbox games can be on other platforms. Titles ported will be getting more and more important.

I am probably buying a PS console this year. Sony still seems to respect console players.


I agree that we obviously don’t know (yet) why the plans seem to be a more multiplat approach than there currently is, but that’s a slippery slope in and of itself. If a studio wants to port their games over, they can’t just agree for every port. If they agree to smaller games, but not bigger games, that could cause resentment amongst studios making larger games. We’ll have to wait and see most likely and hopefully Thursday will clarify this, but I think we’ll likely have to wait beyond that and see what the future brings.

I don’t know what would be the right move. If their goal is short-term revenue growth, porting big games definitely is the right move because, like I said I can’t imagine Hi-Fi Rush or Pentiment really backing the brink’s truck up. The more games they port over though, and the bigger the games, it devalues their console more, so it will most likely have long-term effects. We’ll see what Phil and Co. says on Thursday, but I’m not sure we’ll be getting a definitive answer one way or the other.

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Yes, the company famous for not giving a shit about their playerbase are now the ones that “respect their players”. This is like Jez saying that “at least apple respects their customers” last week.


Major question about all of this is what if these games bomb on Playstation and Nintendo? Does that mean Microsoft halts porting games to other consoles?

I feel this whole thing is weird to only go with the smaller titles because it might not provide much data to have a strategy. Plus, all of the chaos it has caused within the community and opens the can of worms of endless port begging for every xbox game that is shown


It wont be long before al their games are day and date on PC and as much as you, myself and many others would prefer Xbox to not go this route, Sony will likely do the same eventually, it just seems the way the industry is headed, games will be become available on as many platforms as possible, even what was considered competitors

The big problem is right now like many things MS/Xbox has done in the past is gone first and it puts them in a negative light until the competition does the same thing down the line and gets praised for it


Most likely. It seems like something Satya wanted to try, once it comes back there was a non-meaningful gain they will measure it against brand/game pass damage and back track.


We have crossed wires, Obsidian, Tango they have to run at a profit. Pentiment would have been first pitched to studio heads then Xbox to get greenlit.

Im looking at it through the lens of the dev, do we let our teams make passassion projects and eat into our budget, or say no? If multiplat allows for that im fine with it. Because working on tentpole only frankly sucks.

It could be boiling the frog which is what your saying, im not so sure it is yet. It could simply be a way to have more diverse portfolios.


Agreed about there being potential in cloud streaming growth in general, but who knows, if true, how far away that would be. In your example, Microsoft definitely benefits from other cloud service providers’ users by potentially having more gamepass users, assuming they get gamepass on those platforms, or more sales of their games, but my reply to @monkeyboy101 was more about prioritizing xcloud and the mobile app store specifically.

Xbox is definitely branching out and isn’t restricted to a console-only approach, which in and of itself is smart given how stagnant the console market is, but we’ll have to see how the specific moves they’re (seemingly) making will work out for them.

That’s honestly what would be my concern. If the small games don’t bring in much money, which seems unlikely, I can’t imagine they’ll just throw in the towel and say they tried. They’d likely try porting over their bigger games that are more likely to sell better. Either way, once they start porting games over, it’s fair to assume they’re considering ports of any and every game, even if it’s only the smaller games going over initially.


Cloud and Gamepass. Those were the 2 major selling points that Phil sold Xbox to Satya on.

Fast forward 6-7 years later, Xcloud is still in its infancy, bleeding them money and gamepass seems like it has reached its ceiling within the current Xbox ecosystem.

What’s the next pivot after that ? Having an array of mobile friendly IP can print liquid cash and live service games. ABK helps accelerate those plans with the Blizzard, COD IP and King.

How does exclusivity fit with that business model ? Especially when the exclusive model isn’t expanding the console ceiling or making people switch from PS to Xbox ? Yes it’ll hurt the console side of the things in the long run but what’s the alternative ? Pray that you somehow beat Sony at their own game ? Good luck telling Satya that when he just invested billions into you and you’re still trending downwards within the exclusivity model.

You can buy revenue, IP etc etc with Daddy Microsoft bucks but you can’t buy brand loyalty.

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Hmm, that’s something we’ve missed. Sure, Microsoft had to make a deal with Sony and Nintendo on Call of Duty in order to buy ABK . But MS must also get something in return. Wonder what?

Sorry but this made me laugh so bad :rofl:.

Respect? Playstation has had some of the worst consumer practices over the past decade. Since the PS3 they have been so arrogant it’s unbelievable.

If they had their way games would already be $100, $50 upgrades, $20 DLC’s and $200 PSN.

The crossplay ‘tax’ is still one of the most ridiculous things I have ever known in gaming, charging the creators if someone plays their games on a different platform :person_facepalming: and also destroying the gaming community all in one fell swoop.

If Playstation ever completely dictated the ‘high-end’ console market then I wouldnt have a choice where to play other than PC.


I said console players. Sony gives way more importance to its console than MS does, so if you like consoles and playing on consoles you have to go where you are the priority.


Tinfoil hat here. Looking at these titles what if Satya and the money men told Phil to release games on rival platforms and Phil hated it but didn’t say it and after telling Satya ok thought about it and decided to release the 3 titles that would bring in the least amount of money. I mean I doubt these money men understand anything about games. Maybe this way he can show them the little amount they make there isn’t enough to warrant ruining the storefront that brings in double digit billions of revenue.

I’m probably just grasping at straws here.

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MS is going to reinforce Sonys position so thank them.


Would have been nice. But we do have that XboxEra article about Starfield. I think it mentioned Indiana Jones too? Not sure, for all we know they are all still being considered and might not happen at all, but that’s the tricky bit, if those are being considered, are Gears, Halo, etc too? We had rumors about those too. If those are considered, is every single XGS game being considered? Both released and upcoming ones?

Even without console exclusives I’d prefer to choose Xbox over Playstation. I don’t think I’d appreciated being f****d over by PlayStation’s ridiculous practices.

Playstation do not treat you as the priority, they treat you as a over milked cow.



My country, Fiji, isn’t even listed on my Xbox but I can use Apple Music, Spotify, Netflix, Prime, and Youtube on said Xbox, which all have my, albeit tiny, country as a market on its own.




The way some of you seemingly, in thousands of posts, have never actually read the counter arguments to any of this or made any effort to actually comprehend it, is baffling. If you are mad, go buy a PlayStation and be mad.

But posts like this are increasingly pointless. Someone will once again explain that Sony’s business is entirely built on this shortsighted and archaic business model, and they are floundering trying to catch up to the realities of the future. They make less profit, in the here and now, than either Nintendo or MS. So they can have all the God of Wars and Spider-Mans they want, spending hundreds of millions on titles for minimal return and ride your warm and fuzzy feelings right to insolvency.

In 5 years when they follow the same path as MS, you know the same way they are already following the one MS realized and set forth on five years ago, which platform are you going to rage quit to so you can feel special?

Jim Ryan wasn’t trying to transition their first party business to live services for fun. He was looking at the same (leaked) numbers everyone else was.