Street Fighter 6 Hype

Thinking about it a bit more I could see the characters looking something similar to the SF3:OE art work if they go for a slightly more realistic art style. Im not sure how it would translate to 3D characters though.


Yeah it’s not cross platform either apparently which is even more dumb. All fighting games need cross platform, it’s freaking 2022.

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Street Fighter V was only an exclusive because Capcom at the time was financially hurting badly, it’s the polar opposite today where Capcom is more lucrative than they’ve ever been.


That would be incredible.

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Waiting for my copy in the mail, but sad to see there’s wait times at launch on xbox. I think they really need to implement crossplay for these fighting games because I think Xbox might’ve lost the FGC crowd last gen due to SFV exclusivity

Still holding out hope for Xbox version.

I’m still hanging on to what @Shpeshal_Nick said during the podcast and just waiting

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Assuming the announcement is Street Fighter then there’s not even a doubt that it’s multiplat because of this

Whatever they’re announcing is multiplat, anyway. I’m in the camp of it being Street Fighter and it being multiplat.

No question in my mind that 6 will be abck on all platforms


They are REALLY pushing Luke.

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So hyped for this. I just hope they don’t ruin the artstyle. I’m used to that japanese prints artstyle. It was really fitting for the series imo.

Man, SF back on Xbox ! I was worried it would never happen. I can’t wait !


What did he say then?

He said at first his source told him it’s multiplat (this was before the Capcom leak where it was indeed listed as multiplat), but said his source later came back and said Sony was moneyhatting it (apparently Ono wanted it multiplat this time, but since he left Sony stepped in and started moneyhatting). Nick says he gets the feeling there is no moneyhat because this is Capcom themselves announcing it, instead of at a Sony showcase like SFV was.

I too firmly believe it’s multiplat. If Sony threw money around I think the “most” they’re getting is a marketing deal and exclusive demoes/beta tests

Plus if this particular countdown is SFVI (so much stuff is lining up for it to be) then that tweet of Capcom adding stuff to the MS store is confirmation of multiplat by now.

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I am also in that camp. Xbox and Capcom are not the same position as it was last gen.

And unlike Square Enix, Capcom is interested in growing their own franchises.

They crippled SF with the last title moneyhat. XD

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Probably. I don’t think SF has the same hype anymore. Launch it in Game Pass :joy:

Why are people excited? Didn’t Ed say a few months ago it was going to be playstation exclusive?

We are not that sure anymore. Market has changed.

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Announcement in 7 hours right?

Not “probably,” SF was indeed crippled and went from being the premiere fighting franchise to being overtaken by Mortal Kombat. That, combined with the lackluster media reception and terrible launch, makes me surprised if Capcom would ever take a Sony moneyhat for the franchise again. I could be wrong, because money speaks, but still.

Would be amazing to have it go into Game Pass, though, lol.