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Not enough people are talking about how Koei Tecmo is supporting Xbox again: Stranger of Paradise, Fatal Frame, Samurai Warriors 5…

I don’t want to write it off too soon, could turn out to be really good. The visuals however can use a lot of work, especially in the AA department.

I wonder if there’s any chance we’ll get Nioh. Samurai warriors 5 shocked me. I don’t think xbox has ever gotten. A samurai warriors game ever.

Nioh looked like a ps3 game at times especially in frame rate mode. But played amazingly.

No doubt this game will play fine. I couldn’t care less about story and characters in a team ninja game.

Team Ninja are one of the best combat gameplay devs on the planet and have been since the ps2 xbox era. Just hope this gets the time and budget it needs.

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We got Samurai Warriors 2 and SW2: Empires on the 360. That was in 2006 and 2007 when Xbox still thought they could win market share in Japan.

I corrected it for you…XD

Nioh is published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. That is why it’s not on Xbox, if it was up to Koei Tecmo it would be on Xbox; no doubt. Nioh is not getting any more sequels and KT are working on a new AAA game that is going to be multiplatform.

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Koei published the game on pc and own the ip. I’m hoping some time in the future we get pc ports to Xbox.

Respect the 360. 1 million sold in Japan.

I respect it, in fact I said when they actually tried.

Yeah, Koei Tecmo published it on PC because Sony let them. Same with 505 Games publishing Death Stranding on PC but not on Xbox. You won’t see Nioh on Xbox.

I may come to regret my words and deeds regarding this title because despite the ridiculous character designs and dumb “Chaos” stuff, after watching some footage I kinda… don’t hate it? It looks like it could be fun. Haven’t played the demo myself yet though.

A man can dream

Demo is out on xbox

Who has tried it?? Launching now. You have to search for it. I searched stranger on the Xbox store and found it.

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It also shows up in the demo section of the games tab of the store; mechanically its a interesting mesh of FF stuff and souls like mechanics, seems to take a lot of enemies and inspiration from previous FF games. Story however is just straight bad.

It comes out in march hope they improve the performance by then, its pretty bad in the demo.

Ok so I just played the demo for an Hour. My thoughts

  • Its basically Basically a budget Nioh clone with FF skin with far less loot it seems like. Level design is structured like Nioh with its mission design and reward system.

  • Looks to have a lot of variety in terms of weapons and jobs though not on the level of a Nioh. Can level up each job and change whenever

  • Game looks absolutely horrible. Were talking PS3/360 level graphics. That picture of a Ps2 boxart isn’t far off. Jesus christ.

  • Game has hiccups on on Performance mode but it IS a Beta demo. But the Resolution or Quality mode is HORRENDOUS. Absolutely shocking. Barely runs 25FPS. Makes Cyberpunk look good. Animations are also bad.

  • Combat although modelled after Nioh is very stiff and doesn’t have the polish of that game. Movement could also be a lot better.

I think the gameplay has potential. Glad its a beta. Game needs MASSIVE levels of improvement. Visual and performance but also combat needs to be a bit more free flowing and tighter.

I mean Nioh is one of my fav souls type games from last gen and this is like a really low budget version of that. Even lower budget than Lords of Fallen.

We’ll see how game turns out. If it can have the content and just polish up the production values a bit it can be decent.

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Wtf …

I can’t even get past the language screen with this demo.

Saw that people on Reddit have the same issue as me, so you were able to just press A at that screen and go on? I don’t get it at all.

No I didn’t have that issue. What console are you on? I’m on Series X. Don’t know if its on base consoles.

Demo is not playable on xb1x only next gen, also preorder in store says nothing about xbox one thoiugh its on t heir video

I’ve had a similar issue with I am Fish, but that was at the main menu. And someoje on Reddit had the same thing with Astria Ascending.