Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

I saw some comments (not trolls) wondering why BGS doesn’t make X version also 1440p and then 60fps. But I really doubt lowering the resolution a little would make such drastic room for that.

It’s probably the same with 40fps, it would be the sweet spot because it is great in some games, but maybe they can’t get it consistent.

Dude has PC master race in their name. Should disregard everything he says based on that alone lol.


They showed so much, and yet I think they likely showed so very little. We saw surprisingly few dungeons/caves and 100% for sure it will have plenty of those.

Skyrim in space in all the best ways, Skyrim had tons of awesome dungeons. Todd knew what he was doing, he wants the people to discover it all themselves.

I do wonder about one thing, the game being this huge in scope with so many planets, how do we figure out which ones will have the truly interested, handcrafted content? In their previous games it was one map and you just explore that.

If it were that easy (just lower the resolution bro and you will go 60fps+!) Bethesda would’ve already implemented a performance mode. We are talking about doubling the frame-rate here…

About the lack of a 40fps mode, for something like this to work the game should run almost at all times over 40fps to be a successful lock at 40…if for some reason the game in it’s current form drops below 40fps it won’t be a good experience and that’s why Todd talks about consistency.

Also when Todd says that he won’t sacrifice the visuals/presentation for a performance mode that doesn’t change the fact that the game may be CPU bound…in fact if the game is CPU bound and it also pushes visuals the sacrifices that need to be made to offer a high frame-rate option are gonna be even more drastic. If that means for example significantly lower resolution while at the same time lowering the quality of lighting, textures and/or AA quality we could look at something like 1080p with low settings and lower quality IQ to hit 60fps and in his opinion this is not worth it. Console gaming is all about making compromises and developers deciding what is the best for their game/vision…it’s always being like that.


Makes a lot of sense

And I 100% agree.

I do want all the details, everything looking great in a crisp enough resolution. 30fps isn’t the end of the world, certainly not with a well implemented motion blur.


Good. This wouldnt be 30fps on ps5 as well and run at a worse res. Not sure what these tools are on about. But ill buy some more bucket for the tears.

Pc gamer is a fucking cancer of a journo


I wouldn’t use a word like cancer, but they don’t seem to be a quality publication.

This is probably a question thats been asked before, but what is the traversal on the planet like? Are there vehicles? Do you fly the spaceship to a new spot? Is there fast travel on planet? Is it only by foot once you land?

Bold headline.

Edit: Doesn’t pop up for some reason.

Headline: Starfield’s Locked 30FPS Isn’t the Problem - You Are

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As cool as all the guns looked, that punching build was absolutely hilarious. Can’t wait to punch people into orbit.

When the game comes out and everyone loves it, these last-minute downplay attempts will be extra entertaining.

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Xbox has had a lot of games I’m sure PS would love to play, FH5 or even smaller stuff like Grounded

but Starfield is simply on another level and something that’s so major it’s kind of hard to pretend you don’t care about it

It’s BGS game and with them taking so long to make they aren’t just releases, they are events


Oh look… more console-war positioning from the media; no reverse articles because, well Playstation is “the de-facto platform” for the majority of that ilk, and worse - treating the Xbox platform as something that requires justification to own and this false narrative that gamers effectively shouldn’t own multiple consoles.

2023 is a perfect example of a year where console warring is even more bullshit: every platform has at least one megaton, with some having multiples, and a litany of amazing-looking third-party titles (exclusive or otherwise). It’s tiring seeing so much constant manufactured outrage, especially when the little spare time I have to game these days is spent dealing with the biggest gaming “problem” I have: choosing what to actually play, in a sea of great games :man_shrugging:


That’s a good point. I have yet to see any articles about the situation that I am in, an established Xbox Series X owner being tempted to jump into PS5 because of the potential system seller Final Fantasy XVI. I guess that’s not an interesting angle, that or journalists can’t process the thought of PS5 not already being someone’s default console. :rofl:


Skyrim sold 60 million. That means so many people love Bethesda games. If it’s locked in to one platform, those within the numbers are going to be tempted to get into the ecosystem.


Why would Starfield pain Playstation fans? They can just boot up their mighty powerful gaming PC they used to play Forza Horizon 5 :woman_shrugging:


They should just relax. Grab a chair, popcorn, something to drink, sit down. Fire on YouTube, search Starfield playthrough and enjoy the movie.
