Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

Starfield is massive. And new. I think it’s above anything on other platforms right now in terms of hype. I do think it’s likely to be the biggest game this year by some distance. Sequels don’t have the same impact and it’s only real competition is Zelda.

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Melee looks decent but im playing Starfield as a third person RPG shooter. Hehe.

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I approve this message :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Worth noting that these guys are hard on open world games, mainly John, yet here they are being excited.


Me too, I will use third person a lot. To see those awesome detailed outfits and the animations. But sometimes first person is great too to spot the little details better in locations.


Agreed. I will also be Jet Packing everywhere. Hope I don’t run out of fuel for the damn thing. lol

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We just need to see the fist weapons we will use, they have always been pretty limited in previous games, with Fallout 4 having the better ones because we could find legendary brass knuckles/powerfist/boxing gloves, and we could upgrade them.

This is also a bad article. Also were going to see so many of these when the game comes out. “Great shame this isnt on playstation” “how big would it have beeen if it were everywhere”

First person or death. Third person? Pah. Why would you want the inferior perspective?

You can play it however you want. 3rd or 1st person. KIlling everyone or try not to kill too much. Base Building, Ship Building, in a full dynamic and not static world, Etc… Not even taking into account the Mods support that will come later.

Nobody else make game like BGS.


That’s actually neat.


Third person honestly looks very well done for this game. But I will be mostly using it during exploration. Just to see my character, my outfit, the animations. It gives value I guess to finding new clothes and suits, because you can actually see them whereas you can’t in first person. I did this a lot with all their games.

I love the sound of this. So you’ll actually go from planet into space in real time? Brief loading screen maybe? All this stuff is gonna be awesome to try out. I hope there is much more of these awesome things and that they intentionally didn’t reveal these.

Gears is my fav shooter series and I prefer TPS in general. But I’m skeptical about 3rd person shooting in this. It looks 10x better than Fallout but thats not saying much. I’ll have to wait and see.

Third person will ALWAYS be superior for me personally because you get a wider field of view, can see your entire character, melee combat is ALWAYS better in third person over first person and as I just finished Redfall, it’s amazing how in first person, your character can never ever jump or climb a wall that only reaches his waist which is in Far Cry a lot. I also like seeing the weapons and whatnot on my characters back and simply prefer the perspective. Don’t get me wrong though, I do play first person games but as of now for this generation including Redfall since I completed it 30 or so minutes ago, the ratio of completed games is 25 that are third person to 8 that are in first person with 2 being isometric.

I know. And im looking forward to it all. :slight_smile:


This 30 fps debacle pushed by certain groups of people is funny. I asked a friend who used to be a game dev about this and he said that these people have no clue about optimization and game development. What he said to me is basically what digital foundry and some devs have been saying online, the game is CPU bound and that games with many systems and simulation will bound to struggle to maintain 60 fps. He also said that if I want more performance, get a PC(with good specs) lol.

I doubt it…they didn’t show any of this and Todd said specifically last year Space is one reality and planetside exploration is another reality. Maybe YOu board in and it loads into Space

Unfortunately I don’t think so. The creation Engine breaks up different spaces into “Cells” which are basically squares on a map, and while those squares do have vertical dimensions (for hills and mountains, etc), I doubt they could make it work at that scale without breaking everything.

I suspect it will work similarly to how Skyrim works when you walk into a cave and the game just loads you into the cave without the need to press anything.

Someone else mentioned this earlier, that were likely going to be seeing alot more 30 FPS titles this gen due to wanting to push graphical fidelity

I hope Avowed, Fable and Clockwork Revolution all have performance modes though

I am sure that some devs are feeling relieved because they can release games at 30fps without having to be too apologetic.

To be honest even I , as a Series S user, get snobby often and I was refusing playing games at 30fps. Now I will accept them. And enjoy them as much as I can.