Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

“Tighten up the graphics on level 3.” :smile:

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Also, since punching was mentioned first playthrough I’m going to try a melee only build, maybe punching only.


I loved the shot right after that where the player punched the dino alien thingy. That was just awesome.


I like to picture it as, in a world where everyone is using guns, some heavily armored nut job is rushing people down and punching them in the face.


I think people are taking this the wrong way.

First, if you really want to play the game at 60 FPS, you can still try to run it on your PC. You’ll probably need a pricey rig though. But that’s an option for you.

Also, the game is not compromising its scope for framerate. That lighting that reproduces the movement of planets, moons and suns is kind of a feat and it has a massive impact on how the game looks. They may have tried to make it run at 60 FPS but scraped it because of their engine and how they would have to cut some features just to have that option. At least that’s how I see it. CPU seems to be the limit in that case.

Lastly, I think they have thought about how the game has to feel smooth at 30 FPS either with motion blur or some other tech. I played all Bethesda games at 30 FPS and it never bothered me. Most people played these games at 30 FPS either on console or PC back in the day, so it’s kind of curious this push for 60 for this kind of games.

And yes 60 FPS feels better to play, but there’s other things to consider like resolution, LOD and features.


Final Fantasy 16 with none of the advanced stuff that Starfield does barely keeps it at 30fps 4K (up scaled from 1440p) and is 1440p 60fps (upscaled from 1080p and apparently a blurry mess).

Should make us appreciate even more the work Bethesda put into their game to be honest, it’s an engineering marvel!


I’ve been saying this. Current Gen Consoles are already 3 years old in term of when they release. The tech in them is actually more like 5 years old at this point. Game development is ever evolving. Them people that think PS5 and Series will get 60fps for this whole gen is not facing reality.

I believe a PRO Console is inevitable, if they want to Have 60fps in truly next gen only title, that not only push graphics, but also details, physics, and simulations, crowd density.

The melee actually looks fun. The enemies properly react to being punched, that’s what I’ve been hoping it would be like.


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Colt can be incredibly one-eyed about some things too, such has the insistence that Xbox should have Sony-style third person immersive experiences, and be dismissive about other genres. He says that before a Banjo-kazooey revival, there should be a God of War-esque game first.

I’m thinking now, that he has had a time to mull things over, and read some iof the tweets from developers and what not, he may mellow out a little before his podcast today.

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Follow up to an initial tweet DCG made, his co-panellist on the Spawncast podcast, Modern Vintage Gamer, replied with words to the effect of, ‘Really dude?’’


So MVG is laughing at DCguy now too? Or was the really dude towards Sony dev?

More that MVGwas giving DCG the side-eye.

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And the “journalists®” are already turning this into the “WORST THING EVAH! Now Why can’t this be like Dadventures 15: The sadventures of Dad and Son! I don’t care that it is a different game, both are third person! Also I don’t wish to fuck the NPC’s in Starfield like I do the people Dad and Son meet!”

Sadly the latter is an actual gripe with Starfield that PC gamer has. It is ridiculous.

and this Robin fella just has a serious issue with Starfield it seems.

Not a Dev or anything but looking at the scope itself, how is this game supposed to run at 60FPS on consoles?

Its soo vast and the there are soo many systems in this and I have a feeling that even dropping the resolution to 1080 will not achieve a stable 60 FPS. Especially planets being so diverse it will lead a very inconsistent experience.

“Because my Dadventure 15: The Sadventures of Dad and Son, now with more realistic brown colors and cold blue colors and third person for the third person view. that’s 9 whole persons separated! So you know it must be good! might do it! And that it is not the same kind of game is not important!”

PC Gamer has been an outrage click farm. Tons of their reviews are 5/10 and their articles are really awful.

Bethesda should just block their review code request since they are not going to review it honestly anyways.


That website has become such a goddamned joke.

Jesus clown, if you don’t want to romance a npc…then don’t! This source sounds like a spoiled child who isn’t getting his way, lmao.

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It’s clickbait. They also don’t understand the 70’s feel… or claim it at least.

The washed colors the bright visuals. It’s all very much like the posters you had in school, that were remnants from that era before you were even born. Faded out… but so cool looking.

I mean, I don’t like Fall out and Skyrim, and this game looks awesome to me!

ME of all people LOL :stuck_out_tongue: .

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