Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

60fps would have been nice but I honestly couldn’t care less

That game looks utterly ridiculous and doing more than many AAA games combined, 30fps is more than fine


BGS has never, in their history, released a new game on a current gen machine that was 60 fps. Now people thought miracles were going to happen. The series x is a beefy machine, but it is still a console and has to exist in a console price/performance envelope. Developers are always going to push the boundaries of what is possible with the technology they are given.

And before you say “they should give us the options”, no. Its is their game and their vision. They are fully within their rights to not compromise what they have created for any reason they want. If you don’t like it, you have the option to not play it or If maximum performance is what you care about, you need to move away from consoles to PC gaming.

Because I hate to spoil it for you, moving forward there are going to be more 30fps games on console as the gen progresses, not less.


I’m just going to copy n’ paste what I wrote on Reddit yesterday -

I feel that anyone who actually expects current gen games to consistently be 60 FPS are in for a rude awakening. ESPECIALLY BGS games that are highly CPU intensive.

And, no, the machines being more powerful does not mean they will magically be pumping out 60 FPS. Devs aren’t making last gen games on current machines. They’re making current gen games for current gen systems. Meaning the games that were hard locked at 30 before would be 30 if they were designed around more powerful hardware.


Have they said this themselves, about how it was PC with X settings? They did mention that in the Cyberpunk expansion trailer but not during Starfield Direct.

I am OK with 30fps, it’s not the end of the world, but if I didn’t know any better I would think this game is further away than 2.5 months, because the framerate really is choppy. Or did they actually confirm that it was 60fps and it’s dipping below that?

Just watched the Direct for a third time, this time via a channel that reacts to videos and he noticed it too. At many points the fps is rough. It’s the one and only thing right now that has me :thinking:

Slightly surprised I don’t see more mentions of this. I bet DF will in their inevitable analysis.

I thought the frames looked fine

Which shows I can barely tell framerates unless they are side by side

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I immediately noticed it. It’s especially noticeable in the exteriors they show, but also during flight/space combat.

I just hope these 2.5 months will be enough. It has never been a issue for me, I recall Fallout 4 being 30fps most of the time (unless my memory is failing me) and it was smooth in that deep dive too back then.

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Same I couldn’t even tell you if the gameplay shown was 30 or 60.

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That was the point I’m making. Starfield will be knocked for 30fps/technical issues in a way that Zelda wasn’t.

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Refreshing to see.


How is 30fps acceptable in 2023?

If its not acceptable to you just build a powerful PC :woman_shrugging:


Which should have been obvious to anyone who’s played literally any of Fallout 76; the engine upgrades are doing some very heavy lifting and with all the games’ subsystems, I don’t understand how anyone could think this would be 60 FPS on current-gen hardware.

The question that should be asked, after Oblivion, Morrowind, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 all launched at 30 on multiple generations of hardware (some being the equivalent of the XSX in their respective times), why is 30 FPS all of the sudden “unnacceptable” when there have been plenty of other, less-complex titles launching at the same framerate? TotK was built ground up for the Switch, as opposed to BotW - which was built on the foundation of a game tailored for the Wii U - so why are the same discussions not being had about TotK being “unacceptable”?

Truth is, just like TotK, Starfield is infinitely more complex and has to handle far more assets/systems than the majority of games out there (there’s a reason we’ve yet to see a viable BGS-alternative). If it upsets you that much, get a PC - otherwise, have some awareness about the compromises that will always come with titles on console compared to PC :man_shrugging:… it’s not like a $500 system is, nor should be, comparable to a PC that costs 4x as much, and I’d wager that the system required to run Starfield at 4k/60 is at least double the cost of the Series X.


Whether it’s ‘acceptable’ to you is up to you. Why it’s a thing, however, is because of the same way it’s always been: a trade off between systems, fidelity and performance. There’s no necessary reason that a new generation of consoles can suddenly do 60fps for everything when, at the same time and BECAUSE of the new system, there’s higher fidelity and more complex systems to play with - and which players also expect.

We could play Pong at 1200fps and it’d mean nothing.


How is 60 FPS acceptable in 2023?

All games should be 240fps and look like switch games. Because the only thing that is important is frame rate.


It was listed on the bottom of the screen when the Starfield presentation started. Every first party game had a description of what the game was at the bottom of the screen when the trailer/presentation started.

I don’t know if it was actually 60FPS on what they showed. I thought it was much better than a year ago and im sure the build from yesterday is at least six months old if I had to guess. I’m playing Redfall and played Gotham Knights at 30FPS. Difference is that those two games aren’t better than a 7/10 because they don’t do anything unique or special. Starfield can get away with 30FPS mainly because of all the systems and shit you can do in the game. It’s freaking insane. I wouldn’t mind a short delay to November if needed because im not playing Starfield until November anyway and it will be the first day one Game Pass game that im actually buying because I know a single month isn’t enough time. lmao

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Yeah bad pop-in would be way more intolerable than 30 fps imo.


Why does anything need to be acceptable or not? Gamers now have an over abundance of choice. If a game being 30fps means you’re unwilling to play it, that’s your choice. Todd made a decision, one that he feels comfortable with, so until I play the game, I just have to trust in his vision.

Whether it sounds like “copium” or not, I do like Phil’s comments about not wanting games to turn into a math formula where a game has to be 4k/60 at all costs. Let creators create, and let people decide if they like it or not.


Because a console from 2020 doesn’t have the power of a 2000$ PC from 2023, which is what this game will probably take to hit 60

Oh wow, how did I miss this? I did see it for Cyberpunk expansion but I must not have been paying attention when they did for Starfield then.

Wait, do you mean the trailer they had during the show or the Direct? I watched the beginning again and all it says is ingame. Hmm.

Actually, im sorry. My mistake. I’m rewatching it now and it just says “in game footage”. Apologies. I did get it mixed up with Phantom Liberty now that im thinking about it. Sorry Staffy.

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