Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

  1. Its not going to be a native 4K.
  2. Regardless of the resolution a simulation on the scale and scope of Starfield would always been CPU bound in many instances so the resolution isn’t going to scale to give you the higher framerates.
  3. Would you rather they made a game so vast, complex and novel in scope and hit 30 or made just yet another open world game we’ve seen so many times before?

Originally, I thought Xbox should have announced the 30 fps limitation before the show to get the bad news out of the way, but the direct was so impressive that people are being understanding. MS made the right call to drop this news immediately afterwards.


But if they were showing PC yesterday then I don’t get why the framerate was dipping below 30fps. The stream was 60fps, wasn’t it? But if it was Xbox, surely they would have mentioned it. Hope what we saw was very representative of XSX, without the dips of course.

Yeah, that would make it unplayable. I want to believe that BGS definitely considered a unlocked mode too.

Unfortunately the lack of performance mode has led to serious backfire in Chinese gaming community now. Massive amounts of PC gamers, especially those who want to play Starfield, are ironically joining the mocking army with PS console warriors. Xbox gamers who are gonna play Starfield at 30 fps are treated like clowns in their eyes. It’s so toxic.:disappointed:

The eyes of idiots? Who cares?

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Spoiler- he’s not happy.

I cant wait to not listen to this.


its disappointing but maybe should’ve been expected. I think a pro version of the series x will eventually come out and then the game will be uncapped. same with the…next gen update eventually when the next generation of xbox releases.

This is how things go I guess. Starfield will be around for a decade+ time, I’m willing to play it at 30fps on Series S but eventually play it at 60fps with a future console.

You think so? I mean it’s Colt, he’s usually incredibly positive about most things Xbox.

Would be nice, although I do wonder if the above 60fps issues that Skyrim has are still present in the engine.

Expected, but disappointing it’s not 60. I just hope it’s stable 30, but a 40fps option. Would’ve been nice . I know people don’t like hearing about other forums, but it’s frustrating seeing xbox Reddit hating on game , but it seems other subs aren’t as mad. I swear that place doesn’t like Xbox😅

Anyways buying early premium edition and hope play anywhere works smoothly because will also play on my laptop

I really wish people would stop talking about No Mans Sky (watching some impressions of the direct). No man’s sky did not invent outer space, or planets, or scanning things, or anything really.


Dont care and most others dont care either they just want SOMETHING to bash Xbox with after yeasterdays great show and Sonys horrible showcase.

Starfield looked amazing on the in depth direct.


Game was running off PC using Xbox Series X settings, whatever that means. If it’s 60FPS using those settings, it’s weird that it can’t do 60FPS on the actual Series X console.

The game is CPU bound and I imagine the issue is that means you can hit 60 then suddenly when there are an abundance of objects the FPS can dip massively - and this variation just means 60 isn’t viable and can’t be optimised for.

And because its a massive game with almost unlimited possibilities locking to 30 provides the best chance of a consistent experience rather than 60 and massive frame issues - screen tearing and the like. People are too used to thinking res and FPS are linked but they aren’t always and often don’t scale linearly.

I agree. I know frame rate is always CPU based and if a game like Starfield is CPU bound like it is, then yeah, getting 60FPS performance mode is unlikely. Hoping it stays a locked and consistent 30FPS throughout the game and I’ll be content.

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You can tell it’s been awhile since a major release from Bethesda if people are flipping their shit over 30FPS,


It won’t be. There will be points a game like this dips. But you either accept that and play something like this or get a much more limited scope game.

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Just wait until some of those same people realize that there are far less demanding/technically-complex games that run on 30 fps on PS5… can’t’ wait to not see articles and manufactured uproar about the same thing.

This is such a non-story and Todd has been very adament about 30 FPS being the BGS standard on their console implementations in every interview it’s come up, so it should have been no surprise to see the confirmation of such yesterday. I’m sorry but to me, these arguments are stemming from bad faith or from a place of game dev ignorance (4k/30 is not the same workload as 1080p/60, and not a single engine/game allocates or requires resources the same as another - especially when you get into CPU/GPU-lean).

Last I checked, no one seemed to create such a massive uproar when Oblivion ran sub-30 on the 360, or when Skyrim ran a relative-30 on 360/PS3, or when Fallout 4 ran at 30 on XOne/PS4… in fact, most of those games received multiple GOTY awards and sold more copies than most devs could dream of.

But now that BGS is launching their first title under Xbox, there’s the Xbox-tax that must now be paid to be perfect, else every perceived mistake is scrutinized to the nth degree and every question is posed as some sort of gotcha.