Starfield to Run at 4k/30 and 1440p/30 Frames on Xbox Series X and S Consoles Respectively

Just looking at how the game looks and all the systems, there was little chance it would run at 60. The stability of the 30 will be super important. Very different from Redfall where nothing in that game should prevent it from running at 60 but they just had a troubled development.

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No problem, why people are mad about this, Fallout 4 was also 30fps on console
I using a potato PC and enjoy FPS like deathloop at below 30fps


No one’s actually mad. Some people going “well people thought it was bad that Redfall being 30 is bad, so they should be mad about this too” when it’s entirely different.

A lot of people have trouble playing FPS’s at 30 fps. It can cause motion sickness for some. Most people will be fine though as our brains have a way of just getting used to it.

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Bethesda games are always slower paced first person games which helps

Even if it’s the best game ever made at 30fps it won’t win goty. The bias will be extremely clear from the reviewers.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom runs at 30fps, and that is considered the frontrunner for Game of the Year.


Right. And to point out how hypocritical they will be, that honor will go to a game that runs sub 30 fps with dips into the Teens – The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.


I feel like VRR was specifically made to fix this exact issue and the Xbox supports it on both consoles….

Wish there was an option.

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Lets hope it is a pretty stable 30fps.

Mods unlocked the framerate for Skyrim and Fallout 4. Maybe they will show us here too how fast this game runs without a limit.

That depends on the game. Could be CPU limited, could be that their gi lighting has a resolution independet cost to it where a frame always takes more than 16ms to render.

And that’s why I find it so frustrating that there is no unlocked mode

Let the players choose


Does it? That’s interesting, given the wailing about 30fps about Starfield I’ve seen from some. Looks like they won’t be happy with a superlative Nintendo game or Starfield. Their loss.

Yes, I’d rather this was 60. No, I’m not going to scream about it.

Its a switch game so yeah.

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I’m just glad fps and resolution doesn’t bother at all. I said the same thing when the Xbox One released and I still feel the same way. Maybe it’s just growing up the inferior version of games running at 50hz… or I just have zero standards :joy:

That show really sold me on the game though! Went from a 5 level of interest to a 11.

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Its the biggest game ever made, the most complex game ever made. Who on earth thought this was going to run at 60FPS on console?

I mean come on. The amount of things being simulated in this game, the systems, the lighting, the size - it was never ever ever going to be 60FPS.

And all those asking for unlocked framerate - I bet you have framerates from 15-60 especially on Series S and VRR isn’t going to fix such huge variations and magically make the game brilliant. VRR is fine if you are able to get 40+ all the time. But it wouldn’t render this game magically smooth given what will obviously be huge framerate variations.


Wait until you see how the gamefeel is. 30fps is absolutely perfect in some instances if the frame time and pacing is steady.


4K though.

I means sure everyone can cite multiple CPU versus GPU reasons why simply removing 4K won’t magically unlock more frames, but I mean 4K has to be the most redundant feature when someone owns a good tv. The upscaling on descent tv sets makes the difference between 1080p & 4K negligible at a normal viewing distance - especially when the visuals are clean (such as in a science-fiction setting).

I’m not even talking about FSR & stuff like that either. Fortunately Starfield looks more like an adventure game with shooting elements in it instead of an actual shooter. But I might have to play some Fallout 4 on the Series X with fps boost disabled to get used to the feeling of 30fps again before I play Starfield.

I thought Redfall looked awful in motion for what it’s worth.


Just one look at what was shown yesterday and you’d know this game is going to be massively CPU bound. Get 30fps as close to lock on both consoles and it’s more than good enough.

Honestly, I feel like anyone complaining about this would almost certainly have written the game off had it targeted a higher frame rate and not been able to stick to it. It’s just the usual bad faith arguments about Xbox.


A little disappointed that it’s only 30fps but the game looks bonkers and I would guess even lowering the resolution isn’t going to get it at 60fps. Doubt unlocking the frame rate might be an option if it drops below 40fps a lot as it would drop out of the VRR range and it would get very janky on screen