Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

I suspect last year version of Starfield was way earlier build than we realize. They change a lot in less than 1 year.

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This game has hardcore cultists approach me in DMā€™s asking about getting into Xbox stuff.

What a time.


BGS should add an achievement for landing on every planet just to drive the achievement hunters crazy.



I know this is another game, but I was just thinking with CDPR bringing out Phantom Liberty out on the 26 of September, I think it would be smart to change the date. Because I know Iā€™m not the only one who will not be putting down Starfield for more Cyberpunk.

Iā€™ve had a blast in Cyberpunk 2077, but I know Iā€™ll still be playing Starfield. I know these RPGs are games you play for Years, people still play and discover new things in Skyrim and Witcher, yet it still feels like in my mind at least that both games will cannibalize themselves so close together.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong and overthinking this and instead both games will be boosted in sales, both are RPGs, that target the same audience.

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Maybe the PlayStation audience will be thirsty


Good call. Some counter programming energy could well prove to be a boon for the Cyberpunk expansion.

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Ha, good point. For some odd reason I forgot about that and was only thinking PC and Xbox. This is what happens when I havenā€™t had a reason to buy a PS5, at least yet.

I would get that through natural gameplayā€¦


I donā€™t think you can land on every planet. A lot of planets are literally Balls of Gas. Unless this game has 1000 explorable planets and hundreds of non explorable ones.

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It also has moons! So the numbers are crazy.

And space stations!

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If you can land on it Iā€™m there.

Do we know if we can land and fully explore a planet on foot? For example, land on a planet and just walk straight and eventually end up back at your ship.

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It sounds like it? Todd mentioned taking tiles of land and stitching them together across a sphere.

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Thanks. Iā€™m probably skipping the CE. Starfield Explorer Bundle + Digital Premium Upgrade is the way to go.

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Can we just skip these goddamned June, July and August months and get to the real deal already? If only we had a


So true. The hype has got to me now. Fortunately September is not that far away.


Late August even for some that preordered it, right? Crazy.

Really makes me wonder when press get their copies for reviewing.

I actually think they might get it earlier than you think. It is a big game for a start but everything we have heard and now seen suggests the game is already in a pretty good place.

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Eh, thatā€™s nearly 3 weeks after Starfields launch, I think it will be fine despite the overlapping audiences

Starfield will be the new hotness but Cyberpunk will be fine, it will have great legs too just like BGS games so I donā€™t think they need to worry about launch too much

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