Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

It’s noticeable for me on the outside when panning across the scenery, but only once or twice. But I wasn’t able to notice it in any of the inside areas or during combat.

True, its mostly outside and inside is great. If they iron out those issues for the exteriors it’s gonna be fine.

Also need to bear in mind that the build we saw at the direct was likely not current either

That direct would have taken a lengthy amount of time to put together and these last few months will be nothing but polish and bug fixing, they’ll be working to get the framerate as smooth as possible and it already looked pretty good here overall imo

It’s abig part of why the game looked so much better this year vs last years showing, the frame drops were really bad last year but I barely noticed them this year and overall it looked far smoother


With a game of this size, for the press to be able to write proper reviews…I guess they’ll be receiving review copies early to mid August?

I’m not saying it wasn’t the game, but slow pans or movements on fast response tv’s like the LG C1 and Samsung’s top of the line can result in the appearance of frame stuttering. It’s one of the tradeoffs of having a picture so nice.

With Starfield, it could be that, but it’s probably just the game struggling to properly update the real time lighting. I’m not a dev, so I have no expertise in this, just throwing out theories.

I don’t believe I have experienced this yet.

So far, everyone that was iffy about it became not only a believer but place it on the top like an Nintendo game from an Nintendo diehard. It’s really remarkable.

I notice it all the time in TV and Movies. It’s definitely one of those things where you’ll see it if you’re looking for it. It’s most obvious in slow, panning establishing shots.

I don’t know, maybe I just don’t see it, it was noticeable on the Starfield direct but other than that everything else seemed fine. I also don’t notice it when I walk around slowly moving the camera in games to just enjoy the view.

If I think it happened maybe with my current Skyrim game? But I modding pretty heavily at the moment and that’s noticeable to the point the game has frozen for a second or 2.

Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s as noticeable in games. Honestly, I doubt most people would even notice it. My wife often doesn’t see what I see and she thinks I’m crazy. :smile:

I know what you mean. I had it with the C9, with the S95B and probably with my Sony A95K now too, but I have not watched many movies or shows yet on it. But Sony TVs are known for their great motion, so it should be the best on this so far.

You notice it because it’s a verified phenomenon for OLED panels, as the panels refresh far faster than film is “designed” to handle this a stuttering effect is introduced. It’s mentioned in every review of OLED panels the moment film content is discussed - I’m more than willing to bet that’s the case we’re seeing from the YouTube stream compared to in-game experience… which doesn’t happen in the latter due to the higher frame rates running at a rate native to the panel (30,60,120).

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It’s easily one of the best, if not the best videogame presentation ever made

The Skyrim and FO4 ones were really good too but this was just on another level, I went into it super hyped for it but after the direct I cant stop thinking about it :phil_lmao:


Yeah, the frames are drawn instantly, so you lose that natural blur or blending of the frames. Most people probably don’t even notice it, but I can’t help but see it. It was one of the main hangups I had about buying an OLED, and I thought it would be much more distracting than it is.

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Finally watched DF, great video. The stuff about the new motion blur tech (for them) is exciting, let’s hope they get the fps consistent.

I definitely agree with them about the one thing that didn’t look good and those are the faces. I don’t agree with that they look like Fallout 4, those were way worse, but they still don’t look too great. And I can’t help but shake the feeling they have been downgraded from last year.

I remember this older man from last year, in motion looked very damn good.

We didn’t see him in the new footage, but none of the faces came close to this. Also the face of the lady is definitely less detailed. It’s too bad. Kinda wonder why.


Manual for the watch in the collector’s edition. Has a bit more info about the watch.


Is he even in the game anymore? I think he might have been cut from the game.

According to someone on Reddit people have spotted him in the Direct, but strangely what looked to be a younger version.

Great profile picture by the way. :blush:

By Azura, by azura, by azura, Is it really really you? I just had to have him as a profile pic. It amazing to see him again after 17 years.

Really, i didn’t see him anywhere.

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It’s those Redditors with them hawk eyes I guess, haha. Watched the Direct three times, didn’t notice him either, but still.

Absolutely love how combat is looking now, those hit reactions are on point, looks super satisfying to shoot baddies now. Compared to last year where it clearly just needed work. Love it. Back then I was like…if this doesn’t improve much, that would be a bummer but there is enough else to do. Now after the Direct I can’t wait to shoot fools.

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