Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Game Mess Podcast had Mike flexing hard on the controller that Jeff was struggling hard not to buy one. He has one of PR send him one. But seriously, that controller is incredible.


We need information about mods. How much space do we get on console ? 5 GB for Skyrim wasn’t enough. At least 50 GB would be nice.



Hopefully that way we can get some of those mods that turn it into a completely new experience, or where they have like user made expansions.

We probably won’t ever get things like Skywind or anything like that though, unfortunately.

Holy shit. :astonished: My hype for Starfield after the Direct was already to the Max. It’s now on overdrive.

Bethesda Game Studio will become the face of Xbox after this. They will become the new it studio for Xbox. The best 8 billion ever spent.


From what everyone is saying, it will be a CPU bound game so I would expect the extra resolution wouldn’t be as much of a hit given is primarily a GPU bound task, isn’t it?

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I guess, but not a lot of games (let alone big next gen games) are able to run above 1080p on the S.

I don’t think it would be that much extra. I mean they have all these planets with different properties, wouldn’t a water area essentially be a planet with a blue color filter and low gravity? Okay maybe not that simple, but the physics engine to do it is there.

It’s not impossible but I feel like they would have shown it if it was there.

I do think expansions could introduce new mechanics and systems, like ground vehicles and underwater stuff.

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According to Digital Foundry, the Direct footage was using FSR or some other upscaling tech. They think the actual image was something like 60% of 4k being upscaled to 4K. Likely using the same on Series S.

This doesn’t stop it from looking great (obviously). The DF guys were very impressed. Said it was beautiful. Easily the best looking Bethesda game.


And they have a lot planned for extra content, as per IGN. And if the stuff is good, I’m buying it all. I’d really like underwater stuff, because that’s often very eerie, and I am hoping for eerie stuff in this game, hehe.

I don’t disagree, but they haven’t shown everything, like the “magic” skills. They could be saving it for a surprise for people to find on their own or just to reveal later. Of course both of those things could be appearing in later expansions/updates.

I’ve got a feeling the main story might have a section where you get stranded on a planet without your ship or companions and you’ll have to find a way off.

I just hope so much the game has a proper HDR implementation. And if BGS can’t do it, just let auto HDR do its magic.

Fallout 76 didn’t have a exactly great HDR implementation. :frowning:

The gameplay they showed was from the Series X? Hot damn! I was worried it was actually 60fps from a pc or something.

I hope they give us a timeframe for when they’ll make the creation engine available for modders. I don’t remember when they did for Fallout 4, but I know Skyrim took well over a year. Also, for the best modding experience, you should play on PC. No limits on space and you get the best mods without any of the sacrifices. :wink:

When he is serious, it’s that good.

I don’t think it’s confirmed the direct was on Series X, Ryan was on Series X for his 1 hour preview though for sure

But the fact that the direct was having some frame drops/wasn’t native 4k according to DF, it certainly wasn’t on some mega powerful PC and if not series x, a PC much closer to Series X settings

I’m glad the direct wasn’t “immaculate” in terms of resolution and frames as it shows it wasn’t some smoke and mirrors type shit and they are being honest about the game


Nope, can only focus on the negative, manufactured outrage and posting positive, logical assessments isn’t allowed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hadn’t watched the DF video yet, but they too acknowledge some framerate issues? Maybe it’s frame pacing. I thought I was almost alone in noticing them, because many people I talked to in other comment sections said they had no idea what I was talking about. I’m guessing that if it was XSX at the Direct they would have mentioned it. But a PC with X specs they could have mentioned too, like they did for the Cyberpunk expansion trailer.

IGN didnt mention anything about performance, but with how certain and with confidence Todd spoke i don’t think it’s reason to worry. Even if it’s getting very close to launch now.