Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Dont know if itll work (although a little bit of online searching suggests it might) but just preordered the premium upgrade on the Xbox iceland store. Works out at around £18 (depending on exchange rate in sept) rather than £34.99

Either a bargain or a lame duck.

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People wont. I already have because of the scope of the game but you may need to stay off twitter

I would say the reactions here have been very sensible, level headed and chill about the framerate confirmation.


BGS Games are not very fast pace. 30fps is fine, especially in a game as ambitious and vast/massive as this with all of the features and physics packed into it. Starfield literally towers above any other game in terms of what it offers. It’s really pushing gaming tech into truly next gen only. If you really must have 60fps? Just get a PC.


30fps is fine, but a 60fps or unlocked mode shouldn’t be off the table in the future unless it’s completely impossible.

Boy oh boy does it look so good, there is more color and you immediately notice it.


Global illumination has changed the look of the game completely


Walmart seems to still have constellation edition available online here. Must sign in to add to cart I think.

It might not share correctly but if you go to site, type in constellation edition and then filter category as video games you can easily find it.

CE looks great, but I already wasted too much money on watches I don’t wear much lol.


One of the devs in the Direct said a mostly untouched galaxy. I wonder what he means with that. Basically that the player and the other beings are there for the first time?

If I’m honest I actually want the box more than the watch. Dunno why but just kinda do

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That would be my guess, since the onus of the story seems to be on exploration.


Speaking of which, I was watching a YouTuber called Alex and he briefly shows Dreamcastguy’s stream and his take on “mostly untouched galaxy” means mostly empty, barren planets.

Lord almighty :joy:

Yeah,very disappointed about that.

I will never understand why anyone watches/likes that guy. He just comes across as the biggest douchebag on the planet.


Oh he really, really is.


Buddy, I’ve not yet seen what you thought of the Direct. What did you think?

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Liking the confidence from Xbox in terms of the level of polish this game will have at launch. I think they know this game has to land.

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I loved it! The game is going to be brilliant. The planets and exploration looks awesome, the biomes seems very diverse, the hubs looks interesting. Ship customization and outpost building will devour hours upon hours of my time. I can’t wait to dive into it and immerse myself completely in the world and stories there in.

It’s like Bethesda went: What would Mort want? Let’s do exactly that.


Yeah man, september can’t come here soon enough, goddamn. This is a game to get totally lost in, we’ll likely be spending plenty time on making our character, and from there… Jeez man, just explore the living hell out of this game world.

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VGC Tweet: “Xbox Game Studios head Matt Booty has claimed that Starfield will have the fewest bugs of any Bethesda game”

Eeerg. That’s not what he said. How difficult is it to ask for journalists to not twist what was said? They have the direct quote, so why twist it into meaning something else. Maybe they simply don’t know how the QA Game lifecycle works? It’s not that “it will have the fewest bugs”, it’s that as of this moment it has the fewest known open bugs at this time. There’s always potential for bugs to exist that have not been found yet. It’s also not a promise about not having bugs once released to the public.

“I see bug counts and just by the numbers if it shipped today, Starfield would already have the fewest bugs of any Bethesda game ever shipped”