Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Damn, Starfield is #1 on Steam global top seller. This game is going to be an event


Starfield CE PC version is already sold out at the Bethesda store.

Just watched the direct. Dammit, this thing will ve glorious! It has been a long time since I got this excited for a game.

People were saying they wanted to be able to buy Vasco:

Starfield Explorerā€™s Bundle | Pre-Order Today! | Starfield Merch ā€“ Official Bethesda Gear Store

And hereā€™s the xbox constellation edition

Starfield Constellation Edition | Order Starfield Collectorā€™s Edition ā€“ Official Bethesda Gear Store


The one thing they didnā€™t really cover was the more deeper dialogue systems and options.

Yeh they nailed it lmfao.

The game truly is a marvel to behold, yet I do have one nitpick and that is the XP and healthbar on the enemies. I really hope you can turn that off, because for me at least when I see that I lose the immersion feeling.

I now canā€™t help, but wonder what the next Elder Scrolls will be like, because you donā€™t go off world.

Still canā€™t believe how much they polished in a year. Incredible stuff.


Yeah they cooked.



During the part about PG in the Direct there was something interesting. How even though one player is visiting the same planet as someone else, you will still have a different story to tell.

This guy has a good video on it, donā€™t worry, title might have you think itā€™s negative, itā€™s anything but.

Good to see the trend of premium add-on bundles being available for game pass members


Smart too from business sense. I think I might go for it as well.

Even if you canā€™t turn it off. A Modder will make it possible later.

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You can really see how good the new animation system is when you see some NPCs walking around, but also especially during combat how some human baddies move around.

And third person looks great!


Just saw that thereā€™s also rain and storms, of course :joy:

But they said nothing about the music? i feel like iā€™m going to spend a good amount of hours walking around the planets, i guess weā€™ll have radio? or ambient music like in Elder Scrolls?

In case there are radios, well, Bethesda, you know what to put there right?

Good to know.

Are the Series S downgrades purely visual or should I expect stuff like lower NPC densities too?

Leave things for launch I guess.

Would love a 60 at 1080p on Series X. I get it though, game scale and scope is just to massive. Literally the biggest RPG ever made.

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