Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

I will definitely get the controller, but I’m not too sure about the CE. 300€ for a watch that I don’t need. Idk

I personally never buy collector editions. They take up a ton of space and cost a fortune. Will pay for that deluxe edition upgrade though dlc + early access here I come.

The direct was more than 40 minutes and to be honest the moment I thought about fps was at the end when we got the details of all the versions, if what we saw was on series x I’m more than satisfied.

I don’t think I’ve seen a better showcase for a game than what we just saw.


I’m a sucker for good CE. Have the Witcher 3 CE and it’s my favorite.

Ah I see. For me it was one of the first things I was looking out for, since it didn’t look great last year, fps wise.

And yeah, if that’s how it looks on X that’s great, but they didn’t mention this at all. But BGS has never failed in that either.

BGS basically confirmed that you can murder your parents.

I hope you can murder everyone like in Morrowind and get a message that you destroyed the intended timeline.


Next generation starts with Starfield. It’s really that simple. We’ve seen nothing ever like this.


I don’t say this often about games, Starfield looked PHENOMENAL! I’m not even a big fan of open world games, but it was honestly jaw dropping. The graphics weren’t like Hellblade 2 levels, but it looks like a very pretty game still, but the scope… jaw on floor. Wow!


It was like too much in all the aspects… and in the best way possible I say it.


The digital premium edition gives 5 days early access.


I know this is dumb, but I really dug the “gun porn” aspect of the direct.

Having ballistic weapons push you backwards in zero g is the kind of detail I love in games. I’m curious how the mag weapons work. They appear to have some sort of auto aiming with their weird grid-based sights.


Hit reactions seem a lot better and the melee combat seems fun. One of the many things that was great to see.

It’s less than three months away from us now. Assuming they really stick with September, which they shoouuuuuuuuuld! But with this industry you just never know.

3 Likes|s/products/starfield-collectors-edition---xbox-series-x-s/395098.html

Preorder for the CE is online in the us.

On the upgrade from standard to the deluxe edition is listed for 30€. Should be the price -10 or 20% for Game Pass users.

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5 Days early access, oh they bought to sell a lot of premium editions

Just spend some MS reward points to get the controller basically for free. I’m still mixed on the CE.

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This is like 3 game in one. All expectations are blown away.

Just the space flying and combat ship/building part could be it own game.

The on the ground/planet RPG quest and stuff could be it own game also.

The world building and exploring of planets/animals can also be it own game.

They did it. This is fucking crazy a game of this scope is truly amazing.


Fuck it, gonna watch the Direct again.