Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Starfield showcase announcement. Please come soon.

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Yeah, you’d really think it’s this week. But if for some reason not, it has to be next week, just has to. Otherwise something has come up.

I’ll be so glad when it’s finally announced officially, something to actually really look forward to. No insider talk, just real talk.


Yea I know, I’m hoping for a similar show like they did with Fallout 4 in 2015. Just 40 minutes of gameplay being shown off, not super edited but show off the game. End with “See you in August/July” if they wanted to get the full four-five month marketing cycle. I do think though that June is off the table sadly



You never know though, Todd really wants that short marketing. If Xbox gives him what he wants…:slight_smile:

Also, wouldn’t we consider the time “into the Starfield” videos, interviews after last E3 not marketing?

But, July or August would not be a disaster, but that should be it, tops. November would be fucked up! But first let’s see if tomorrow or Friday it finally happens.

Remind me to never trust this so-called insider Andy Robinson again.

Its Wednesday lol



OK i give this until Thursday. If nothing happen i give up and will say Andy source is BS.


If they where consistent then I would consider it marketing. However, I don’t really think that the 2022 Demo was anything close to what Fallout 4 got. I still think that fallout 4 was their best rollout by far and I hope that the Starfield direct closely mirrors it, Todd will get his 4 month till launch thing and Xbox will have enough time to market the hell out of it.

It wasn’t just Andy (who is usually very reliable), it was Jez and Rand, Nate and Matty all said they heard similar things about this week. Hell Andy wasn’t even the one who said this week, that was Jez and Rand. But like everyone else has said, it’s only Wednesday


Just anmounce the damn date for the date to reveal date.


I have given up on anything happening this week, at this point I am not believing anything until its officially announced.

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it’s joever

I have to wonder if Bethesda is lining up a Starfield announcement with whatever this is.

It’s possible. Have a press event for Redfall (and I guess TESO expansion?) and then in the same week announce the date for Starfield Direct. That way they are in the news a lot that week.

But have we heard any real updates on that event?


I believe Jez’s sourcing, so hopefully sometime in the next few weeks.

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Next few weeks for the show to air, you mean, or for the announcement? Because if latter, that sounds a bit late. Especially if we still go with June for launch.

Andy’s tweet last week really got me hyped, truly felt good about a announcement this week, finally the end of silence but especially just something concrete to look forward to. It’s just a little disappointing. It’s the only game from Xbox this year I care most about.

Ah well, time to play games and the news will come when it comes.

Just announce the damn thing

It actually would make sense to announce it tomorrow and have the show air next week. Not only would they be in the gaming media headlines a lot next week with previews on Redfall, but also tons of new Starfield footage, information and release date. It basically would be a Bethesda week really.

I’d say it’s perfect really, but we’ve no idea what goes on behind the scenes. Meh, I’m just hungry for some news.


we’ll it seem they were all wrong.

seems they are