Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

OK not much of a record then lol. 5 mill in a week. Starfield will do over 5 mill in 1 day. There record broken. :rofl:

Safe to say this game is hype.


That Gokamo work is incredible. I’m totally down for people obsessing over things like that.

Imho today is the day :eyes:

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Reaaaaally hope so, so that we finally got something concrete to look forward to. Really, really look forward to. Insider claims is one thing, but official announcement is another.

Still nothing.

30 min


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ok, nothing…

Don’t lose hope friends, still two days to go.

Can’t deny though that when it comes to these things, and other things I can’t help but wonder what’s the point of insiders saying “I hear it’s imminent”, let the companies just make the official announcement and done. This unofficial “announcement” of an announcement shit is just…meh.

For all we know they have it planned for Friday, or even next Monday, but because insiders just have to leak shit we end up being like “is it today?!!!” not a fan.

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They’ll never stop because it’s all the buzz and clicks, it sucks when it’s wrong, which is most of the time, but it’s up to the individual to not fall for it and get crushed with disappointment because of it.


That’s true, but it’s not always easy not to get hyped up with these things.

Ah well, if not this week, then surely next week. It really can’t be long now.

I figured the announcement would be today, would be nice if the people who claimed an announcement would be this week could be more specific.

So you were told it’s gonna be this week? I mean it makes sense, that absolutely would warrant “imminent” but who knows when words like soon are thrown in too.

I heard something but didn’t believe it until Andy Robinson and Jez/Rand said this week


Did Andy specically say this week? I think he only said imminent and then “as in, soon” and who even knows anymore once they say that.

Another reason these insiders should just stay quiet. A announcement might be imminent, but who’s to say BGS doesn’t make any last minute changes, which might make that announcement not so imminent all of a sudden?

Ah well, Thursday and Friday are left, let’s go.

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Yeah its just annoying I’d rather be surprised


I mean in a way it makes sense, if they still wanna hit the h1 2023 window they’ll need to reveal something in the first two weeks of March. If not, then I’d start hedging my bets on a second-half delay.

There’s too much smoke for an announcement to not happen this week. I hate to say it, but Bethesda/Xbox would be insane for not showing anything when we’re 3 months away from the latest they can drop this game as promised.

I mean it’s been two months since our last info drop, probably gonna be three months by the time the show rolls around.

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