Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Especially Andy. He said Xbox will be sold if ABK deal falls through. Now this lol. He also just said some other stuff just today on VGC podcast.

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He didnt say any of that

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He did. Why are you defending him for? He clearly trying to stir shit up. Just today he said Hellblade 2 and Avowed are the most close Xbox game to release. Like duh, anyone been following would have already know this. The guy source is BS.

I’m not defending him. You are getting overly emotional/angry because he said on Twitter that an announcement for an announcement for Starfield is “soon” which can literally mean anything. He never gave a timeframe other than “imminent” and “soon”.

He also never said Xbox is going to be sold off if Activision falls through, he said he has heard from notable people within the industry that it could happen. I don’t agree with that at all but that is also a clear distinction from what you are trying to claim he said.


He shoudlnt have anything and used his brain regsrding ms being sold. Thats something that could effect shares and companies will lose millions because of it. Unless he can absolutely verify it shut the fuck up about it.


Here’s to next week

I guess?

(because even without insider words it can’t possibly be much longer now. And with insider words…Jez said his sources say it still should be very soon.)


I guess it could be next week, medias and youtubers are already getting invited to play RedFall so there should be the media event. Maybe they will do everything at once.


The guy a fraud. You keep believe him if you want. I don’t

It seems Jez and Rand will cover the game during their podcast today. So let’s see if he has heard anything. But of course, even then, grain of salt.

Jez says he still thinks Starfield event is soon based on the quality of his sources

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He runs one of the most respected websites in the industry and has a good track record, but, keep being mad at him I guess.


VGC respected? By who? i consider VGC a slightly less bias Kotaku.

Andy’s track record is 50/50, meaning he make shit up all the time.

That’s absolutely not true


Yeah OK, keep drinking that Andy’s VGC kool-Aid then.

Let it go bro. It’s just video games.


You’ve got tons of people there saying they will buy an xbox only to play starfield (with some PC gamers there and there)

What fascinated me the most is that the starfield reddit is full of people who arent deep into the gaming news, cycle, hardcore gamers (for example they don’t know who VGC is, who is Jez, why should they listen to them)…etc. I would say the vast majority of users there only know Starfield is the next game from the creators of Skyrim and that everyone there is highly anticipating it.

Please Xbox you have an event in your hands, put some marketing behind it when the time is need it.


yeah. wouldn’t blame everyone for hyping themselves up for reading the tweet as "the announcement must be next week or near!"or something only to get zero news this month when a higher-up suit teasing stuff like this.

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Isn’t it rather unusual for anyone from the dev team to tweet, and about the game this way? I am not gonna say this is a tease, I hardly think it is, but it’s interesting timing I guess. It would make sense for him to drop a tease though considering how many of us expected a big announcement last week, thanks insiders.


If absolutely nothing this month I don’t care what anyone says but this thing isn’t coming in the first half anymore. But if that turns out to be the case then I just don’t get what’s going on. Jez very recently said his sources said ‘very soon’, I’d say it’s time for that very soon to just happen.

Maybe I sound unreasonable, don’t think it is, also don’t really care. Its good to see a sign of life I guess, but I remain very skeptical that next week it’s finally time.

It makes sense to just have one big Bethesda blowout, meaning Redfall previews and Starfield show announcement, but more sense would have made announcement this week, show next week.

They’re going to talk Starfield here