New vehicle with a rocket launcher ! And it’s free !
Welp. Between last night and this morning, I just spent $20 on 8 different verified creations. I haven’t had a chance to use all of them, but so far I like what I’ve seen.
For now, I can unreservedly recommend Craftable Starborn Suits & Skins, as I’ve spent enough time with that one to know it’s worth the credits.
I’ll come back in a few days with some thoughts on the rest, which include a couple of hovercrafts, some vendor mods, and the Spacer Overhaul I’ve heard so many good things about.
@Doncabesa Listening to headlines and yeah man, I still legitimately have no explanation for the levels of vitriol that many people have for this game. It can’t be all console war. Why is it so criminal to like this game publicly? I literally don’t remember anything like this, even from games that were actually broken or had huge IPs attached to them with specific expectations that messed with some source material or lore or was a disappointing sequel to something. Nothing. This game is a new IP that’s a Bethesda game in space. Liking a Bethesda game was like one of the safest opinions one could have. In space, is cool, and new IP, people apparently want that, except not. And even the most respected and one of the most proper journalist in the industry is in on on the hate train.
And like the weird goalpost moving as well, first it was not receiving updates or content, it was because it was a failure, but now it’s receiving updates and there’s more planned content, but that’s bad, BECAUSE. and it’s still a failure.
I think we’ll never know.
It’s on the wrong platform, and people were already oddly mad at BGS after Fallout 4 and 76.
A whole combination of things.
It’s an Xbox exclusive, Bethesda’s name was tarnished with the FO76 launch. People within the FO and TES fandom feeling like they got put on the back burner for this new IP that ended up not really feeling like it was worth delaying the games that they want by several plus years.
Group think and also just alot of people feeling genuine disappointment with it and the expansion.
Bit of a spoiler, but it’s something making the rounds in social media and it pretty much takes place at the opening of the dlc.
Recently people having been using an extremely relegious person saying you’re the chosen one as an example of bad writing. When the reality is that having touched the artifact allows us to hear Anasko. Barret being the only companion that can hear him, because he touched an artifact as well.But us being the main character and Malibor likely wanting to make the whole thing special and diminishing the fact someone can hear Anasko only names us “chosen”.
Edit: you know what I’m being a little unfair to Malibor, he is very religious, but I would say naming us chosen is done to inflate our ego to try and get us on his side.
Disappointment is a whole lotta different than this, disappointed? I respect that, I wholly understand criticisms of the game. What I don’t understand is how it, its developers, and anyone who dares to just generally like it are treated. It’s not even one of those stupid “woke” situations, the game is largely inoffensive.
Any remotely similar situation to this was because of mostly known reasons: disappointing IP adaptation or sequel, broken game, egregious pricing / locked paid content or anything like that, culture war nonsense. Nothing of this was really in SF. Console war? We know how far console war nonsense takes, this one is far beyond what console war usually does. Liking F76 is literally now more accepted than Starfield.
I agree I do think it’s a combination of things. No doubt console wars nonsense plays a part - specifically the fact it never came out on the playstation and the game was still able to be a success. Of course same fanboys latch on to it’s “disappointing” reception and form a narrative that Starfield was a huge letdown.
There will be fans of Fallout and especially Elder Scrolls that look at Starfield and think “we’ve had to wait another 5 or 6 years for the next version of our series for this?”. Which i suppose is a somewhat natural reaction if you are an Elder Scrolls fans and find Starfield isn’t your thing.
And like others have pointed out, the Bethesda name isn’t quite as untouchable as it used to be prior to 76. They took some heat with Fallout 4 but it feels the launch of 76 is where even more hate started to come their way. In some ways their reputation with a certain section of gamers is in a similar place to that of Bioware’s (i think DA may have a similar MC/OC to Starfield). I don’t overly obsess over MC but it would have been interesting to see what narrative would’ve formed online if Starfield did end up with a 90 MC average
Its funny because the more you keep something in discourse (even a negative) it drives people to that product.
It is a basic principle of marketing, and I find it a hilarious backfire to forge an attention economy
I think the console war plays a smaller part than most people think on this website. It initially drove it at the beginning for clicks but all this post launch stuff? It’s mainly Bethesda/FO/TES fans.
I think you’re underestimating how “passionate” the Bethesda fanbase is. They’re genuinely upset that this is the game that made them have to wait nearly 20 years for a Skyrim sequel. Another 15 years or so for FO5.
These are arguably the biggest modern day single player games of all time outside of Rockstar games. Certainly in terms of IP recognition at this point.
Releasing a new IP game that was just simply good, not great, not special, not terrible or bad was never going to be good enough for that crowd.
Those same fans have been shitting on Bethesda since dagger fall.
I don’t think most current day Bethesda fans have even played that, let alone Morrowwind lol but yes Bethesda fans are prone to shitting on the game.
I have seen people that have been playing since dagger fall discus this, and apparently it’s always been like that. They shitted on Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 while continuing to play it, social media and the money that being a clickbaiter can produce has only amplified the voices of these “fans”.
Sure, that’s an angle I can see and understand, bitter FO/TES fans. It explains like 30% of it though, it would assume that EVERYONE is a TES/FO fan for it to explain it all
Possibly but I also think this is indulging in a bubble that some Starfield fans like to stay in by painting all critiques as just simply “typical Bethesda fanboy shit”.
This is beyond the discourse that TES and FO games had outside of FO76. It’s a different kind of disdain.
I mean we’re talking about 2 games that probably sold 40M a piece. It might truly
Oh I can take criticism as one of those Starfield fans(loading screens can be a lot), but so far 90% of those criticisms have been lies and the other 10% is preferences and whining about not getting things that were never promised.
You’re completely entitled to live in that reality if that’s how you feel about it.
Yes, real world where everything is literal shit.