Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Didn’t find a calculator, but did find the next best thing: the formula for calculating required XP.

It is:

prevlevelexp + round(75^(1+(0.0015*currentlevel)), 5)

Using that it was easy to make a giant table showing how much XP is required for any level.

Only need 38,322,512 for the aforementioned level 500. :face_with_peeking_eye:

edit: Forgot to include the source:

Finally completed the main story quest line. Last quest is basically just the ending. I’m looking up what new game plus entails and yeah, I will be reloading a save file before credits because im not doing every side quest (completed 200+ and every faction quest) over in a new play-through. I do understand why some people said last year to just zoom through the story and then go to new game plus. Like, it makes sense as to why someone would want to do that.

Anyway, just reloaded my previous save file. Still have the one giant leap quest listed but I don’t want to do any of that other stuff and I sure as hell don’t want to go through everything again.

I will grind a little to see if I can get to level 70. And then just wait for the expansion tomorrow.

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That’s the beauty of how they did NG+, you don’t have to do any of that!


I want to do that at least once, since there are quests with new dialogue available from now having knowledge of what is going on with the quest.


Yeah, it’s quite cool when it happens. I just wish they’d used it a bit more!

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Just did the tracker quest and then hopped on to do tracker quest from creators club. Need more of that kind of content, just not at that price lol.

Has me Fallin in love with the game all over again though.


the tracker quest CC one was meant to be a bit extra for just buying the gear, they said they’ve learned from that mistake. It wasn’t clear that it was essentially buying the items, and hopefully they don’t do it again


Same, was suprised at the quality of that quest to be honest. Had a lot of great notes about other planets and lore as well. Was suprised they didnt lock it away for shattered space

So I loaded up the game to make sure I had a save which was ready for Shattered Space. I haven’t played since last year, seems to be a lot of improvements to the game!

The car is phenomenal! Can’t wait to get back to exploring.

I don’t really do mods, but I noticed Bethesda has a few of their own in the Creation store. I knew about the Vulture one, but there is another called “Escape”. Is that any good? Mainly interested in proper content, like quests.


Don’t know from personal experience, but NoSodiumStarfield sub has had some people make post on it and they thought it was good.

Try doing a search in the sub and see what they think about it, maybe something they say will catch your interest.

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I avoid most things Starfield online since release… but I take it from the name of the sub that they have mostly normal people?

Very much so.

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Starfield has gotten a lot of improvements since launch, I’ve been playing it lately and I think it would’ve been received more positively if it would’ve launched in the state it’s currently at but some quests are bugged for me sadly.

I even think they improved the visuals, I swear it looks better now than at release.

That screenshot is 60FPS mode on Series X, photo mode, but I didn’t see a significant difference between photo mode and regular gameplay, excited for Shattered Space tomorrow.

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They redid a lot of lighting to make inside areas especially pop more.

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Hit level 70 after a few hours of ship battles, boarding ships and boarding space points of interest like the casino with no gravity. Very happy. I have my 5 main weapons going into Shattered Space and almost 10000 rounds of ammo for each weapon. I’m ready!!! lol

The Trackers quests were pretty good. I enjoyed them. I know some thought The Vulture was too expensive at $7 which I kinda agree with as a single quest shouldn’t go past $5 in my opinion but with that said, it was pretty solid.

The Escape quest is really good but I was disappointed with the ending. Not sure how others feel about it. It was $5 from Bethesda and worth the price in my opinion because it’s a different type of quest you could say so it’s worth it due to being something different.

Ready for Shattered Space!!! :joy:


going live


After digging around a bit they both look solid! I’ll buy them to have more things to do after Shattered Space :slight_smile:

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You cant choose uncapped visuals now its greyed out to performance i hope this is only a bug …60 fps visuals is fine

PSA: Don’t forget to have sex with your spouse every 15 minutes for the experience gain bonus.

Also good advice for real life


Was this the most preferred option first, for most?