Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space!

Just know that it only activates in a new game, if we just download it to our current game files the prompt won’t appear, over the industrial workbench.

Thank you for the tip. That’s a bit of a bummer.



It’s anywhere in space for me. Ships, space stations, etc.

Eh, that sucks. I rarely start a completely new game in games like this, especially not with how ng+ is in this.

Also… daamn those prices in the creation club lol.

Space station is new to me, but the flash light does turn off whenever I go into photo mode. The only time the lights stay on inside a ship is my own when piloting. Unfortunately I think the only answer at the moment is using the photomode settings to brighten things up.

The Vulture quest is a little pricey Eben if it does come with new gear. But while I haven’t done anything with it, Starsim may be worth the price as it adds more functionality and seems to bring Argos Extractors missions/jobs(new space station over Jemison).

I buy full games for less than that quest, hah.

Yeah I feel like $4 would have been the perfect sweet spot for The Vulture. $7 is a bit steep for how short it is.

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Agreed on the pricing for the Vulture quest. It’s a little horse armour-y. Hopefully they’re just testing the waters and will adjust pricing accordingly down the line.

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There’s no photo settings to make it bright enough haha. Will just have to avoid photo mode for now.


I can see people paying 15-20$ for 8-10 quests or a whole questline, but not 7$ every few weeks for a random quest. I guess they are testing the waters.

I didn’t pay anything yet because of the free currency they gave, but they should really be careful about what they do next.


Yeah exactly. I didn’t mind this time because the credits were “free” anyway. But I wouldn’t pay $7 for future Trackers Alliance missions unless they’re much more substantial.

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Just checked to make sure and your ship becomes much darker than mine by at least 4x. I can still see myself and Betty and increasing the brightness in display settings does make a difference for me.

I haven’t jumped into the modding rabbit hole just yet, not sure that I even will to be honest, but this seemed noteworthy:

The author of the Unofficial Starfield Patch is only after making his mod a dependency on every mod that he possibly can. He fixes some bugs, sure. But he also ‘fixes’ many things that aren’t broken in the first place to build his mod dependency empire.

Mod authors especially, should not have the Unofficial Patch installed or they risk being at the mercy of a Dick-tator.

Look at how many mods are dependent on the Skyrim Unofficial Patch if you don’t believe me. It’s well into the thousands. It’s not because the author is that good. It’s because he’s that power hungry.

The Community Patch is a better option because it is managed by a group, not just one person, whom are all in the modding community.

This is not the first time I’ve heard such rumblings, but this one had some links and a suggestion for a better option, so thought I’d throw it out there.



Okay, so here is a video from space gamer content creator Obsidian Ant, and this video is a complaint about the value for money that some Creation Club mods are charging. He specifically calls out $7 mods wchich contain only one mission.

I have questions for the people who are playing Starfield with mods.

  • what mods are free and what mods are being charged for? Are all Bethesda mods free, are there some creator made modes free?

  • Who makes the decision to charge for a mod- Creation Club, or the creator?

  • are Creation Club mods value for money, or do you think they are a bit expensive for what you get?

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Its a mix of paid and free (most are free)

He is probably calling out the vulture mission, which i havent played yet, but does seem expensive.

If a really big mod comes out or one that i really like, i would have no problem paying $7 for it.

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I think the price maybe dependent on the creators themselves, one example is the 2 new companion creations. One creation is 300 credits and adds the functionality of bringing along the new companion with any other companion, the other adds a new companion that likely takes up a companion spot instead of adding a 2nd for 500 credits.

In this situation, I feel that there would a a standard pricing for companions and being me I would say 300 (I’m cheap).

But they’re both fully voiced, so I guess they may have hired someone to do the voices and priced their mods according to how much they think they should cost. To recoup their money and pay everyone that worked on the mod, depending on how much it cost to have it made.

So while I do think(coping) prices will standardized, across different types of creations. Once data comes back to see what’s more popular price points, right now creators maybe charging what they think they need to(or want to) for their work.

For me it’s very simple

If you don’t think it’s worth the money don’t buy it and move on

As for your questions, Bethesda’s own stuff tends to be a mix of free and paid, creation club content tends to be overpriced for the paid stuff or just not particularly great compared to a lot of the free mods out there, at least on Skyrim it was like that

As for who decides, to charge, im guessing it’s down to the creator

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While I used 700 of the 1000 credits I received from Bethesda since I bought the Premium Edition on The Vulture quest, even if I had to pay the actual $7 for it, for me it was worth the price. The quest took me a few hours to get through since I loot everything (lol) and due to dying several times on The Vulture due to him being able to kill you in two shots (I was level 30), I thought the quest itself was very good. You go to a few different locations and there was a twist or two wasn’t expecting. Overall, the quality of the quest takes priority over the quantity. If these are the quests that I will be getting from Bethesda Game Studios, I will be one of the many that ends up spending a lot of money on the game post $100 Premium Edition. All I can say is no complaints here. Hehe.